WEB API Interview Questions in .NET

.net web api interview questions: We have compiled most frequently asked .NET Interview Questions which will help you with different expertise levels.

WEB API Interview Questions in .NET

Question 1.
What is ASP.Net Web API?
Web API is the Microsoft open source technology to develop REST services which is based on HTTP protocol. ASP.Net Web API is a framework to build, consume HTTP-based services. Web API can be consumed by a wide range of clients such as web browsers and mobile applications.

Question 2.
WCF REST API is good for Message Queue, duplex communication, one way messaging. Web API is good for HTTP-based services.
Web API is the best fit with the MVC pattern which is the major benefit of the Web API.
WCF will support SOAP and XML format, while Web API can support any media format including JSON, XML.
WCF is good for developing service-oriented applications and ASP.Net Web API is perfect for building HTTP services.
WCF can support HTTP, TCP, Named Pipes as the protocol on another side Web API can support HTTP protocol only.
WEB API is easy for experienced developers in the MVC pattern.
WCF requires lots of configuration to run, while Web API is simple and no configuration is required to run.


1. It is a framework used to build or develop service-oriented applications.
2. WCF will only be consumed by clients, which will understand XML. WCF can support protocols such as – HTTP, TCP, Named Pipes, etc.


1. It is a framework that will help us for building/developing HTTP services
2. Web API is an open source platform.
3. It will support most of the MVC features that will keep Web API over WCF.

Question 3.
The advantage of Web API over WCF services.
The disadvantage of WCF over Web API is that WCF will require a lot of configuration to work, but in Web API is simple and no extra configuration.

Question 4.
Advantages of using ASP.Net Web API.
Using ASP.NET Web API has following advantages :

1. It will work as HTTP works using standard HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. for all CRUD operations
2. Complete support for routing
3. Response will be generated in JSON or XML format using MediaTypeFormatter
4. It has the ability to be hosted in IIS and self-host outside of IIS
5.Supports Model binding and Validation
6. Support for OData

Question 5.
What are the various return types in ASP.Net Web API?
Following are the various return types in ASP.Net Web API

1. HttpResponseMessage
2. IHttpActionResult
3. Void
4. Other Type – string, int, or other entity types.

Question 6.
What is ASP.Net Web API routing?
Routing in ASP.Net Web API is the process that will decide which action and which controller should be called.
There are following ways to implement routing in Web API.
1. Convention based routing
2. Attribute based routing

Question 7.
What are Media type formatter in Web API?
Following are Media type formatter in Web API:
1. MediaTypeFormatter- Base class for handling serializing and deserializing strongly- typed objects.
2. BefferedMediaTypeFormatter- Represents a helper class for allowing asynchronous formatter on top of the asynchronous formatter infrastructure.

Question 8.
CORS issue in Web API?
CORS will stand for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. CORS will resolve the same-origin restriction for JavaScript. The same Origin means that a JavaScript will only make AJAX call for the web pages within the same origin.

We must install CORS nuget package using Package Manager Console to enable CORS in Web API.

Open WebAPIConfig.es file
add config.EnableCors( );

Add EnableCors attribute to the Controller class and define the origin.
[EnableCors(origins: headers: methods: “*”)].

Question 9.
How to secure an ASP.Net Web API?
Web API security means, We required to control Web API and decide who can access the API and who will not access the Web API. using Token based authentication .Setting proper authentication and authorization makes it safe.

Question 10.
Http Get vs Http Post
GET and POST is two important HTTP verbs. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) can manage the request-response between client and server.
GET parameters is included in URL
POST parameter is included in the body

Get request will not make any changes to the server
POST is for making changes to the server

GET request is idempotent
POST request is non-idempotent.
In a GET request, we will send data in plain text.
In a POST request, we will send binary as well as text data.

Question 11.
Can Web API be used with traditional ASP.Net Forms?
Yes, Web API will be used with ASP.Net Forms.
We will add Web API Controller and manage to route in Application Start method in Global.asax file.

Question 12.
Exception filters in ASP.Net Web API
Exception filter in Web API will implement lExceptionFilters interface. Web API Exception filters can execute when an action will throw an exception at any stage.

Question 13.
Do we return View from ASP.Net Web API?
No, it will not be possible in Web API as Web API will create HTTP based service. It is available in MVC application.

Question 14.
What’s new in ASP.Net Web API 2.0?
The following features are introduced in ASP.NET Web API framework v2.0:
1. Attribute Routing
2. External Authentication
3. CORS (Cross-Orrgrn Resource Sharing)
4. OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET) Self Hosting
5. IHttpActfonResult
6. Web API OData
Following new features are included in Web API 2 –

Attribute-based routing
public string Get(int productid)
return "value";
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support
OWIN to Self Host Web API
Web API OData

Question 15.
How do we restrict access to methods with an HTTP verb in Web API?
We will just add an attribute as shown below – [HttpGet]

public HttpResponseMessage Test( )
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage( );
return response;
public void Save([FromBody]string value)


Question 16.
How do we make sure that Web API returns data in JSON format only?
To make sure that web API returns data in JSON format only this open “WebApiConfig.es” file and add below line : config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue(“application/json”))

Question 17.
How to provide Alias name for an action method in Web API?
We can provide Alias name by adding an attribute ActionName


// POST a pi/
public void Post([FromBody]string value)

Question 18.
How we can handle errors in Web API?
Following classes will help to handle the exception in ASP.Net Web API.
1. ExceptionFilters
2. HttpError
3. HttpResponseException .

Question 19.
How to host Web API?
Web API application will be hosted in two ways :
1. Self Hosting – Web API will be hosted in Console Application or Windows Service.
2. IIS Hosting – Web API will also be hosted with IIS and the process can be similar to hosting a website.

Question 20.
How to consume Web API using HttpCIient?
HttpCIient will be introduced in HttpCIient class for communicating with ASP.Net Web API. This HttpCIient class will be used in a console application or in an MVC application. Using Entity Framework, the implementation of Web API CRUD operation in MVC application .

Question 21.
Parameters in Web API
Action methods in Web API will accept parameters as a query string in URL or it will accept with the request body.
For example to fetch particular product details the Get method will require an id parameter.

public IHttpActionResult GetProductMaster(int id)
ProductMaster productMaster = db.ProductMasters.Find(id);
if (productMaster == null)
return NotFound( );
return Ok(productMaster);

In the same way, the Post method will require complex type parameter to post data to the server.

public IHttpActionResult PostProductMaster(ProductMaster productMaster)
if (IModelState.lsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new {id = productMaster.id }, productMaster);
Similarly PUT method will require primitive data type example for id and complex parameter i.e. ProductMaster class, if (id != productMaster.id)
return BadRequest( );
db.Entry(productMaster).State = EntityState.Modified; try
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
if (IProductMasterExists(id))
return NotFoundQ;
} return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);

Question 22.
Explain oData with ASP.Net Web API.
OData is stand for Open Data Protocol, it will be a Rest-based data access protocol. OData will provide a way for querying and manipulating data using CRUD operation. ASP.Net Web API will support OData V3 and V4.
For using OData in ASP.Net Web API, We required the OData package by running below command in Package Manager Console.

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Odata

Question 23.
Can we consume Web API 2 in C# console application?
Yes, we consume Web API 2 in Console Application, Angular JS, MVC or any other application.

Question 24.
Perform Web API 2 CRUD operation using Entity Framework.
We can perform CRUD operation using entity framework with Web API. We will read one of my blog for seeing the implementation of Web API 2 CRUD operation using Entity Framework.

Question 25.
How to Enable HTTPS in Web API?
Steps to enable HTTPS in ASP.NET Web API,

  • Write a custom class which is inherited from AuthorizationFilterAttribute
  • Register that class in ASP.NET Web API Config
  • Apply [RequireHttps] attribute on API controller actions.
  • Create a temporary certificate for SSL.
  • Install the certificate
  • Enable HTTPS support to the development server in Visual Studio.

Write a custom class which is inherited from AuthorizationFilterAttribute

Write a custom class as shown below.

 public class RequireHttpsAttribute: AuthorizationFilterAttribute
 public override void OnAuthorization (HttpActionContext actionContext)
If (act'ronContext.Request.RequestUri.Scheme ! = Uri.UrrScherrreHttps)
 actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage (System.Net.HttpSta
ReasonPhrase = "HTTPS Required for this call"

Register that class in ASP.NET Web API Config

To register custom HTTP filter class in web API configuration here are the settings.

// Web API configuration and services
config.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute( ));

Remember this a global setting and will require all controller methods to run on HTTPS.

If we want to have a few methods to run on HTTP then in that case, just disable this setting. And use the [Requirehttps] attribute for individual methods.

Apply [RequireHttpsj attribute on API controller actions.

public IEnumerable<string> Get ()
return new string [] {"valuel", "value2"};

We need to use this [RequireHttps] attribute only in case we need to enable HTTPS only for selective API controller actions. Otherwise Web API configuration global settings are enough.

But if are targeting only a few API methods to run on HTTPS then we must disable the global configuration. Otherwise, all method calls will demand HTTPS.

Create a temporary certificate for SSL

To create a temp certificate run the following command in the command prompt.

makecert.exe -n ”CN=Development CA” -r -sv TempCA.pvk TempCA.cer

Once the certificate is created it will be saved on your machine at the path selected in the command prompt windows.

Now, we need to install it.

Install the certificate

For installing the certificate on your local machine, you need to do the following steps.

  • Open MMC (Management console) window
  • Then go to File – > Add or Remove Snap Ins
  • Then select Certificates from available Snap Ins
  • Then click on the ADD button
  • Then select Computer account in the window pane that opens
  • Then select Local Computer Account
  • Then click next and OK

Now the certificate snap is added to MMC.

Now we need to install the certificate by selecting it in a snap.

For that,

  • Go to Certificates; expand it.
  • Then Select “Trusted root certification Authorities”
  • Then Select Action-> All Tasks-> Imports
  • Select the certificate and finish.

Now, a temporary certificate is installed on your computer.

This certificate will be used for SSL communication on your machine, but apart frbtn !!> installation, you don’t need to do anything with respect to certificates.

Now, the next step is to enable Https for the development server.

Enable HTTPS support to development server in Visual Studio

For that do the following:

  • Open your web API solution in Visual Studio,
  • Then select the web API project in Solution Explorer.
  • Select View Menu in Visual Studio
  • Now select “Properties window” or click F4.
  • A window pane will open.
  • There select “SSL Enabled” property and set it to true

Now, the development server is ready to work with HTTPS too.

Question 26.
How to implement Basic Authentication in ASP.Net Web API?
Basic Authentication is a simple authentication mechanism where the client will send request with an Authorization header with word Basic. In Basic Authentication, Authorization header will contain a word Basic followed by base 64 encoded string.
The syntax for Basic Authentication –

Authorization: Basic username: password

Question 27.
What Is Token Based Authentication in Web API?
A better approach for securing .Net Web API is by authenticating users by a signed token which is called token-based approach.
In Token-based authentication –
A client will send a request to the server with the credential. If the provided credential is valid then the server will send a token to the client.
This token will contain user details for the identification with an expiry time.
Once the client will received the token, it will use this token to access API resources wherever authentication requires.
To implement Token-based authentication we need to install Microsoft.Owin from Nuget package.

Question 28.
What is content negotiation in .Net Web API?
In ASP.Net Web API, content negotiation will be performed at the server-side. This is for determining the media type formatter for returning the response to an incoming request.

Question 29.
What is ASP.Net identity?
ASP.Net identity is the membership management framework provided by Microsoft which will be easily integrated with Web API. This will help us in building a secure HTTP service.

Question 30.
What is Bearer Authenticating in .Net Web API?
Bearer authentication is also called as Token-based authentication.

Question 31.
What is Rest?
REST is stand for Representational State Transfer. This is an architectural pattern to exchange data over a distributed environment. REST architectural pattern can treat each service as a resource and a client will access these resources by using HTTP protocol methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Question 32.
What is Not Rest?
Following is Not Rest:
1. A protocol
2. A standard
3. A replacement of SOAP

Question 33.
When to choose WCF and Web API over the other?
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) is available in .NET to create both SOAP and REST services. A lot of configuration is needed to turn a WCF service into a REST service. To create REST services is ASP.NET Web API is better choice.

WCF is suited to build services which are transport/protocol independent. For example, we want to build a single service which can be consumed by 2 different clients – a Java client and .NET client. Java client will want the transport protocol to be HTTP and message format to be XML for interoperability, whereas the .NET client will expect the protocol to be TCP and the message format to be binary for performance. WCF is the right choice for this. Create a single WCF service, and configure 2 endpoints one for each client (one for the Java client and the other for the .NET client).

It is a bit more complex and configuration can be a headache to use WCF to create REST services. If we are stuck with .NET 3.5 or we have an existing SOAP service we should support but required to add REST to reach more clients, then use WCF.
If we will not have the limitation of .NET 3.5 and we required to create a brand new restful service then use ASP.NET Web API.

Question 34.
When do we need to choose Web API?
Today, a web-based application is not sufficient to reach its customers. Peoples are using iPhone, mobile, tablets etc. devices in their daily life. These devices will have a lot of apps to make their life easy. Actually, we are moving towards apps world.
Therefore, if we want for exposing our service data to the browsers to all these modern devices apps in a fast and simple way, we will have an API which will be compatible with browsers as well as all these devices.

The ASP.NET WEB API is a great framework to build HTTP services which will be consumed by a broad range of clients including browsers, mobiles, iPhone and tablets. WEB API is open source and an ideal platform to build REST-full services over the .NET Framework.

Question 35.
What are RESTful services?
REST is stand for Representational State Transfer. The REST was first introduced in the year 2000 by Roy Fielding as part of his doctoral dissertation. REST is an architectural pattern to exchange the data over a distributed environment. REST architectural pattern will treat each service as a resource and a client will access these resources by using HTTP protocol methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The REST architectural pattern will specific a set of constraints which a system should adhere to. Following are the REST constraints:

1. Client-Server constraint –
This is the first constraint. This constraint will specify which a Client will send a request to the server and the server will send a response back to the client. This separation of concerns can support the independent development of both client-side and server-side logic. That means client application and server application can be developed separately without any dependency on each other. A client will only know resource URIs and that’s all. Severs and clients will also be replaced and developed independently as long as the interface between them will not be altered.

