MVC architecture in java with example – MVC Architecture in JSP with Example | What is MVC? | Layers, Advantages & Example Program

MVC architecture in java with example: Are you searching for information on MVC Architecture in JSP? Then, this java tutorial is the correct choice for you. Here, we have shared the complete details about MVC Architecture in JSP with Example like definition, layers of MVC, advantages, and an example program.

What is MVC?

MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is a design pattern that is used to separate the business logic, presentation logic, and data. It can be used to design a web application in a standard manner ie: It will provide a pattern to design a web application. It is able to define which element is used for which purpose.

Layers of MVC Architecture

As per MVC, our application will be divided into three layers.

1. Model Layer:

  • Model Layer is the data layer.
  • It consists of all the data of our web application.
  • It represents a state of an application.
  • The Model Layer is responsible to connect with the database as well as stores the data into a database.
  • It consists of all the classes in our application that have a connection to the database.

2. View Layer:

  • It represents the presentation layer
  • It normally represents the User Interface (UI) of the application.
  • We can use HTML, CSS, JS, etc to create a presentation layer.

3. Controller Layer:

  • It is an interface between the view layer and the model layer.
  • It receives the request from View Layer.
  • It read the data which is coming from the presentation layer.
  • To read data from the presentation layer, we can use Servlet, JSP, Filter, etc.

The MVC Architecture is given below:

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 1

Also Check:

Advantage of MVC (Model 2) Architecture

The advantage of MVC architecture are:

  • It is easy to maintain a large application.
  • It is easy to test.
  • It is easy to extend.
  • The navigation control is centralized.

Example of MVC Architecture in JSP:

In this example, we are going to show you how to use MVC architecture in JSP. In this example, we are going to create an example in which servlet as a controller, JSP as a view component, Java Bean class as a model.
In this example, we have created 6 pages.

  • index.jsp: It gets the input from the user.
  • It acts as a controller.
  • loginSuccess and loginError.jsp files acts as a view component.
  • It acts as a Model layer.
  • web.xml file is used to mapping the servlet.


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 2

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 3

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 4


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 5


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 6


MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 7

Output: When we enter the right credential.

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 8

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 9

Output: When we enter the wrong credential.
MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 10

MVC Architecture in JSP with Example 11