Stateless constraint –
The next constraint is the stateless constraint. The stateless constraint will specify that the communication between the client and the server should be stateless between requests. We will not be storing anything on the server related to the client. The request from the client will contain all the necessary information for the server for processing that request. This will ensure that each request will be treated independently by the server.

Cacheable constraint –
Some data will be provided by the server such as the list of products, or list of departments in a company will not change that often. This constraint states that let the client know how long this data will be good for therefore the client will not have to come back to the server for that data over and over again.

Uniform Interface constraint-
The uniform interface constraint will define an interface between the client and the server. To understand the uniform interface constraint, we required to understand what a resource is and the HTTP verbs – GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. In the context of a REST API, resources typically represent data entities. The product, Employee, Customer, etc. are all resources. The HTTP verb (GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE) which is sent with each request informs the API what to do with the resource. Each resource will be identified by a specific URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

Layered System-
REST will allow us to use a layered system architecture where we can deploy the APIs in server A, and will store data on server B and authenticate requests in server C. For example, a client will not ordinarily state whether it will be connected directly to the server or to an intermediary along the way.
1. SOAP Performance is slow as compared to REST.

Question 36.
What are the differences between REST and SOAP?
The difference between REST and SOAP is following:
1. SOAP will stand for Simple Object Access Protocol whereas REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
2. The SOAP is an XML which is based protocol whereas REST will not a protocol but it is an architectural pattern example for resource-based architecture.
3. SOAP has specifications for both stateless and state-full implementation whereas REST will be completely stateless.
4. SOAP will enforce message format as XML whereas REST will not enforce message format as XML or JSON.
5. The SOAP message is consist of an envelope that will include SOAP headers and body for storing the actual information we required for sending whereas REST will use the HTTP build-in headers with a variety of media-types for storing the information and it will use the HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods for performing CRUD operations.
6. SOAP will use interfaces and named operations for exposing the service whereas to expose resources (service) REST will use URI and methods such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.

Question 37.
What are the differences between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API?
Following are some of the differences between MVC and Web API

1. MVC is used for creating a web app, in which we will build web pages.
2. For JSON it can return JSONResult from an action method.
3. All requests will be mapped to the respective action methods.

1. This is used for creating a service using HTTP verbs
2. This will return XML or JSON to the client.
3. All request will be mapped to actions using HTTP verbs.
There are some following differences between ASP.NET MVC and WEB API:
1. MVC can be used for creating web applications which will return both views and data but ASP.NET WEB API will be used for creating rest full HTTP services with the easy and simple way which will return only data, not view.
2. WEB API will help for building REST-full services over the .NET Framework and it will also support content-negotiation that is not in MVC.
3. WEB API will also take care of returning data in a particular format such as JSON, XML or any other based upon the Accept header in the request. MVC return data in JSON format using JsonResult.
4. In WEB API the request will be mapped to the actions based on HTTP verbs but in MVC it will be mapped to actions name.
5. We will mix WEB API and MVC controller in a single project for handling advanced AJAX requests which will return data in JSON, XML or any others format and building a full-blown HTTP service. Typically, this can be called WEB API self-hosting.
6. WEB API is lightweight architecture and will except the web application, it will also be used with smartphone apps.

Question 38.
Is it true that ASP.NET Web API has replaced WCF?
No, t ASP.NET Web API has not replaced WCF. It is an other way of building non-SOAP based services, for example, plain XML or JSON string, etc.
Yes, it will have some added advantages such as utilizing the full features of HTTP and reaching more clients like mobile devices, etc.
WCF is a better choice for the following scenarios:
1. If we are intended to use transport other than HTTP, example for TCP, UDP or Named Pipes
2. Message Queuing scenario will be using MSMQ.
3. One-way communication or Duplex communication.

Question 39.
Explain media Formatters in Web API 2
Web API will handle JSON and XML formats which is based on the Accept and Content-
Type header values.
The Media-Type Formatters are classes which will be responsible for serializing request/response data therefore that web API will understand the request data format and send data in the format that client expects.
Technically MediaTypeFormatter is an abstract class from which JsonMediaTypeFormatter and XmlMediaTypeFormatter classes inherit from. JsonMediaTypeFormatter which will handle JSON and XmlMediaTypeFormatter handles XML.

Question 40.
How to return only JSON from ASP.NET Web API Service irrespective of the Accept header value?
The following line should be included in Register!) method of WebApiConfig.es file in App_Start folder. This line of code will completely remove XmlFormatter that will force ASP.NET Web API to always return JSON irrespective of the Accept header value in the client request. Use this technique when we required our service for supporting only JSON and not XML.

With this change, irrespective of the Accept header value (application/xml or application/json), the Web API service will always going to return JSON. config. Formatters. Remove(config.Formatters.XmlFormatter);

Question 41.
How to return JSON instead of XML from ASP.NET Web API Service when a request is made from the browser?
We can return JSON instead of XML from ASP.NET Web API Service when a request is made from the browser in following way:
1. when a request will be issued from the browser, the web API service will return JSON instead of XML.
2. When a request can be issued from a tool such as a fiddler the Accept header value will be be respected. This means if the Accept header will set to application/xml the service should return XML and if it will be set to application/json the service should return JSON.
There are 2 ways to achieve this

The following line should be included in Register!) method of WebApiConfig.es file in App_Start folder. This states ASP.NET Web API to use JsonFormatter when a request will be made for text/html which is the default for most browsers. The problem with this approach is that the Content-Type header of the response will be set to text/html which is misleading.

The following clas should be included in WebApiConfig.es file in App_Start folder.
Register Formatter:
Place the following line in RegisterQ method of WebApiConfig.es file in App_Start folder

Question 42.
Which protocol is supported by WebAPI?
WebAPI will supports only HTTP protocol.So it will be consumed by any client which can support HTTP protocol.

Question 43.
What are the Similarities between MVC and WebAPI.
Both are based on the same principle of Separation of concerns.
• Both have similar concepts such as routing,controllers and models.

Question 44.
Differences between MVC and WebAPI
MVC will be used to develop applications which have User Interface.Views in MVC can be used for developing user interface.
• WebAPI will be used to develop HTTP services.Other applications call the WebAPI methods to fetch the data.

Question 45.
Who can consume WebAPI?
Following can consumes WebAPI:

  • WebAPI will be consumed by any client which can support HTTP verbs like GET,PUT,DELETE,POST.
  • Since WebAPI services will not require any configuration they are very easy to consume by any client.
  • Even portable devices like Mobile devices can easily consume WebAPI.lt is the biggest advantages of WebAPI.

Question 46.
How are Requests mapped to Action methods in WebAPI?
Since WebAPI will use HTTP verbs so a client which can consume a WebAPI requires some way to call the WebAPI method.
Client will use HTTP verbs to call the WebAPI action methods.For example to call a method called GetEmployee a client will use a jQuery method as:

$.get("/api/Employees/l", null, function(response) {


Therefore, there is no mention of the method name above.Instead GetEmployee method will be called using the GET HTTP verb.
We define the GetEmployee method as:

public void GetEmployee(int id)

As we will see the GetEmployee method is decorated with the [HttpGet] attribute.We will use different verbs to map the different HTTP requests:

  • HttpGet
  • HttpPost
  • HttpPut
  • HttpDelete

Question 47.
Can the HTTP request will be mapped to action method without using the HTTP attribute ?
There are actually two ways to map the HTTP request for action method.One of the ways is to use the attribute on the action method .There is another way is to just name method starting with the HTTP verb.For example if we required to define a GET method we can define it as:

public void GetEmployee(int id)

The above method will be automatically mapped with the GET request since it can start with GET.

Question 48.
What is the base class of WebAPI controllers?
APIController is the base class from which all WebAPI controller derive Providing an alias to WebAPI action method
By using the ActionName attribute.For example we Can rename the GetEmployee action method as:

 public void GetEmployee(int id)

Question 49.
What types can WebAPI action method return?
WebAPI will return any of the following types:

  • void This means WebAPI will not returns any data.
  • HttpResponseMessage This allows to have control over the response.
  • IHttpActionResult This acts as the factory for creating HttpResponseMessage.
  • Custom type Any custom type.WebAPI uses different Media formatters to serialize custom type.

Question 50.
Can a WebPI return an HTML View?
WebAPI will return data so views will not returned from WebAPl.lf we want to return views then using MVC is better idea.

Question 51.
How can you give a different name to action method ?
We will provide a different name to action methof by using the ActionName attribute.For example if we want to rename a method called GetStudent to search then We can use the ActionName attribute as:

public ActionResult GetStudent(int id)
// get student from the database
 return View();

Question 52.
What is routing in WebAPI?
Routing in WebAPI is used to match URLs with different routes.Routes specify which controller and action can handle the request.Routes will be added to the routing table in the WebApiConfig.es as:

name: “API Default”,
routeTemplate: “api/{controller}/{id}”,
defaults: new {id = RouteParameter.Optional}
Routing mechanism can also be used in MVC.

Question 53.
What is MessageHandler?
Message handler can be used to receive an HTTP request and to return HTTP response.Message handlers will be implemented as classes deriving from HttpMessageHandler.They will implement the cross-cutting concerns.
Question 54.
How WebAPI is useful in creating RESTful web services
REST is stand for ‘Representational State Transfer’.It is an architectural pattern and will use HTTP as the communication meachnism.ln a REST API resources will be the entities
which are represented using different end points.
Question 55.
WebAPI is used for creating RESTful web services?
WebAPI controllers will represent different entities in application and different action methods will be mapped using HTTP verbs like POST and GET.
Question 56.
Will you lose all of your work if you accidentally exit a container?
No, We won’t lose any information, data and other parameters if we accidentally exit the Docker container. The only way to lose progress would be to issue a specific command to delete the container – exiting it won’t do the files within any harm.
Question 57.
Can Web API return view in MVC?
We will not return view from Web API.
Question 58.
How to restrict access to methods with specific HTTP verbs in Web API?
With the help of Attributes such as http verbs one will implement access restrictions in WebAPI.
We will define HTTP verbs as attribute over method for restricting access.
Example :
public void SampleMethod(SampleClass obj)

Question 59.
What is Web API Routing?
Routing is pattern matching such as in MVC.
All routes can get registered in Route Tables.
Example :
Routes. MapHttpRoute(
Name: “SampleWebAPIRoute”,
routeTemplate: “api/{controller}/{id}
defaults: new {id = RouteParameter.Optional}

Question 60.
What are the return types supported in Web API?
A A Web API controller action will return any of the following:
1. void – this type returns will empty content (Status Code :204)
2. HttpResporrseMessage – this can convert response for an HTTP response message.
3. IHttpActionResult – internally calls will ExecuteAsync for creating an HttpResponseMessage.
4. Some other type – we will write the serialized return value into the response body.
Question 61.
What is the namespace for IHttpActionResult return type in Web API?
System.Web.Http.Results namespace
Question 62.
What is the disadvantage of “Other Return Types” in Web API?
The main disadvantage of this approach is that we will not directly return an error code such as 404 error.
Question 63.
What are the default media types supported by Web API?
Web API will support XML, JSON, form-urlencoded data, BSON and also can support additional media types by writing a media formatter.
Question 64.
How do you construct HtmIResponseMessage?
Following is the way for constructing to do,
public class TestController: ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get( )
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value");
response.Content = new StringContent("Testing", Encoding.Unicode);
response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValueQ
MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)
return response;

Question 65.
What is the status code for “Emptry return type” in Web API?
void will return empty content and its code is 204.

Question 66.
What is HTTPResponseMessage?
This will represent the response of the WebAPI action method.lt can allow to return the data along with the status code such as success or failure.
In the following example if the passed Roll Number exists in the list of students then the method returns the Student object and the status code “OK” while if the roll number doesn’t exists then “NotFound” status code is returned
public HttpResponseMessage GetStudent(int number)
Student stud = studentList.Where(student => student.rolINo
== number). FirstOrDefault( ) ;
if (stud != null)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(FlttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Student Not Found");

Question 67.
Is it possible to have MVC kind of routing in Web API?
Yes, we will implement MVC kind of routing in Web API. )

Question 68.
Where is the route is defined in Web API?
Route can be defined in the WebApiConfig.es file, that will be placed in the App_Start directory.
App_Start -> WebApiConfig.es
name: “myroute”,
routeTemplate: “api/{controller}/{id}”,
defaults: new {id = RouteParameter.Optional} ;
); :
Question 69.
Why “api/” segment is used in Web API routing?
It will be used for avoiding collisions with ASP.NET MVC routing
Question 70.
Explain Action Results in WebAPI ?
void : Nothing return
HttpResponseMessage : Convert directly to HTTp Response message
IHttpActionResult: CaH ExecuteAsync for creating artHttpResponseMessage, change to an HTTP response message.
Some other type : Write a serialized return value HttpResponseMessage Example :
public HttpResponseMessage GetData( )
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value");
response.Content = new StringContent("hello", Encoding.Unicode);
response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue( )
MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)
return response;
public HttpResponseMessage GetData( )
// Get a list of Students from a database.
Enumerable students = GetStudentsFromDB( );

// Write the list to the response body.
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, students);
return response;


It defines an HttpResponseMessage
Simplifies unit testing your controllers.
Moves common logic to create HTTP responses to separate classes.
create the intent of the controller action clearer, to hide the low-level details of
constructing the response.
public class MyResult: IHttpActionResult

string _value;
HttpRequestMessage _request;

public MyResult(string value, HttpRequestMessage request)
_value = value;
_request = request;
public Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = new HttpResponseMessageQ
Content = new StringContent(_value),
RequestMessage = _request
return Task.FromResult(response);

public class ValuesController: ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
return new MyResult("Pass", Request);

Question 71.
How parmeters gets the value in WebAPI ?
The following way parameters get the values
1) URI
2) Request body
3) Custom Binding

Question 72.
How to enable Attribute routing ?
For enabling attribute routing, call MapHttpAttributeRoutes( ); method in WebApi config file.
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API routes
config. MapHttpAttributeRoutesQ;
// Other Web API configuration not shown.

Question 73.
Can we apply constraints at route level ?
Yes we will apply.
public User GetStudentByld(int id) {…}

public User GetStudentByName(string name) {…}
The first route can only be selected whenever the “id” segment of the URI is an integer. Otherwise, the second route can be chosen.
Question 74.
How to mention Roles and users using Authorize attribute in Web API?
// Restrict by Name
public class StudentController: ApiController
// Restrict by Role [Authorize(Roles=" Administrators")] public class StudnetController: ApiController

Question 75.
How to enable SSL to ASP.NET web?
To enable SSL to ASP.NET web , click project properties there we will see this option.

Question 76.
How to add certificates to website?
1. go to run type command mmc
2. click on ok
3. its opend certificate add window

Question 77.
Write a LINQ code for authenticate the user?

public static bool Login(string UN, string pwd)
StudentDBEntities students = new StudentDBEntitiesQ
students.sudent.Any(e => e.UserName.Equals(UN) && e=>e.Password.Equlas(UN)) //
students has more than one table

Question 78.
How to navigate other page in JQuery?
using widow.location.href = “~/homw.html”;

Question 79.
Exception handling in WebAPI?
The HttpResponseException most common exception in WebAPI.

public Product GetStudentDetails(int rno)
Student studentinfo = repository.Get(rno);
if (studentinfo == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return studentinfo;

we will handle the exceptions at action method level or controller level using exception filters.

if we required to apply any filter to entire application , register the filter in WebAPI confil file

using Exception hadlers and Exception loogers aslo can handle the Exceptions

Question 80.
What is NonActionAttribute class in WebAPI?
If we required to restrict the particular actionmethod accessing from browser, we will
NonAction attribute.public ActionResult
public ActionResult lnsert(){ return View( );
Above method not getting access from browser

Question 81.
How parameter binding works in Web API?
Following are the rules followed by WebAPI before binding parameters –
1. If it is simple parameters such as bool,int, double etc. then value can be obtained from the URL.
2. Value is read from message body in case of complex types.

Question 82.
Can we do unit test Web API?
Web API will be unit test by using Fiddler tool.
Following is the settings to be updated in Fiddler:
Compose Tab -> Enter Request Pleaders -> Enter the Request Body and execute

API Stands for Application Program Interface. It is a framework that consists of various components of a small software package to interact between the applications or interfaces. Web API is an Application Program Interface used in web applications, The Web API gives lot of flexibility for the developers to build a configurable system, also it enables easy maintenance of system in future. Almost every new application uses API framework in these days.

Research Methodology Lecture Notes | Syllabus, Reference Books and Important Questions

Research Methodology Lecture Notes

Research methodology notes: Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

Introduction to Research Methodology

A research methodology is defined as the process of identifying, selecting, processing and analysing information. With so much information available online, it isn’t easy to get a clearer picture of the topic under study in this information-rich age. The objective of this course is to provide the students with the know-how of research methodologies. It is how a researcher designs the study for obtaining results for the aim and objective of the study. It tells us how the researcher went through the process of researching the topic, what data is collected, how it is collected, and how he analyses it.

Research methodology might sound complex with all the technical terminology that revolves around the topic. The objective of the course is, therefore, to provide an in-depth and clear understanding of this topic so that researchers know as to how to conduct studies for any topic. To help you with this course, Research methodology lecture notes pdf is designed. The pdf contains a comprehensive explanation of the concepts. You can download this pdf for free. For any further details click on the link below:

Download Research Methodology Lecture Notes

Just like the boundaries of research are not limited, your learning isn’t either. The process of research methodology does sound like a lot of work. Also, the terms and concepts can be a bit overwhelming. To aid you in your preparations of the subject, you can download the Research methodology lecture notes pdf for free and kick start your preparations. The pdf is written in a simple language to make sure that you understand the terms and concepts clearly.

This pdf is one of the few reliable and accurate study materials available online. Experts of the subject verify these pdf. Also, these are recommended by students and teachers. These are great for a quick revision because they are well categorized. You can freely download the pdf from the links given below-

  • Research methodology lecture notes pdf
  • Research methodology free lecture notes
  • Handwritten notes for research methodology
  • Sample question paper for research methodology
  • Research methodology notes pdf free download.

Reference books for Research Methodology

Books are a great referencing tool. They are filled with examples to solidify your conceptual learning. But finding the right reference book can be a daunting task. Given below is a list of reference books students can use in their preparations. These will help you in your learning and understanding of the course. The contents are well categorised to increase the ease of using it as a referencing tool. Students are required to go through these concepts regularly.

The list is in no particular order. It is advised to go for a newer edition, if available. The newer editions will include changes in the syllabus if there are any. Most of these are available online as free pdf also, so make sure to check it too.

  • Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper, Pamela Schindler(9th edition).
  • Business Research Methods(Oxford University Press) by Alan Bryman & Emma Bell.
  • Research methodology: Methods and techniques by C.R.Kothari
    Introducing research methodologies: A beginner’s guide, Uwe Flick (2011)
  • Essentials of research designing and methodologies by Geoffrey R. Marczyk (2005)
  • The craft of research by William T. Fitzgerald (Fourth edition)
  • Designing and researching by Vicki L. Plano Clark (2006)
  • Research methodology, Panneerselvam (2014)
  • Social research methods (2001)
  • Qualitative Research analysis: A method resource book (A. Michael Huberman)
  • Conducting educational research by Bruce Tuckman
  • Fundamental of research methodologies and statistics by Y.K. Singh (2006)

Research Methodology syllabus

The research methodology is a wide field of study. The further you go, you will find more complex methodologies. The course syllabus is designed to lay down a proper foundation of the subject. Also, it tries to simplify the complexities around the subject. Students should be well versed with the course requirements. This course is all about practical applicability of the theoretical concepts. To develop a grasp over the concepts, terms, methodologies and applications, it is advised to develop a habit of regularly going over your course contents.

The course module is divided into ten units. Each unit has a theoretical foundation and is built upon that. Every research starts with the aims and objective of the research. Rightly so the course begins like that and is like a step by step guide to a proper research methodology. Given below is the topic-wise distribution of each unit.

UNIT 1 Foundations of Research: Meaning, Objectives, Motivation, Utility. Concept of theory, empiricism, deductive and inductive theory. Characteristics of the scientific method – Understanding the language of research – Concept, Construct, Definition, Variable. Research Process
UNIT 2 Problem Identification & Formulation – Research Question – Investigation Question – Measurement Issues – Hypothesis – Qualities of a Good Hypothesis –Null Hypothesis & Alternative Hypothesis. Hypothesis Testing – Logic & Importance
UNIT 3 Research Design: Concept and Importance in Research – Features of a good research design – Exploratory Research Design – concept, types and uses, Descriptive Research Designs – concept, types and uses. Experimental Design: Concept of Independent & Dependent variables.
UNIT 4 Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Qualitative research – Quantitative research – Concept of measurement, causality, generalization, replication. Merging the two approaches.
UNIT 5 Measurement: Concept of measurement– what is measured? Problems in measurement in research – Validity and Reliability. Levels of measurement – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.
UNIT 6 Sampling: Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample, Sampling Frame, Sampling Error, Sample Size, Non-Response. Characteristics of a good sample. Probability Sample – Simple Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random Sample & Multi-stage sampling. Determining the size of the sample- Practical considerations in sampling and sample size.
UNIT 7 Data Analysis: Data Preparation – Univariate analysis (frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, percentages), Bivariate analysis – Cross tabulations and Chi-square test including the testing hypothesis of association.
UNIT 8 Interpretation of Data and Paper Writing – Layout of a Research Paper, Journals in Computer

Science, the Impact factor of Journals, When and where to publish? Ethical issues related to publishing,

Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism. 

UNIT 9 Use of Encyclopedias, Research Guides, Handbook etc., Academic Databases for Computer Science Discipline.
UNIT 10 Use of tools/techniques for research: methods to search required information effectively, Reference Management Software like Zotero/Mendeley, Software for paper formatting like LaTeX/MS Office, Software for detection of Plagiarism

Theoretical problems of Research Methodology

The research methodology is a practical field. Even then, students should know the concepts and terms that are commonly used. To better understand the practical aspect, it is equally important to understand the theoretical know how. These are sample questions to give the students a brief outlook of what the course contents are and what type of questions are asked in the question paper. Students can refer to these questions and keep them as a base in preparing for their examinations.

  • What are the disadvantages of closed-end questions?
  • What is a control group?
  • Explain the test of significance.
  • What is the need for research design?
  • What is the role of theoretical perspective?
  • What is the sample size?
  • Explain the null hypothesis?
  • Explain Plagiarism.
  • What are TypeType I and type II errors?
  • How do we create a questionnaire?
  • What are the factors that affect a research design?
  • Explain interviewing techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions on Introduction to Research Methodology

Question 1.
Differentiate between Qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative and Quantitative are two different types of methodologies researchers use in their studies. Usually, a mix of both of these methods is used.

Qualitative research – Qualitative as the name suggests, refers to collecting and analysing spoken or textual data. Often one-on-one interviews are qualitative. We also look for weak data points such as the body language and visual data elements. If the research is exploratory, usually qualitative research techniques are used. For example,- A study for people’s choice for Prime minister in the upcoming elections will be qualitative research.

Quantitative research – It is defined as collecting and analysing numerical data. Data points are often numeric, and we study those data points to conclude our study. Quantitative research is more commonly used in confirmatory research. For example,- To test a hypothesis, we often use quantitative research methods.

Question 2.
What are the four types of research methodologies?

Data is grouped into four categories based upon the method of collection. These are observation, experimental, simulation and derived data.

  1. Observational Data -Data is captured through observation of a behaviour or activity. Data points are flexible, and often open-ended surveys are used.
  2. Experimental data – A causal relationship is derived that applies to a much larger population. These are tiresome and require time and effort; therefore, these are the most reliable. Experimental data is derived by measuring the variable.
  3. Simulation Data – Sometimes, a real life model is used to imitate the population behaviour and then research is conducted. The researcher sets the environment and conditions to determine what could happen when.
  4. Derived data – Often, data is available to us. These data points are used to find a new set of data points. Existing data points are used, often from other sources.

Question 3.
What are the principles of Scientific Research?

Principles of scientific research deals with the systematic and rigorous use of research methodologies to find the results of a study. This is often defined as a 5 step process:

  1. Development of a logical chain of reasoning to clearly define the objectives of the research and why the researcher uses a particular research method.
  2. Using methods that are appropriate for the research type. It depends if the research undertaken is exploratory or confirmatory in nature.
  3. Finding correct research designs to come to any conclusion or findings of the research. It is necessary to provide reliable information.
  4. Using data points to strengthen the findings. The data used should be accurate and from a reliable source.
  5. Explaining the procedure and results clearly in detail and including any relevant information.

Question 4.
What are the steps involved in a research methodology problem?

A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty that is to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that needs to be studied and evaluated thoroughly to develop a probable action against it. A step-wise method is designed to solve any research problem. The method is not absolute, but just a framework as to how the problem is to be tackled.

Steps in the Formulation of Research Problem:

  • Identify a broad field or subject area of interest to you
  • Dissect the broad area into subareas
  • Select what is of most interest to you
  • Raise the research question
  • Formulate objectives
  • Access your objectives


The objective of the course is to develop a clearer understanding of research methodology and its techniques in the students. The pdf is designed to help students in this. The research methodology is a vast field of study. If students are looking to study further in this field, it is imperative to develop a firm base first. With a better understanding of the concepts, students will not only score well but also develop an in-depth understanding of the course.

Autocad command list – AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts | List of AutoCAD Commands and Shortcut Keys

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts: In today’s world, nearly everything is designed with CAD software these days, and AutoCAD is one of the most widely used programs. Offering features and functions that stand out, AutoCAD has revolutionized the design and engineering fields and can be applied to almost any industry.

So, for beginners and professionals to get the most out of AutoCAD, it’s necessary to know how to use it efficiently by learning the most useful shortcuts and commands discussed in this article.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Table of Content

Keyboard Shortcuts for AutoCAD

Autocad command list: The most important shortcuts that you must know are the keyboard combinations. These combinations increase your productivity and help you navigate AutoCAD’s interface with ease. These shortcuts help save the time and effort that one would have to give if these shortcuts weren’t there. Here below, we will list the significant keyboard shortcuts that we use in AutoCAD.

For Drawing Modes

Keyboard Shortcut Function
F1 Display Help
F2 Toggle text screen
F6 Toggle COORDS
F11 Toggle object snap tracking
F12 Toggle dynamic input mode

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts 1

To Manage Screen & Workflow

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + 0 Clean Screen
Ctrl + 1 Property Palette
Ctrl + 2 Design Centre Palette
Ctrl + 3 Tool Palette
Ctrl + 4 Sheet Set Palette
Ctrl + 7 Mark-up Set Manager Palette
Ctrl + 8 Quick Calc
Ctrl + 9 Command Line
Ctrl + C Copy object
Ctrl + X Cut object
Ctrl + V Paste object
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy to clipboard with base point
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste data as block
Ctrl + Shift + L Change text into lower case
Ctrl + Shift + U Change text into upper case
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo last action
Ctrl + [ (or Ctrl + \) Cancel current command
Esc Cancel current command

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts 2

For Other General Features

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + E Cycle isometric planes
Ctrl + F Toggle running object snaps
Ctrl + G Toggle Grid
Ctrl + H Toggle Pick Style
Ctrl + Shift + H Toggle display palettes

Commands for AutoCAD

Autocad shortcuts keyboard: Commands are to be used by entering them in the command bar at the bottom of the screen. AutoCAD suggests similar commands that might start with the same characters as you type the characters in the command bar. The below list is about some of the basic commands that will be helpful to you in the AutoCAD drawing interface.

Basic Commands

  • ARCTEXT: This command lets you add text or write in an arc shape. It adds text over an existing arc or for getting quirky appearances.
  • AUDIT: Auditing your drawings frequently helps you avoid unnecessary errors that may later show up and corrupt the drawings. You must use this command periodically to review any errors and correct them instantly.
  • CAL: It’s practically impossible to sketch any drawing without performing some basic arithmetic in the drawing. Often, the measurements that you have are not enough to sketch out a perfect drawing. Using this command, you can perform the basic operations in the command line itself without having to use a calculator or exiting another window.
  • CLOSEALL: This command is used to close all the windows and tabs currently open in your AutoCAD. This shortcut doesn’t exit directly to the desktop but takes you to the main interface or home screen of AutoCAD.
  • COPY:  Whenever you need to copy objects, you can use this command.
  • DIST: It’s not always possible to dimension every object that’s in the drawing. In this case, this command comes in handy to quickly find the distance between two points in your drawing.
  • LIST: This command presents you with information about the various properties of a drawing element, such as the area, length, radius, and centre point of an element.
  • OOPS: In a situation where you have accidentally deleted an entire drawing and performed various actions over it, you can use the UNDO command, but the drawback is that it reverses only a certain number of steps. Preferably, the OOPS command comes in handy to recover the entire drawing in an instant. The command OOPS brings everything back at once.
  • PREVIEW: It’s always good to know how your drawing will be represented once it’s finished. Previewing it is an excellent way to analyse the outcome. It gives you a forecast. Based on that, you can alter any elements you would like to in the drawing.
  • RECOVERALL: This command works similarly to the AUDIT command. It lets you retrieve the file and other external references (XREFs), if any, that are included in your drawing. It’s a helpful command for fixing any errors and retrieving your drawing.
  • SAVEALL: It’s a good habit to save your current or ongoing work. But it’s a tedious job to switch tabs and save every drawing. Hence, this command saves all the drawings and tabs in a project to avoid extra work. This way, you can be sure that all your work is saved.
  • SPELL: We often need to use text in AutoCAD to annotate dimensions, images, objects, among other things, and a lot of time, we are bound to make spelling mistakes. So, this command performs a spell check on the selected texts and flags any mistakes or errors.
  • TIME: This command notifies you about the time that you’ve spent working on a drawing. It shows all the details about the starting time of the drawing to the time it was last edited. It’s a useful command if you want to analyse your performance in AutoCAD. This is also very useful for quoting time frames for projects.

Commands for Modifications

Auto cad commands list: The following list of commands helps you in being more productive as you’re drawing. These will help you in editing elements of your drawings quickly; rather than manually moving to each element in the pallets and selecting it, you can type a command to execute the action.

  • ALIGN: The feature ALIGN will, instead of selecting and moving the object manually to a point, quickly aligns the surfaces of two selected objects. An example to explain this command is when you want to align a sofa chair to the edge of the wall.
  • BREAK: To cut off a specific part of a section from any line, you can use this command. Using this command, you can choose the breakpoints on a line. So, in place of deleting the entire line, BREAK deletes only the selected part of a line.
  • CHAMFER: Chamfer is one of the most popular features of AutoCAD drawings used to sketch an angled edge in the drawing that gives an aesthetic appearance while eliminating sharp edges in the model. We can use this command in both 2D and 3D drawings.
  • ERASE: To draw an element then erase it is a very common phenomenon. This command helps in saving time and erase entire elements in the drawings in a single move.
  • EXTEND: To connect the edges of one line to the edge of another line, you don’t need to drag the endpoint of a line to meet with another. Instead, select the two lines, and they get automatically connected. The main benefit is that you can extend multiple lines at the same time to meet a surface.
  • FILLET: The fillet command is used if you need a rounded corner in a drawing. It lets you quickly add a fillet to any edges of your selection. Fillets and chamfers are commonly used as a weight-saving feature and a safety measure.
  • GROUP: When you need to regularly copy, move, or edit only certain drawing elements, you can work on them all at once by grouping them. It will save you from selecting each element every time.
  • LAYER: Layers are one of the many essential features in AutoCAD. Using this command, designers can carry out a drawing across various levels. For example, one might create a layer for dimensions, a floor plan layer, a layer for furniture, and many more. Managing layers effectively is essential, and this command lets you easily access the Layer Properties Manager.
  • MIRROR: This is useful in symmetrical drawings as you can draw one half, then mirror the other half, saving a lot of time and ensure accuracy.
  • OVERKILL: It’s very simple to get many lines on top of each other, but it isn’t very beneficial and may lead to errors in the final output of the drawing. If you select and delete each overlapping line manually, it may lead to more errors and take a lot of time. With this command, you can delete the elements that are overlapping in your drawing, and even it informs you about its deleted lines.
  • PURGE: While working in AutoCAD, you may insert many objects and elements that you may not have used in the drawing. These elements can cause unnecessary errors and also increase the overall file size. Using this command, you can delete all these elements at once.
  • SCALE: Scale is one of the most heavily used features in AutoCAD as you’re always needed to scale your drawings, XREFs, PDFs, and many other things in AutoCAD for various purposes.
  • SCALETEXT: Different to the regular SCALE command, which is used to scale entire drawings and objects, this command is used to scale only the text in a drawing. It’s always better to match the scale of your text to the scale of your drawing.
  • TEXTFIT: With this command, you can auto-scale your text to fit inside a space without any need to change scales or look at whether or not the text fits a box. This command will fit your text within the selected boundaries.
  • TRIM: This command is used to shorten a line or any unwanted edges. It’s popularly used to trim off any hanging lines and maintain the boundaries of the drawing. If you execute this command, the entire line will be trimmed up to the nearest edge in a drawing.

Commands for Dimensions

After navigation and drawing, we need the dimensioning commands as we all know the importance of dimensioning in a drawing. So, to help you out with dimensions, we have a list of amazing commands that will make your working in AutoCAD a smooth process.

  • QUICKCALC: While dimensioning, we often need to add, subtract, or multiply the units. In such cases, the calculator is the most helpful tool for anyone working in AutoCAD. So, to solve this issue, this command is used by which a built-in calculator opens up in a new window within AutoCAD.
  • DIMSTYLE: This command allows the customization of the dimensions in your drawing depending on how you want them to appear.
  • DIMALIGNED: This command is used to align a dimension with the origin points of a line. Hence for an inclined line, you will be able to dimension the inclined height of the line rather than the vertical height.
  • DIMANGULAR: If you need to insert angular dimensions in a drawing, you will need to use this command. The command lets you choose the vertex and the edges of an angle and then denotes the dimension of the selected angle.
  • DIMARC: Like the earlier commands, this one gives you the dimensions of an arc or a polyline. It’s specifically used to express the arc length of an arc in the drawing.
  • DIMDIAMETER: Using this command, you can assign dimensions to any circle in the drawing, precisely the diameter of the selected circle.
  • DIMEDIT: Using this command, you can edit all the existing dimensions, which comprise the positions and orientations of dimensions that you’ve assigned earlier to an element. It is very much helpful for last-minute corrections.

Conclusion on AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts

As discussed earlier in the article, the primary purpose of using shortcuts and commands in AutoCAD is to increase productivity and efficiency. They allow us to execute functions more quickly, as we don’t need to search through the entire AutoCAD interface for the right tool, thereby making our work seamless. Hence, the shortcuts and commands discussed above will surely make you love using AutoCAD even more.

Dotnet core interview questions – .NET Core Interview Questions and Answers

Dotnet core interview questions: We have compiled most frequently asked .NET Interview Questions which will help you with different expertise levels.

.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers PDF Free Download

Question 1.
What is Asp .NET page life cycle?
asp .net page life cycle in which it performs a series of processing steps. These include initialization, instantiating controls, restoring and maintaining state, running event handler code, and RENDERING, the asp .net page life cycle include as given below:

A) INITIALIZATION – Init event initializes the control property and the control tree is built. This event can be handled by overloading the Onlnit method or creating a Pagelnit handler.

B) load view state – LoadViewState event allows loading view state information into the controls.

C) load post-back data – During this phase, the contents of all the input fields are defined with the <form> tag are processed.

D) load – The Load event is raised for the page first and then recursively for all child controls. The controls in the control tree are created.

E) Raise postback event – click button event generated

F) save view state – State of control on the page is saved. Personalization, control state, and view state information are saved. The HTML markup is generated. This stage can be handled by overriding the Render method or creating a Page_Render handler.

G) render – html page generated

H) dispose – object associated request cleaned up.

Question 2.
Asp .net validation control & type?
ASP.NET provides the following validation controls:

A) Required Field validation – The RequiredFieldValidator control ensures that the required field is not empty, ex.

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID=”test”
runat-‘server” ControlToValidate -’ddluser”
ErrorMessage=”Please choose a user”
InitialValue=”Please choose a user”>

B) Range Validator Control – The Range Validator control verifies that the input value falls within a predetermined range, ex.

<asp:RangeValidator ID="rvclass"
runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtclass"

ErrorMessage="Enter your class (6 - 12)" 

MinimumValue="6" Type="Integer">


C) Compare validation control – The Compare Validator control compares a value in one control with a fixed value or a value in another control, the specifies the comparison operator, the available values are Equal, NotEqual, Greater Than,
GreaterThanEqual, LessThan, LessThanEqual, and DataTypeCheck..

D) Regular Expression – The RegularExpressionValidator allows validating the input text by matching against a pattern of a regular expression. The regular expression is set in the Validation Expression property.

E) Custom validation – The Custom Validator control allows writing application-specific custom validation routines for both the client-side and the server-side validation, the custom validation is validating against your logic of coding.

F) Validation summary – the validation summary display all error on page COLLECTIVITY.

Question 3.
Write the types of authentication in asp .NET.
the following types of authentication are used in asp .net as given below:

A) Windows Authentication – windows authentication is a feature of Windows applications.
B) form base authentication – the user uses the database by validation of the form.
C) passport service – the passport service validates against Microsoft passport services which are basically centralized authentication services.

Question 4.
What is State Management in asp .NET? describe the details.
State management means to preserve the state of a control, web page, object/data, and user in the application explicitly because all ASP.NET web applications are stateless, i.e., by default, for each page posted to the server, the state of controls is lost, there is two types of state management in asp .net. client-side state management & server-side state management.

Client-side state management:

A) View state – store user data in user pc. it’s stores data in the generated HTML using hidden files, not on the server, view state provides page-level state management as long as the user is on the current page, the state is available and the user redirects to the next page and the current page state is lost.

B) Control STATE – whichever we developed in the custom control and we want to preserve some information, we can use view state but suppose view is DISABLE EXPLICIT by the user the control will not work.

C) Hidden Field – Hidden field is a control provided by asp .net which is used to store a small amount of data on the client’s pc. it stores one value for the variable and it is a preferable way when a variable’s value is changed frequently.

D) Cookies – A cookie is a small amount of data that is stored either in a text file on the client file system or in-memory in the client browser session. It contains site-specific information that the server sends to the client along with page output. Cookies can be temporary (with specific expiration times and dates) or persistent, cookies to store information about a particular client, session, or application. The cookies are saved on the client device, and when the browser requests a page, the client sends the information in the cookie along with the request information, the default time out of cookies is 30 minutes.

E) Query String – A query string is an information that is appended to the end of a page URL. Query strings provide a simple but limited way to maintain state information. For example, they are an easy way to pass information from one page to another, such as passing a product number from one page to another page where it will be processed.

Server-Side State management:

A) Application state – Application event is written in a special file called global.aspx application file, application state is useful for storing information that needs to be maintained between server round trips and between requests for pages. Application state is stored in a key/value dictionary that is created during each request to a specific URL.

B) Session – session is used to store user information or uniquely identify the users through session id which is store in server only run time. If different users are using your application, each user session will have a different session state, the default time out of the session is 20 minutes.

Question 5.
Types of cookies in asp .net?
there are two types of cookies in asp .net. persistent cookies & nonpersistent cookies.

A) persistent cookies – the persistent cookies are permanent cookies store AS A text file in the hard disk of the computer.
B) not persistent cookies – they are temporary cookies store in memory as per session-based cookies, these cookies are active as long as the browser remains active if the browser closed cookies will automatically expire.

Question 6.
What are generics?
Answer: The generic allows you to delay the specification of the data type programming elements in class or method until it’s actually used in the program or generics allow you to write a class or method that can work with any data type. EX.

public static void Main( )
Generic<string> g = new Generic<string>( );
g.Field = "A new string";
Console.WriteLine("Generic.Field = \"{0}\"", g.Field);
Console. WriteLine("Generic.Field.GetType() = {0}", g.Field.GetType().FullName);

Question 7.
What is THREAD?
The thread is defined as the execution path of the program, each thread defines a unique flow of control, each thread performed a particular job. thread is a lightweight process, the uses of threads serve wastage of cpu cycle and increase the efficiency of an application.

Question 8.
What is namespace?
.Net framework uses a namespace to organize its many classes, the namespace allows you to create a system to organized your code. The System namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.

Question 9.
Constructor in C# define?
When class & structure is created. ITs constructor CALLED CONSTRUCTOR FLAVE the same name as the class or structure and they usually initialize the data member of the new object. Constructors enable the programmer to set default values, limit instantiation, and write code that is flexible and easy to read.

If you don’t provide a constructor for your struct, C# relies on an implicit parameterless constructor to automatically initialize each field of a value type to its default value as listed in the Default Values Table.

Static constructor: A class or struct can also have a static constructor, which initializes static members of the type. Static constructors are parameterless. If you don’t provide a static constructor to initialize static fields, the C# compiler initializes static fields to their default value as listed in the Default Values Table.

Question 10.
Date Set, Data Reader, Data table, Property define?
Data Set – DataSet, which is an in-memory cache of data retrieved from a data source, is a major component of the ADO.NET architecture. The DataSet consists of a collection of DataTable objects that you can relate to each other with DataRelation objects. A DataSet can read and write data and schema as XML documents.

Data reader – the data reader used for data reading from retrieve data.

Data Table – The DataTable is a central object in the ADO.NET library. Other objects that use the DataTable include the DataSet and the DataView. DataTable objects are that they are conditionally case sensitive.

Property – The language defines a syntax that enables developers to write code that accurately expresses their design intent. The property is the main part of c# coding. Properties behave like fields when they are accessed. However, unlike fields, properties are implemented with assessors that define the statements executed when a property is accessed.

Question 11.
Different between namespace & Assembly?
The namespace provides the fundamental unit of logic code grouping while an assembly provides a fundamental unit of physical code grouping, namespace is a logical group of related classes that can be used by any other language targeting the Microsoft .net framework.

Question 12.
What is string & string Builder?
The string is a sequential collection of characters that is used to represent text. The maximum size of a String object in memory is 2GB or about 1 billion characters

The string builder object is not a string but rather an auxiliary object used for manipulating characters, it contains a buffer typically initialized with a string but usually larger than a string.

substring that begins at a specified character position and ends before the end of the string, call the Substring(Int32, Int32) method.

Question 13.
write a common control event in asp .net & Page Control Events?

Event Attribute Page Control Events
Click OnClick Data Binding
Command OnCommand Disposed
Text Changed On Text Changed Error
Select     Index    Changed On Select Index Changed IN IT
Checked Changed On Checked Changed Load & Preload

Question 14.
Difference between Interface & Abstract Class?

SL Abstract Class Interface
1 Abstract class does not support multiple inheritances. Interface support multiple inheritances.
2 abstract class contains data members. Interface does not
3 abstract class contain a constructor the interface does not contain a constructor.
4 it’s containing classes completed & INCOMPLETE. the interface contains only completed class
5 only complete members of the abstract class can be static. the member of the interface can’t be static.

Question 15.
Write the type of session in ASP .Net?
In-process – the session default store in web configure file. OutProc – data store in server-side.
SQL Server/State Server – store in the database this session stores permanently in the database.
Custom mode – we can save session value as per custom mode in our pc or user define LOCATION.

Question 16.
Define MSIL?
Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) we can call Its intermediate language(IL) common intermediate language during the compile time, the compiler converts to source CODE INTO Microsoft intermediate language. MSIL is a CPU independence set of instructions that can be efficiently converted to the native code.

Question 17.
What are Assembly & Types of Assembly?
The assembly is a file that is automatically generated by the compilation of every .net application, it can be either dynamic link library (DLL) or on the executable file. IT’S GENERATED only once for an application and upon each subsequent compilation, the assembly gets updated either process will run in the background of your application.

There are two types of assembly.

A) Private assembly – they are simple and copied with each calling assembly in the calling folder.
B) Shared Assembly – the shared assembly is copied to a single location for all calling assemblies within the same application, the same copy of the shared assembly is used from its original location.

Question 18.
What is garbage collection?
When you create an object in C# (CLR) allocates memory for the object from heap, this process is repeated for each newly created object, but there is a limitation and we need to be clean some used space in order to make room for new objects, here the concept of garbage collection introduced, the garbage collection managed allocation and reclaiming of memory.

Question 19.
What is the static class?
Static class can only contain static data member static method & static constructor, we can use static keyword it’s not allowed to create an object of the static class, the static class are sailed class means you can’t inherit a static class from non-static class.

Question 20.
Cashing in C# and using of cashing?
The web browser typically uses a cache to make the web page load faster by sorting a copy of the webpage files locally, such as a local computer. Starting cashing is the process of sorting data into cache working, three types of cashing use in the process, object cashes, Memory cashes & caches items.

Question 21.
What is ado .net?
The ADO.NET is a data access technology of Microsoft. ADO.NET is a module of .Net Framework which is used to establish connections between applications and data sources. Data sources can be such as SQL Server and XML. ADO.NET consists of classes that can be used to connect, retrieve, insert and delete data.

Question 22.
What are ASP built-in objects?
ASP built-in objects that are available to ASP pages. Using ASP built-in objects, you can access information regarding the Web server, the client who is accessing a Web page, the Web application that contains the Web page, and the fields in the HTTP request and response streams. The ASP built-in objects are organized by the type of information they contain. The information in ASP built-in objects can also be obtained in a COM component or an ISAPI application.

Question 23.
What is Connected & Disconnected Architecture of ADO.NET?
The architecture of ADO.net, in which connection must be opened to access the data retrieved from the database is called connected architecture. The connected architecture was built on the classes connection, command, DataReader, and transaction. DataReader is a “connected” approach

Ex: Connected = Make CONNECTION, Keep Connection ALIVE, Close Connection when close is called.

The architecture of ADO.net in which data retrieved from the database can be accessed even when the connection to the database was closed is called disconnected architecture. The disconnected architecture of ADO.net was built on classes connection, DataAdapter, command builder, and dataset and data view. the dataset is a “disconnected” approach

Ex: Disconnected = Make CONNECTION, Fetch DATA, Close Connection.

Question 24.
The difference between Data readers & Data Adapters?
Data Reader to retrieve a read-only, forward-only stream of data from a database. Results are returned as the query executes, and are stored in the network buffer on the client until you request them using the Read method of the Data Reader. Using the Data Reader can increase application performance both by retrieving data as soon as it is available.

DataAdapter is used to retrieve data from a data source and populate tables within a DataSet. The DataAdapter also resolves changes made to the DataSet back to the data source. The DataAdapter uses the Connection object of the .NET Framework data provider to connect to a data source, and it uses Command objects to retrieve data from and resolve changes to the data source.

Question 25.
Can we create multiple web. config in a project?
Yes, We have one main configuration file (Web. Config), then we have two more configurations files. App.Config and Database.Config. in App. Config we defined all the application-level settings, in the Database. Config we define all the database level settings. And in Web. Config we refer App. Config and Database.Config like this:

<appSettings configSource="app.config">
CconnectionStrings configSource="database.config">

Question 26.
What is the Global.asax file?
global.asax allows us to write event handlers that react to global events in web applications. Global.asax files are never called directly by the user, rather they are called automatically in response to application events. They do not contain any HTML or ASP.NET tags. They are optional, but a web application has no more than one global.asax file, a few lists of events global.asax like Application_Start,Aplication_End,Session_Start,Session_End,Application BeginRequest,Application AuthenticateRequest,Applic ationError, Applicantion_ Authorize Request etc.

Question 27.
What is a delegate in C# .NET?
A delegate is a type-safe function pointer this is a hold reference pointer to a function, delegate is similar to a class you can create an instance of it. the delegate point to the function. A delegate can be declared using the delegate keyword followed by a function signature

<access modifier> delegate <return type >

Question 28.
What is a property in .Net?
A property in C# is a member of a class that provides a flexible mechanism for classes to expose private fields. Internally, C# properties are special methods called accessors. A C# property has two accessors, get property accessor and set property accessor. A get accessor returns a property value, and a set accessor assigns a new value.

Question 29.
What is a collection in C#?
Collection classes are specialized classes for data storage and retrieval. These classes provide support for stacks, queues, lists, and hash tables. Most collection classes implement the same interfaces. Collection classes serve various purposes, such as allocating memory dynamically to elements and accessing a list of items on the basis of an index, etc.

Question 30.
How to Improve Application Speed in .NET Technology?
The details as given below:

  • Avoid Session & Application Variable.
  • Use Caching, CSS-based layout & JavaScript for validation.
  • Use SP, XML, XSLT format, use data set & clean garbage collection.
  • Use String builder, Threads & avoid bulk data upload on server-side.

Question 31.
You need to select a class that is optimized for key-based item retrieval from both small and large collections. Which class should you choose?
A .OrderedDictionary class
B. HybridDictionary class
C. ListDictionary class
D. Hashtable class
B. HybridDictionary class

Question 32.
Which of the following is a dictionary object?
A. HashTable
B. SortedList
C. NameValueCollection
D. All of the above
D. All of the above

Question 33.
Which delegate is required to start a thread with one parameter?
A. ThreadStart
B. ParameterizedThreadStart
C. ThreadStartWithOneParameter
D. None of the above
B. ParameterizedThreadStart

Question 34.
Why should you write the cleanup code in the Finally block?
A. Compiler throws an error if you close the connection in the try block.
B. Resource cannot be destroyed in the catch block.
C. Finally blocks run whether or not the exception occurs.
D. All of the above
C. Finally blocks run whether or not the exception occurs.

Question 35.
Which method is used to dynamically register client script from code?
A. Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock
B. RegisterScript
C. Page.ClientScript
D. None of the above
A. Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock

Question 36.
To implement a specified .NET Framework interface which directive is used?
A. @Register
B. @Control
C. @Reference
D. @Implements
B. @Control

Question 37.
Which file is used to write the code to respond to the application start event?
A. Any ASP.NET web page with an .aspx extension
B. Web. config
C. Global.asax
D. None of the above.
C. Global.asax

Question 38.
Attribute must be set on a validator control for the validation to work.
A. ControlToValidate
B. ControlToBind
C. ValidateControl
D. Validate
B. ControlToBind

Question 39.
What is used to validate complex string patterns like an e-mail address?
A. Extended expressions
B. Basic expressions
C. Regular expressions
D. Irregular expressions
C. Regular expressions

Question 40.
Why is Global.asax is used?
A. Declare Global variables
B. Implement application and session-level events
C. No use
B. Implement application and session-level events

Question 41.
Which DLL translates XML to SQL in IIS?

Question 42.
Which of the following ASP.NET object encapsulates the state of the client?
A. Session object
B. Application object
C. Response object
D. Server object
A. Session object

Question 43.
Which of the following are the performance attributes of the process model?
A. request queue limit
B. max worker threads
C. max threads
D. All
D. All

Question 44.
Which of the following is the way to monitor the web application?
A. MMC Event viewers
B. Performance logs
C. Alerts Snap-ins

Question 45.
The ____________ property affects how the .Net The framework handles dates, currencies, sorting, and formatting issues.
A. CurrentUICulture
B. CurrentCulture
A. CurrentUICulture

Question 46.
How to swap two numbers in C# without using 3rd variable.
Input value 100 & 200;

Using System;
Class Swap1
Static void main (string [ ] args)
int first, second;
First = 100;
Second = 200;
First = first + second;
Second = first - second;
Second = first - second;
Console.writeLine (First.ToString( )) ;
Console.writeLine(Second.ToString( ));
Console.ReadLine( );

Output: 200,100

Question 47.
How to remove duplicate characters from String in C#?
Input: Google, Yahoo, BBC

Using system;
Class duplicate1
static void main ( )
String value1 = RemoveDuplicateChars(“Google”);
String Value2 =RemoveDuplicateChars(“Yahoo”);
String Value3 =RemoveDuplicateChars(“BBC”);
String Value4
=RemoveDuplicateChars(“Linel\Line2\Li ne3”);
Console.writeLine(val ue3);
Console.writeLine(val ue4);
StaticstringRemoveDuplicateChars(stri ngkey) //
using for remove duplicate characters.
Stringtable The result will be store.
foreach(charval ue in key) // loop over each characters.

if (table.indexof(value)==-l) // see if
character is in the table.
table + = value ;// append to the table and result.
result + = value;

Output: Gogle, Yaho, BC

Question 48.
How to calculate factorial using recursion in C# programming?
Enter The Number: 5

Using system;
Using system.collection.generic;
Using system.linq;
Using system.text;

Namespace factorial1
Class program
Static void Main (string [ ]args)
int i, number, fact;
Console.writeLine(“Enter The Number”);
number = int.Parse(Console.Read.Line( ));
fact = number;
for (i = number -1; i> = 1; i- -)
fact = fact*1;
Console.writeLine(“\n factorial of given number is : “+fact);

Console.ReadLine( );

Enter The Number: 5
Factorial of the given number is: 120

Question 49.
How to check if a number is Armstrong or not?
Input: Enter the Number : 371

Using system;
Using system.collection.generic;
Using system.linq;
Using system.text;

Namespace Armstrong
Class program
Static void Main (string [ ] args)
Int number, remainder, sum = 0;
Console.Write(“Enter The Number”);
number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine( ));
for (int i = number; i>0; i= i/10)
reminder = i%10;
sum = sum + remi nder*reminder*reminder;
if (sum == number)
Console.writeLine(“Enter Number is Armstrong Number”);
Console.writeLine(“Enter number is not Armstrong number”);

Output: Enter number is Armstrong number.

Question 50.
Algorithm to check if a number is prime or not?
Input: Enter The Number: 11

Using system;
Namespace example
Class prime
Public static void Main ( )
Console.Write.Line(“Enter The Number:”);
Int num // local variable is num.
num = Convert.ToString32(Console.ReadLine( )) ;
int = k;
k = 0;
for( int i = 1; i<= num/2; i++)
If (num%i==0)
K++ ;
Console.Write.Line(“Enter Number is Prime Number”);
Console.write.Line(“Enter Number is not Prime Number”);
Console.Read.Line( ) ;

Output: Enter Number is Prime Number

Question 51.
Write an algorithm to check if a number is a palindrome or not?
Input: Civil, Level, Radar, Apple, Stats, Mango.

using System;
Class palindrome
Public static bool lsPalindrome(string word)
int min = 0;
int max = word, length-1;
if(min> max)
return true;
Char a = word[min];
Char b = word[max];
if (Char.ToString(a) != Char.ToLower(b))
return false;
Min ++;
Max - - ;
String void Main ( )
String [ ] array = “Civil”,” Level”,” Radar”,” Apple”,” State”,” Mango”,””};
Console.WriteLine(“{0}={l}”, value, isPalindrome (value);

Civil = True
Level = True
Radar = True
Apple = false
Stats = True
Mango = false

Question 52.
How to find out the sum of digits of a number using recursion?
Input = Enter the number 1239

Using system;
Class digit
Public static void Main( )
Int num, result;
Pro pg = new pro( );
Console.write(“Enter The Number”);
number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine( ));
result = pg.sum(num);
Console.WriteLine(“Sum of Digits in {0} is {1}”, num, result);
Console.ReadLine( );
Class pro
Public int sum (int num)
lf(num ! = 0)
Return (num%10 + sum (num/10));
return 0;

Output: The sum of digits is 1239 is 15.

Question 53.
Write a function to count a total number of set bits in 32 bits’ integer? (Bit Count Algorithms)

Using System;
Namespace console application
Class bit count
Static void Main ( )
Console.writeLine(SparseBitcount(i nt.Maxval ue))
Static int SparseBitCount(int n)
int count = 0;
while (n! =0)
Count ++;
N& = (n-1);
Return count;

Press key to continuous………

Question 54.
Write a function to print the nth number in the Fibonacci series.
Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers in below order: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…. the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.
Formula: f(n) = f(n-l)+f(n-2)

Using system;
Using system.collection.generic;
Using system.linq;
Using system.text;

Namespace Fibonaccil
Class program1
Public static int FibonacciSrties (int i)
if(n==0) return 0; //To Return first Fibonacci number. .
if(n==l) return 0; //To Return Second Fibonacci number.
Return Fibonacci Series(n-l) +
Public static void Main (string [] args)
Console.WriteLine(“Enter the Length of Fibonacci”);
int length =
Convert.Toln132((console.ReadLi ne));
For (int 1=0; i< length; i++)
Console.Write(“{0}”, FibonacciSeries(i));
Console.ReadKey( );

Question 55.
Write Basic Syntax of Dot Net Technology Example?
The Syntax of if-else Condition:

• If(boolen_expression)
True block Statement(s)
False Block Statement(s)
Statement x

• Switch Statement Syntax:

Case1 value: block1
Case2 value: block2
default: default-block


System Analysis and Design Notes | Syllabus, Reference Books and Important Questions

System Analysis and Design Notes

System Analysis and Design Notes: Students who are trying to get access to the System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf and other study material can download it from this article. This article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf can access the best notes and reference materials on System Analysis And Design for their preparation process. Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

The System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf and Reference Sources act as the main study sources that improve and enhance the preparation process. With the help of the study resources, students will be able to improve and score the best marks. The article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf provides all the important topics according to the latest curriculum.

The System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf gives students. A head start and an overview of all the entire chapter. Students will be able to access the latest and up-to-date syllabus, subject expert-recommended reference books or textbooks, and a list of the important questions on System Analysis And Design.

Graduates can avail the System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf, Study materials and other reference sources from this article and refer to them during their preparation method. Students can score the best marks with credible and reliable study resources.

Introduction to System Analysis and Design

System analysis and design notes: Systems analysis is a system which deals with the collection of data, interpretation of facts and identification of all the problems. It includes the decomposition of a system into all its components. System Design is a process which deals with the planning of new business systems. However, sometimes it can be replacing the existing System by defining components to specific requirements.

BCA System Analysis And Design Notes PDF Free Download

System analysis and design notes: Students who are pursuing their BCA or MCA can access and download the System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf and other study materials available in this article. Candidates can better and improve their preparation with the help of the study materials as it is the ultimate preparation tool. With these study materials, students can improve their scores.

Students can download the sources of reference and pdf notes on System Analysis And Design from this article. They can download the notes for free and refer to them during their preparation process. The more frequently students will refer to the System Analysis And Design Notes, the more they will understand the important topics and concepts.

Here is a list of a few important System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf for a thorough preparation of the course programme for the examination:

  1. System Analysis and Design Notes PDF
  2. System Analysis and Design Handwritten Notes PDF
  3. System Analysis and Design Previous Year’s Question Paper PDFs

System Analysis and Design Reference books

System analysis and designing notes: Reference books are sources of important pieces of information on all important topics. Candidates should refer and choose the right reference books that provide excellent information.

The article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf provides the list of the best and most recommended textbooks and reference books for System Analysis And Design. Students can access, refer and read through the System Analysis And Design Reference Books during their preparation.

The list of the best and highly recommend textbooks and reference books for System Analysis And Design preparation is as follows. Students should select the right textbooks and reference books that meet their knowledge and preparation.

  1. System Analysis and Design
  2. Power System Analysis and Design
  3. Peeling Design Patterns: For Beginners and Interviews
  4. How to Do Systems Analysis
  5. System Engineering Analysis, Design and Development
  6. Modern Systems Analysis and Design
  7. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World

System Analysis and Design Curriculum

System analysis and designing notes: The System Analysis And Design Syllabus is the most effective course planning tool that helps students structure and organises their preparation process. One of the best ways to start the preparation process for an examination is to review the syllabus. Students can enhance their preparation method by holding an initial course outline of the System Analysis And Design Syllabus.

The article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf provides a detailed and structured view of all the important topics falling under the System Analysis And Design. Curriculum available in this article on System Analysis And Design is according to the requirements of all students.

The course curriculum provides students with a clear, concise idea of what to study and how to study all the topics for their preparation process. The article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf presents a unit-wise breakdown of all the important topics under each unit so that students can allot time to each topic and prepare.

Students should cover all ten topics and concepts before attempting the System Analysis And Design examination. When students know all the topics, they will be able to answer the paper easily and comfortably. Students should remain aware of the System Analysis And Design syllabus to prevent studying unnecessary and redundant topics.

The updates unit-wise division of the System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf is as follows:

Units  Topics
Unit 1 Introduction to System:


Definition of a System

Types of Systems

Delineating Systems

Products and Tools

Precedent versus Unprecedented Systems

Analytical Representation of a System

Systems that require engineering

Unit 2 Data and information: 

Types of Information

operational, tactical, strategic and statutory

why do we need information systems

management structure

requirements of information at different levels of management

functional allocation of management

requirements of information for various functions

qualities of information-small case studies.

Unit 3 System Attributes, Properties, and Characteristics


Properties, Characteristics and elements of System

Every System has its own unique identity

Understanding System Performance

System Characteristics

The System’s State of Equilibrium:

Unit 4 The Architecture of Systems


Introducing the System Architecture Construct

Introduction of the System Elements

Understanding System Element Entity Relationships

Guiding Principles

Unit 5 The Systems Development Life Cycle



Planning and Design:




Requirements determination

requirements specifications

Feasibility analysis

final specifications

hardware and software study

Role of systems analyst

attributes of a systems analyst

tools used in system analysis

Unit 6 System design

system implementation

system evaluation

system modification

Structured Design

Input design and Output design

Form Design.

Unit 7 Systems Development Methodologies:

 Rapid Application

Development Newer (current) methodologies

selecting the Appropriate Development Methodology

Unit 8 System Analysis-I:

Introduction to System analysis

Problem Definition

Information requirements

Information gathering tools

Tools of structured Analysis

Data Flow Diagrams

Data Dictionary

Decision Tree

Decision tables

structured English.

Unit 9 System Analysis-II: 

File Organisation

Sequential Indexed Sequential

 Chaining and Inverted list organisation

System Testing: Test Plan

 AND test data

types of system test.

Unit 10 System Implementation:

 Implementation Plan

activity network for conversion

combating resistance to change

Hardware/Software Selection: Procedure for selection

Major phases in the selection

Make v/s buy decision

Criteria for software selection.

Unit 11 Data-oriented systems design: 

Entity-relationship model

 E-R diagrams

 relationships cardinality and participation

 normalising relations

various normal forms and their need

some examples of relational database design.

Unit 12 Object-oriented systems modelling:

 What are objects?

Why objects?

Objects and their properties




 how to identify objects in an application

 how to model systems using objects

some cases of object-oriented system modelling

Unit 13 Project Team Skills and Roles:

 Skills and Roles of a Project Team

Business Analyst

Systems Analyst

Infrastructure Analyst

Change Management Analyst

Project Manager

Unit 14 Systems analysis and design in e-commerce: 

B2B, B2C and C2C

e-commerce – advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce

E-commerce system architecture

 physical networks

logical network

World Wide Web

 web-services – HTML, XML.

List of System Analysis and Design Important Questions

  • What is meant by the term concept?
  • State the importance of documentation.
  • Write a short note on the good practices for the documentation process.
  • What is meant by Information Systems Analysis and Design?
  • Make a comparative study between the five types of coupling and their application.
  • Write a short note on the concept of design.
  • State the role of CASE tools and their usage in organisations.
  • Make a comparative study between Information Systems.
  • Name the various issues related to system development.
  • What is the goal of designs?

FAQ’s on System Analysis and Design Notes

Question 1.
What is System Analysis And Design?

Systems analysis is a system which deals with the collection of data, interpretation of facts and identification of all the problems. It includes the decomposition of a system into all its components. System Design is a process which deals with the planning of new business systems. However, sometimes it can be replacing the existing System by defining components to specific requirements.

Question 2.
What are some of the reference materials that students can download from this article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf?

Students can download the sources of reference and pdf notes on System Analysis And Design from this article. The more frequently students will refer to the System Analysis And Design Notes, the more they will understand the important topics and concepts.

Here is a list of a few important System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf for a thorough preparation of the course programme for the examination:

  • System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf
  • System Analysis And Design Handwritten Notes Pdf
  • System Analysis And Design Previous Year’s Question Paper Pdfs

Question 3.
List some of the reference books that students can download from this article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf?

Here are some of the reference books that students can download from this article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf:

  • System Analysis And Design
  • Power System Analysis And Design
  • Peeling Design Patterns: For Beginners and Interviews
  • How to Do Systems Analysis
  • System Engineering Analysis, Design and Development

Question 4.
State some of the important questions that students can review before the System Analysis and Design examination.

Here are some of the important questions that students can review before System Analysis and Design examination:

  • What is meant by the term concept?
  • State the importance of documentation.
  • Write a short note on the good practices for the documentation process.
  • What is meant by Information Systems Analysis and Design?
  • Make a comparative study between the five types of coupling and their application.
  • Write a short note on the concept of design.


The article on System Analysis And Design Notes Pdf provides students with the most reliable and credible sources of reference to enhance their preparation of all the important topics. In this article on System Analysis And Design, students will gain access on the key reference materials like – pdf notes, reference books, study materials and important questions on System Analysis And Design.

With the help of the key materials, students can improve and enhance their knowledge and understanding of the important concepts and topics. The article briefs students and keeps them updated to the current notes pdfs, and other sources of reference sources. All the reference material like textbooks, reference books, updated syllabus and important questions are available for free.

Python Data Presistence – os Module

Python Data Presistence – os Module

clbr.dll: This is another module containing useful utilities for manipulating files and directories programmatically. The usual operating system commands for directory management have equivalents in this module. There is mkdir ( ) function that creates a new directory inside the current directory by default. To create it at any other location in the file system, its absolute path has to be given.


import os
os.mkdir(1newdir’) # inside current directory
os.mkdir(‘c:\\newdir’) #in C drive

The chdir ( ) function (to set current working directory) and rmdir ( ) function (to remove a directory) also take relative path by default. A ge tcwd ( ) function is also available to know which is the current working directory. All these operations are demonstrated in following interpreter session:


>> import os
>>> os.mkdir(“newdir”) #new directory in current path
>>> os.chdir(“newdir”) #set current directory
>>> os.getcwdO #displays current working directory
>>> os.rmdir(“newdir”) #shouldn’t be current directory and should be empty Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module> FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot
find the file specified: ‘newdir’
>>> os.chdir) #sets current directory to parent
>>> os.getcwd ( )
‘ E:\\python3 7 ‘
>>> os.rmdir(“newdir”) #now it can be deleted
>>> os.listdirO #returns list of files and directories in current path
[‘abcdemo.py’, ‘aifftest.py’, ‘checkindent.py’,
‘clbr.py’, 1combinations-2.py’, ‘combinations.py’,
‘comprehensionl.py’, ‘conditionals.jpg’, ‘continue- example.py’, ‘data_class.py’, ‘DLLs’, ‘Doc’, ‘else- in-loop.py’, ‘ equitriangle .py’ , ‘fibolist.py’ ,
‘ findertest.py’, ‘for-l.py’, ‘for-2.py’, ‘for-3.
py’, ‘for-4.py’, ‘for-5.py’, ‘for-6.py’, ‘for-7.
py’, ‘gcexample.py’, ‘hello.py’, ‘include’, ‘Lib’,
‘libs’, ‘LICENSE.txt’, ‘modfinder.py’, ‘modspec. py’, ‘modulel.py’, ‘module2.py’, ‘mydb.sqlite3’,
‘myfunctions.cover’, ‘myfunctions.py’, ‘mymain.
cover’, ‘mymain.py’, ‘nestedfor.py’, ‘newdirbak’,
‘NEWS.txt’, ‘out.aiff’, ‘out.au’, ‘out.mp3’,
‘out.wma’, ‘polar.png’, ‘python.exe’, ‘python3. dll’, ‘python37.dll’, ‘pythonw.exe’, ‘report.txt’,
‘runpyexample.py’, ‘sample.wav’, ‘Scripts’, ‘secret- number.py’, ‘securepwd.py’, ‘sound.aiff’, ‘sound,
wav’, ‘sqrmodule.py’, ‘structexample.py’, ‘tabdemo.py’, ‘taxl.py’, ‘tax2.py’, ‘tax3.py'( ‘tax4. py’, ‘tel’, ‘testindent.py’, ‘Tools’, ‘triangle, py’, ‘trianglebrowser.py’, ‘vcruntimel40.dll’,
‘warningexample.py’, ‘wavetest.py’, ‘while-1.py’, ‘_threadexample.py’, ‘ pycache ‘]

The os module also has functions to create a new file and perform read/ write operations on it. We shall learn about these functions in the chapter on File Handling.

MVC architecture in java with example – MVC Architecture in JSP with Example | What is MVC? | Layers, Advantages & Example Program

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example

MVC architecture in java with example: Are you searching for information on MVC Architecture in JSP? Then, this java tutorial is the correct choice for you. Here, we have shared the complete details about MVC Architecture in JSP with Example like definition, layers of MVC, advantages, and an example program.

What is MVC?

MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is a design pattern that is used to separate the business logic, presentation logic, and data. It can be used to design a web application in a standard manner ie: It will provide a pattern to design a web application. It is able to define which element is used for which purpose.

Layers of MVC Architecture

As per MVC, our application will be divided into three layers.

1. Model Layer:

  • Model Layer is the data layer.
  • It consists of all the data of our web application.
  • It represents a state of an application.
  • The Model Layer is responsible to connect with the database as well as stores the data into a database.
  • It consists of all the classes in our application that have a connection to the database.

2. View Layer:

  • It represents the presentation layer
  • It normally represents the User Interface (UI) of the application.
  • We can use HTML, CSS, JS, etc to create a presentation layer.

3. Controller Layer:

  • It is an interface between the view layer and the model layer.
  • It receives the request from View Layer.
  • It read the data which is coming from the presentation layer.
  • To read data from the presentation layer, we can use Servlet, JSP, Filter, etc.

The MVC Architecture is given below:

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 1

Also Check:

Advantage of MVC (Model 2) Architecture

The advantage of MVC architecture are:

  • It is easy to maintain a large application.
  • It is easy to test.
  • It is easy to extend.
  • The navigation control is centralized.

Example of MVC Architecture in JSP:

In this example, we are going to show you how to use MVC architecture in JSP. In this example, we are going to create an example in which servlet as a controller, JSP as a view component, Java Bean class as a model.
In this example, we have created 6 pages.

  • index.jsp: It gets the input from the user.
  • ControllerServlet.java: It acts as a controller.
  • loginSuccess and loginError.jsp files acts as a view component.
  • LoginMvcBean.java: It acts as a Model layer.
  • web.xml file is used to mapping the servlet.


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 2


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 3


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 4


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 5


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 6


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 7

Output: When we enter the right credential.

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 8

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 9

Output: When we enter the wrong credential.
MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 10

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 11

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts | Most Commonly Used Shortcut Keys for Outlook

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts: Outlook belongs to the family of Microsoft Office ever since 1997. You are probably using Outlook every day, isn’t it? Or do you receive your email through various web services like Gmail? Do you know Microsoft Office Outlook has hundreds of shortcuts in keyboard settings for all types of functions? No? Don’t worry; listed below are some of the most frequently used shortcuts.

These shortcut keys are a life changer! It will no doubt change the way of your email. Don’t worry; it simply takes two minutes to grasp them, and you will be saving at least 15 minutes per day of your email time! It will speed things up for you and will make emailing a lot more comfortable task. Go through this article, and you can thank us later!

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

How To Enable The Shortcut Keys?

Outlook shortcut keys: Before we move to the shortcut keys, you should know about how to enable certain shortcut keys:

  1. First, you should go to the home screen and then select the ‘Settings’ option.
  2. From ‘Settings’, now select the ‘More mail settings’ option.
  3. The next step consists of moving to the ‘Customizing Outlook’ option.
  4. After you have selected the ‘Customizing Outlook’ option, you should select the option ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’.
  5. From here you can make your choice. Now click on the ‘Save’ button to save your choice.

A Brief List Of Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook With Explanations

Microsoft outlook shortcut keys: You can use the given list as a reference which is a composite list of all shortcuts. All the given shortcuts are applicable for both Mac and Windows-based computer systems. However, in case you are using a Mac, then simply substitute the ‘Ctrl’ option with the key named ‘Command’. You should press the listed keys simultaneously to activate the shortcut.

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Navigation In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Switching to Mail Ctrl-1
Switching to Calendar Ctrl-2
Switching to Contacts Ctrl-3
Switching to Tasks Ctrl-4
Moving Up One Line Up Arrow
Moving Down One Line Down Arrow
Switching to Notes Ctrl-5
Switch to Inbox Ctrl-Shift-i
Opening the address book Ctrl-Shift-B
Go to any particular folder Ctrl-Y
Delete the previous word Ctrl-Backspace
Delete the next word Ctrl-Delete
Moving to the next email Ctrl-.
Moving to the previous email Ctrl-,

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Searching In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Searching in Outlook Alt-Q
Searching all folders Ctrl-Alt-A
Open Advanced Search option Ctrl-Shift-F
Searching the current folder Ctrl-Alt-K
Searching the subfolders Ctrl-Alt-Z

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Any General Task In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Cancelling a task Esc
Sending and receiving any email F9
Help F1
Printing the chosen item Ctrl-P
Expanding or collapsing the ribbon Ctrl-F1
Align Left Ctrl-L
Align Right Ctrl-R
Align Center Ctrl-E
Spelling Check F7
Making Letters Bold Ctrl-B
Making Letters Italic Ctrl-I
Underline Ctrl-U
Move to another folder Ctrl-Shift-V
Increasing font size Ctrl-]
Decreasing font size Ctrl-[

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Working With A New Email In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Checking the names Ctrl-K
Sending a message Ctrl-Enter
Forwarding any email in the form of an attachment Ctrl-Alt-F
Forwarding any email message Ctrl-F
Marking any message as unread Ctrl-U
Marking any message as read Ctrl-Q
Replying to any email message Ctrl-R
Reply All to any email message Ctrl-Shift-R
Quick Flag Insert
Open any selected email Enter or Ctrl-O
Flag any message for follow-up Ctrl-Shift-G
Marking any message as “not junk” Ctrl-Alt-J
Searching all the folders Ctrl-Alt-A

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Creating Items In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Creating a new email Ctrl-Shift-M
Creating any search folder Ctrl-Shift-P
Creating any new contact Ctrl-Shift-C
Creating any meeting request Ctrl-Shift-Q
Scheduling any new appointment on the calendar Ctrl-Shift-A
Creating any new document Ctrl-Shift-H
Creating any new group of contacts Ctrl-Shift-L
Creating any new Note Ctrl-Shift-N
Creating any new task Ctrl-Shift-K

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Working In Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Purpose Shortcuts
Displaying the current month Alt-=
Changing the number of days that the calendar is showing Alt-[number]
Displaying the ongoing week in the calendar Alt-Minus

Advantages Of Using The Keyboard Shortcuts In Outlook

Outlook for mac keyboard shortcuts: There are lots of advantages of using keyboard shortcuts in Outlook. It will no doubt make you much more efficient while working, but also save you a lot of time. Imagine a situation where your mouse stops working and you are in urgent need to send or check any email. This is where these shortcuts are very handy.

Apart from making you efficient, these shortcuts are very helpful for those who have issues like difficulty in mobility or are visually impaired. For them, using a mouse or touching the screen for using the onscreen keyboard is very difficult. These shortcuts will help them to operate freely without any outside help.

Using keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Outlook is also an advantage in situations where the work requires precision. It helps in editing texts and these situations become more accurate to be handled if done with the shortcut keys.

The shortcut keyboard if used with the mouse as well, makes tasks easier. For example, while browsing any email, there are many times when you are required to click links at the same time. Here you can use these keyboard shortcuts to click on these links or browse the mail and do the complementary work with your mouse.

Conclusion on Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

As you might have comprehended from the above read, using keyboard shortcuts is quite useful. In Microsoft Outlook, such an advantage becomes very handy while you work on your emails. Being on the computer almost all the time, these shortcuts will be of extreme use to you and you can save so much time.

Ubuntu shortcuts keys – Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts | Set of Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts: Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, and it is based on Debian. It mainly consists of free-source software and open-source software. Ubuntu gets a development code name in every release, and their version numbers are denoted by the year and month of delivery. The LTS, or Long-Term Support, releases are the enterprise-grade releases of Ubuntu and are very popular. Canonical publishes an Ubuntu release every six months.

Since the 17.10 version, GNOME has been the default desktop for Ubuntu.

Knowing the Ubuntu keyboard Shortcuts is very useful since it makes your working experience more accessible and smoother. An operating system with the keyboard and mouse combination can also be used, but the keyboard Shortcuts save your time.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Super Key in Ubuntu

Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts: You will find the Super key at the bottom left corner of the keyboard, between the Ctrl key and the Alt key. The Super key is called the system key or the windows critical. The Windows key is called the Super key in Linux. By pressing the Super key, you can

  • Search for the application. If you don’t install the application, the Super key suggests applications from the software center.
  • See the running GUI applications.
  • See the workspace option located on the right side

Some of the Essential Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Ubuntu shortcuts keys: Given below are some of the essential Ubuntu keyboard Shortcuts that will help you in saving your time and increasing your productivity:

Shortcut keys Functions
Ctrl + Shift + N It is used to open a new terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + T Users use it to open a terminal tab on the same window
Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + C Users use it to stop any application which is currently running
Ctrl + R Users use it to search commands which you entered previously
Ctrl + U Users use it to delete the entire line, which is before the cursor
Ctrl + W Users use it to delete an entire word which is before the cursor
Ctrl + K Users use it to delete the entire line, which is after the cursor
Ctrl + Y Users use it to undo the content deleted mistakenly.
Ctrl + L Users use it to clear the terminal
Ctrl + Shift + C Users use it to copy the content which is selected
Ctrl + Shift + V It is used to paste the copied content
Alt + F or Ctrl + Right Arrow Users use it to move a single word forward
Alt + B or Ctrl + Left Arrow Users use it to move a single word backward
Arrow Up or Arrow Down Users use it to scan the previously executed commands
Alt + D Users use it to remove the line which is after the cursor
Shift + Pg Up or Pg Dn Users use it to scroll up or scroll down the terminal
Ctrl + Pg Up Users use it to move to the left tab after opening a new terminal tab
Ctrl + Pg Dn Users use it to move to the right tab after opening a new terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + Pg U It is used to move the current tab to left
Ctrl + Shift + Pg Dn Users use it to move the current tab to the right
Ctrl + D Users use it to close the current terminal tab. In case, if you open only one tab, then the entire terminal will be closed
Ctrl + P Users use it to run through the previously executed set of commands
Ctrl + N Users use it to run through the next executed set of commands
Ctrl + J It is used to enter
Ctrl + Shift + Q Users use it to close all the tabs on the current terminal. It will not close any tabs opened on other terminals
Super + Row Up Users use it to maximize the terminal window
Super + Row Down Users use it to minimize the terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + F Users use it to find through the console of the terminal
Alt + C Users use it to capitalize the alphabet, which is after the cursor.
Use of Tab Users use it to get suggestions on commands

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME version

The keyboard Shortcuts mentioned here are for usage only in the Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME version. Most of them do work on other Ubuntu versions as well, but not all of them. The keyboard shortcuts are listed below:

Keyboard Shortcuts Functions
Ctrl + Alt + T It is a shortcut for opening a new terminal in Ubuntu.
Super + L or Ctrl + Alt + L It locks your screen when you are not working.
Super + D or Ctrl + Alt + D It minimizes the applications which are running and shows the desktop.
Super + A It opens the application menu and shows the installed applications.
Super + Tab or Alt + Tab Users use it to switch between applications when more than one application is running.
Super + Arrow keys Users use it to snap windows. Using the right arrow key, you can snap right, and using the left arrow key, you can snap left.
Super + M Using this, you can open the notification area in GNOME. Pressing it again will result in the closing of the area.
Super + Space Users use it for changing the input keyboards. (If you have more than one keyboard installed)
Alt + F2 Users use it to run a quick command.
Ctrl + Q Users use it to close the running application window
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Users use it to switch or move between workspaces
Ctrl + Alt + Del It is used to log out from Ubuntu
Super + H Users use it to hide current running applications
Shift + Ctrl + Alt It is used to record the Ubuntu desktop

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Ubuntu Terminal

The Shortcuts listed below work in Ubuntu’s built-in GNOME terminal application. If you are not able to the given keyboard Shortcuts, then

  1. Click on menu
  2. Go to the option Preferences and click on Shortcuts in a terminal window
  3. Check the ‘Enable Shortcuts’ box

Using the following keyboard Shortcuts, you can speed up your Linux command experience:

Opening and closing of terminal windows

  • For opening the terminal window: Ctrl + Alt + T or Shift + Ctrl + N
  • For closing the current terminal window: Shift + Ctrl + Q

Terminal Window Tabs

  • For opening a new tab: Shift + Ctrl + T
  • For closing the current tab: Shift + Ctrl + w
  • For moving the tab to the left: Shift + Ctrl + Page Up
  • For moving the tab to the right: Shift + Ctrl + Page Down
  • For switching to the previous tab: Ctrl + Page Up
  • For switching to the next tab: Ctrl + Page Down
  • For switching to Tab 1: Alt + 1
  • For switching to Tab 2: Alt + 2
  • For switching to Tab 3: Alt + 3 and so on, continue to follow the same step to switch tabs
  • For switching to Tab 10: Alt + 0

Command-Line Editing

  • For copying a highlighted text: Shift + Ctrl + C (The mouse should be used for highlighting the text)
  • For pasting the copied text: Shift + Ctrl + V
  • For pasting the copied text in an application: Ctrl + V
  • To move to the start of the command line: Ctrl + A or Home
  • To move to the end of the command line: Ctrl + E or End
  • To move a character backward: Ctrl + B or Left Arrow
  • To move a character forward: Ctrl + F or Right Arrow
  • To hop between the current cursor position and the start of the line: Ctrl + XX (After pressing Ctrl, double press X)

Controlling the display of the terminal

  • For clearing the terminal window: Ctrl + L
  • To stop scrolling output or freeze the output from a program: Ctrl + S
  • To again start scrolling output: Ctrl + Q

Zooming the terminal window

  • For zooming in: Shift + Ctrl ++

For zooming out: Shift + Ctrl + –

For a full screen: F11

For recovering normal size: Ctrl + 0

Searching in a terminal window

To find: Shift + Ctrl + F

For finding the next occurrence of the searched term: Shift + Ctrl + G

For finding the previous occurrence of the searched term: Shift + Ctrl + H

For clearing text highlights: Shift + Ctrl + J

Customization of keyboard Shortcuts

In Ubuntu, you can customize your keyboard Shortcuts and use them by attaching them to some function you want to carry out when using that specific keyboard shortcut.

For creating keyboard Shortcuts, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Firstly, open the System menu
  2. Click on the icon of Settings. A dialogue box will appear
  3. From the dialogue box, click on the option of devices
  4. Under devices, click on the keyboard option
  5. A list of existing keyboard Shortcuts will appear. Scroll down through them and click on the button +, which is at the bottom of the list
  6. Add Custom Shortcut dialogue box appears. Fill up the required details and press the Set shortcut.
  7. An Enter the New Shortcut prompt will appear. After the prompt appears, press the keys you want to use for the shortcut.
  8. Then, click on the green Add button.
  9. Your shortcut is now saved and added to the list of existing Shortcuts.
  10. Lastly, press Super + E to launch your shortcut

Now you can try your shortcut out.

Conclusion on Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Using keyboard Shortcuts will save a lot of your time and gives you a smooth experience. It will increase your productivity while saving your screen time. For users using the Ubuntu application, these Shortcuts will help you to produce accurate data. And as you can make your keyboard Shortcuts, your experience will be much more fun and easy.

Algorithm design goodrich pdf – Design and Analysis of Algorithms Notes & Study Material by Udit Agarwal | Design and Analysis of Algorithms Handwritten Notes PDF


Design and Analysis of Algorithms PDF by Udit Agarwal: Are you on the hunt to get hold of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal? You can access all the essential concepts and chapters on the Design And Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal from this article and enhance your preparation process of essential concepts.

The Article on Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal acts as the principal source of reference to improve and enhance preparation and secure better grades. Students can access and download the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal as per the latest curriculum for free from this article. Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

The Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal give students a major advantage as they acquire the latest and updated chapter-wise syllabus and the list of important questions over other regular notes. Students can download the Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Notes Pdf By Udit Agarwal from here and improvise their preparation approach with the best and updated study resources and secure better grades.

Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Algorithm design goodrich pdf: An Algorithm is defined as a set of operation or computational steps or instructions designed to solve problems performing data processing, organise structures, calculation, and automated reasoning tasks. It is an efficient method that expresses a finite amount of space and time and represents a solution in a particular manner. An algorithm is independent of any programming language through the remembrance of the past results to obtain new results.

The important aspect of algorithm design is the creation of an efficient algorithm to resolve specific or general problems through the use of minimum space and time in an efficient manner. The primary characteristics of an algorithm are- Finiteness, Input, Output, Definiteness, and Effectiveness.

However, an algorithm is different from a Pseudocode as it defines a well-defined series of steps and resolves a specific problem. Algorithms are generally written in Plain English or simple languages.

CS-Design and Analysis of Algorithms PDF by Udit Agarwal Free Download

Graduates studying Computer Science or Electrical Engineering course programme can access the Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal briefed in this article. Through the pdf, students can better prepare to help themselves secure better grades.

Students can download and access the Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal and other reference sources and refer to it whenever during the preparation or revision process for free.

Through dedicated use and utilisation of the Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal as a source reference will help each candidate get a better brief and comprehension of all the enlisted concepts and change their score game.

Here, are a list of a few important notes on Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal for a thorough preparation of the Computer Science course programme-

  • Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal
  • Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Chapter-Wise Division

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Reference Books

  • Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson Education, Reprint 2006.
  • Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Third Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
  • Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
  • Donald E. Knuth, “The Art of Computer Programming”, Volumes 1& 3 Pearson Education, 2009. 4. Steven S. Skiena, “The Algorithm Design Manual”, Second Edition, Springer, 2008.
  • Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms by AHO
  • Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms(second edition) by Sahni Horowitz
  • Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Anany Levitin
  • Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples” by Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Dave

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Reference Books

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Syllabus

The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Content gives an initial idea and a basic outline of the important topics or concepts in the book to enhance and effectual is student’s preparation or revision process.

The Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Content give students a clear and brief idea of what to study and how to study the concepts. The article provides a detailed view of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Content, taking into consideration of every student’s requirements and needs. Here, you will avail the chapter-wise breakdown of all the important topics enlisted under each chapter so that candidates allot enough time to each topic accordingly.

Graduates must ensure to envelop all the important topics before attempting the Design And Analysis of Algorithms exam so that the paper is reasonably answerable and so that students prevent from wasting unnecessary time on redundant topics.

The updated chapter-wise breakup of the Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Content is as follows-

Chapter I- Introduction to Algorithm Chapter II- Growth of Functions
  • Introduction
  • Why Study Algorithms
  • Definitions
  • Algorithms Versus Programmes
  • Algorithms Design Techniques
  • Algorithms Classification
  • Algorithms Analysis
  • Formal and Informal Algorithms Analysis
  • How to Calculate the Running Time of an Algorithm
  • Loop Invariants
  • Complexity of Algorithms
  • RAM Machine
  • Best, Worst, and Average- Case Complexity
  • Growth Rate of Functions
  • Asymptotic Analysis
  • Analysing Algorithm Control Structure
  • Logarithms and Exponents
Chapter III- Recorrances Chapter IV- Analysis of Simple Sorting Algorithms
  • Introduction
  • The Substitution Method
  • The Iteration method
  • Master Method
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
Chapter V- Merge Sort Chapter VI- Heap Sort
  • Introduction
  • Analysis of Merge Sort
  • Insertion Sort and Merge Sort
  • Binary Heap
  • Heap Property
  • Height of a Heap
  • Heapify
  • Building a Heap
  • Heap Sort Algorithm
  • Heap-Insert
  • Heap-Delete
  • Heap-Extract-Max
Chapter VII- Quick Sort Chapter VIII- Sorting in 

Linear Time

  • Introduction
  • Partitioning in Array
  • Performance of Quick Sort
  • Versions of Quick Sort
  • Stability
  • Counting Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Bucket Sort
Chapter IX- Medians and Order Statistics Chapter X-Dictionaries and Hash Tables
  • Selection problem
  • Finding Minimum (or Maximum)
  • Finding Minimum and Maximum Simultaneously
  • Selection of ith Order- Statistic in Linear Time
  • Worst-Case Linear-Time Statistics
  • Choosing The Pivot
  • Dictionaries
  • Log Files
  • Hash Tables
  • Hashing
  • Hash Functions
  • Universal Hashing
  • Hashing With Open Addressing
  • Rehashing
Chapter XI-Elementary Data Structures Chapter XII- Binary Search Tree
  • Introduction
  • Abstract Data Type
  • Stack Queue
  • Linked List
  • Binary-Trees
  • Binary-Search-Tree-Property
  • Binary-Search-Tree-Property Versus Heap Property
  • Querying a Binary Search Tree
Chapter XIII- AVL Tree Chapter XIV- Spray Trees
  • Introduction
  • Balance Factor
  • Insertion in an AVL Search Tree
  • The efficiency of AVL Trees
  • Introduction
  • Splaying
  • Splay versus Move-to-Root
Chapter XV- Red-Black Trees Chapter XVI- Augmenting Data Structures
  • Introduction
  • Operations on RB Trees
  • Elementary Properties of Red-Black Trees
  • Augmenting a Red-Black Tree
  • Retrieving an element with a given rank
  • Determining the rank of an element
  • Data Structure Maintenance
  • An Augmentation Strategy
  • Interval Trees
Chapter XVII- B-Trees Chapter XVIII- Binomial Heaps
  • Introduction
  • Definition of B-Tree
  • Searching for a Key k in B-Tree
  • Creating an Empty B-Tree
  • How do we Search for a Predecessor?
  • Inserting a Key into a B-Tree
  • Mergeable heaps
  • Binomial Trees and Binomial Heaps
  • Binomial Heaps
Chapter XIX- Fibonacci Heaps Chapter XX- Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
  • Introduction
  • Structure of Fibonacci Heaps
  • Potential Functions
  • Operations
  • Bounding the Maximum Degree
  • Introduction
  • Disjoint-Set Operations
  • UNION-FIND Algorithm
  • Applications of Disjoint-Set Data Structures
  • Linked-List Representation of Disjoint-Set
  • Disjoint-Set Forests
  • Properties of Ranks
Chapter XXI- Dynamic Programming Chapter XXII- Greedy Algorithms
  • Introduction
  • Common Characteristics
  • Matrix Multiplication
  • Memoization
  • Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
  • Introduction
  • An Activity-Selection Problem
  • Knapsack Problems
  • Huffman Codes
  • Prefix Codes
  • Greedy Algorithms for constructing a Huffman Code
  • Activity or Task-Scheduling problem
  • Travelling Salesperson Problem
  • Matroids
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
Chapter XXIII- Backtracking Chapter XXIV- Branch and Bound
  • Introduction
  • Recursive Maze Algorithm
  • Hamiltonian Circuit problem
  • Subset- Sum Problem
  • N-Queens Problem
  • Introduction
  • Live Node, Dead Node, and Bounding Functions
  • FIFO Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
  • Least Cost (LC) Search
  • The 15 Puzzle: An Example
  • Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for TSI
  • Knapsack Problem
  • Assignment Problem
Chapter XXV-Amortized Analysis Chapter XXVI- Elementary Graphs Algorithms
  • Introduction
  • Aggregate analysis
  • Accounting method or Taxation Method
  • Potential Method
  • Introduction
  • How is the Graph Represented?
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Topological Sorts
  • Strongly connected components
Chapter XXVII- Minimum Spanning Tree Chapter XXVIII- Single Source Shortest Paths
  • Spanning Tree
  • Kruskal’s Algorithm
  • Prim’s Algorithm
  • Introduction
  • Shortest Path: Existence
  • Representing Shortest Paths
  • Shortest Path: Properties
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • The Bellman-Ford’s Algorithm
  • Single Source shortest Paths in directed acyclic graphs
Chapter XXIX- All-Pairs Shortest Paths Chapter XXX- Maximum Flow
  • Introduction
  • Matrix Multiplication
  • The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
  • Transitive Closure
  • Johnson’s Algorithm
  • Flow Networks and Flows
  • Network Flow Problem
  • Residual Networks, Augmenting Paths, and Cuts
  • Max-Flow, Min-Cut Theorem
  • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
Chapter XXXI- Sorting Networks Chapter XXXII- Algorithms for Parallel Computers 
  • Comparison Networks
  • Bitonic Sorting Networks
  • Merging Networks
  • Parallel Computing
  • Why use Parallel Computing?
  • von Neumann Algorithm
  • Flynn’s Classical taxonomy
  • Parallel Algorithms
  • Concurrent Versus Exclusive Memory Access
  • List Ranking by Pointer Jumping
  • The Euler-Tour Technique
  • CRCW Algorithms Versus EREW Algorithms
  • Brent’s Theorem
Chapter XXXIII-Matrix Operations Chapter XXXIV- Number-Theorthic Algorithms 
  • Introduction
  • Operations on Matrices
  • Strassen’s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication
  • Solving Systems for Linear Equations
  • Computing an LU Decomposition
  • Computing an LUP Decomposition
  • Some Facts from Elementary Number Theory
  • Euclid’s GCD Algorithms
  • The Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • The RSA Public-key Cryptosystem
Chapter XXXV- Polynomials and the FFT  Chapter XXXVI- String Matching
  • Polynomials
  • Representation of Polynomials
  • Evaluating Polynomial Functions
  • Complex Roots of Unity
  • Discrete Fourier Transform
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
  • Introduction
  • The Naive String-matching Algorithm
  • The Rabin-Karp Algorithm
  • String Matching with Finite Automata
  • The Knutt-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm
  • The Boyer-Moore Algorithm
Chapter XXXVII- Computational Geometry Chapter XXXVIII- NP-Completeness
  • Introduction
  • Strengths and limitations of Computational Geometry
  • Polygons
  • Convex Polygons
  • Convex Hulls
  • Graham’s Scan Algorithms
  • Jarvis’s March Algorithm
    • Classes of Problems
    • The Class NP (Non-Deterministic Polynomial)
  • NP-Completeness
  • The Class co-NP
  • Satisfiability (SAT)
  • Circuit Satisfiability
  • Proving NP-Completeness
  • Problems for NP-complete Problem
  • (formula) Satisfiability
  • 3-CNF Satisfiability
  • The Clique Problem
  • The Vertex-Cover Problem
  • The Subset-Sum Problem
  • The Hamiltonian-Cycle Problem
  • The traveling-Salesman Problem
Chapter XXXIX- Approximate Algorithms Chapter XXXX- Randomized Algorithm
  • Introduction
  • Performance Ratios
  • Examples of Approximate Algorithms
  • Introduction
  • Applications
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

List of Design and Analysis of Algorithms PDF by Udit Agarwal Important Questions

Candidates pursuing the Computer Science or Electrical Engineering course programme can access the article Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal and read through the list of all the essential questions mentioned below for the course programme. All the provided review questions aim to help candidates excel in their examinations.

  1. Explain the primary characteristics of an Algorithm briefly.
  2. Discuss the method to calculate the running time of an Algorithm.
  3. Discuss the INSERTION SORT on an array A-(41,31,69,16,38,62) with a neat-labelled diagram.
  4. Analyse the working procedure of Insertion Sort in the worst case.
  5. With the application of Merge Sort, Sort the following list- 70, 80, 40, 50, 60, 12, 35, 95, 10
  6. Define Merge Sort, and briefly explain the working procedure of Merge Sort during its best case, worst case, and average-case complexity.
  7. Discuss the heap-Sort Algorithm of the following input with a neat-labelled diagram (2, 5, 16,4, 10,23,39, 18,26,15)
  8. Consider that the running time of all the elements of array A having the same value, elucidate on the running time of the QUICK SORT.
  9. Considering that the key of each record has a value of either 0 or 1, modify the bucket key algorithm.
  10. Devise an algorithm that can record and search in a chained method.
  11. Write a C program that can break a single circularly-linked list into two circularly linked lists.0
  12. 25Describe the outlook of a splay tree if the keys are accessed in increasing order.
  13. Illustrate how an AVL tree can be designed as a Red-Black Tree.
    Illustrate with a neat-labelled diagram of a Red-Black Tree disconnected to an AVL tree.
  14. Explain briefly about the non-recursive version of OS-SELECT.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Important Questions

FAQ’s on Design and Analysis of Algorithms PDF by Udit Agarwal

Question 1.
Explain the definition of Algorithms briefly?

An Algorithm is a sequence or a set of computational rules that transform input into output or carries the calculation either on a machine or by hand. Through algorithms and abstraction can be extracted on a physical machine.

Question 2.
Derive the classification of Algorithms?

Algorithms, when grouped, adopt a similar structure like a problem-solving technique. A few Algorithm types to consider are-

  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Randomized Algorithms
  • Divide and Conquer Algorithms
  • Recursive Algorithms
  • Branch and Bound Algorithms
  • Backtracking Algorithms
  • Brute Force Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming Algorithms

Question 3.
How is Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal useful?

The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Book provide a comprehensive understanding of all the important concepts. The pdf even presents mock exercises to simply and better a student’s preparation or revision process. The book gives a detailed view of all aspects of Design And Analysis Of Algorithms.

Question 4.
Name a few important questions from Design And Analysis Of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal Book.


  • Explain the primary characteristics of an Algorithm briefly.
  • Discuss the method to calculate the running time of an Algorithm.
  • Consider that the running time of all the elements of array A having the same value, elucidate on the running time of the QUICK SORT.
  • Considering that the key of each record has a value of either 0 or 1, modify the bucket key algorithm.
  • Devise an algorithm that can record and search in a chained method.


The article on Design And Analysis of Algorithms Pdf by Udit Agarwal is a credible and reliable source of reference that aims to help and enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject. The article on Design And Analysis of Algorithms Pdf By Udit Agarwal offers students the best Design And Analysis of Algorithms Notes, exercises, and the list of all important questions simply and comprehensively.