Special Electrical Machines Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download


Special Electrical Machines Study Material, Question Papers, Lecture Notes PDF: Students who are trying to get access to Special Electrical Machine Notes PDF can access and refer to the best and most credible sources of references for their preparation process of the essential concepts.

The post on Special Electrical Machines E.G. Janardanan Pdf Free Download acts as the main study material which will improve and enhance the knowledge and preparation process of the students. With excellent knowledge of the important topics and concepts, students can better their performance and score great marks in their examination.

Special Electrical Machines Book Pdf Download gives students an advantage as they access and download all the study material available. Students can refer to the course syllabus, expert-recommended Reference the EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Notes Pdf. Students can refer to the EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Lecture Notes as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

Students can access and download the EE8005 Special Electrical Machines PPT and other reference source material for the subject. The reference material is going to help the students better their performance.

Introduction to Special Electrical Machine

The Special Electrical Machine course aims to help students understand the theories, constructions, design, control electronic and other various analysis of machines commonly known as non-traditional machines.

special electrical machine lecture notes

B.Tech Special Electrical Machines Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Students who are pursuing Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) can access the best and latest study notes and reference material for Special Electrical Machines in the list below. The article on Special Electrical Machines Pdf is the main source that can help students gain the best of marks.

Graduates can download and refer to the Electrical Machines Notes for free from this post when they are preparing for their examination. When students use the more frequently, the more easily they will start understanding the topics and concepts of the subject. When students understand the topics and concepts, they can score the best marks in their examination and improve their performance.

Here is a list of a few important notes on Special Electrical Machines Pdf for a thorough preparation of the exam:

  • Special Electrical Machines E.G. Janardanan Pdf Free Download
  • Special Electrical Machines Book Pdf Download
  • Electrical Machines 2 Book Pdf Free Download
  • Electrical Machines Notes
  • EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Notes Pdf
  • EE8005 Special Electrical Machines PPT
  • EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Lecture Notes
  • Special Electrical Machines Handwritten Notes Pdf
  • Special Electrical Machines Programme Previous Year’s Question Paper Pdfs

Special Electrical Machines Reference Books

The post on KTU Special Electrical Machines Notes provides students with the best and most important books on Special Electrical Machines according to the recommendations of the experts. Students can refer to the list of the reference books available in the list below for the Special Electrical Machines course programme during your preparation process.

The list of the best and most recommended book on Special Electrical Machines, which improves and enhances the knowledge of students is in the section below. Students should choose books according to their needs and requirements.

  • Special Electrical Machines – EG Janardanan
  • Special Electrical Machines – K Venkataraman
  • Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives
  • Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls – T Kenji
  • Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors

Special Electrical Machines Updated Syllabus

The Special Electrical Machines Syllabus provides students with a clear and good idea of what they have to and how to study the topics and concepts. In the Special Electrical Machines Syllabus, the topics and concepts are in the unit-wise division of all the important concepts listed under each unit which helps students allot time to each topic and prepare properly.

The article on Special Electrical Machines Lecture Notes Pdf covers all the important topics and concepts, and students must make sure that they are reading through all the topics properly before the Special Electrical Machines Examination. An advantage of learning from the syllabus is that students always know all the important topics and avoid all the irrelevant and redundant topics.

The Special Electrical Machines curriculum consists of five vast units which cover the various important features, equations, characteristics, and applications of various topics.

Unit  Topics
Unit I Synchronous Reluctance

Constructional features


Axial and radial flux motors

Operating principles

Variable reluctance motors

Voltage and Torque equations

Phasor diagram

Performance characteristic


Unit II Stepper Motors

Constructional features

Principle of operation

Variable reluctance motor

Hybrid motor

Single and multi-stack configurations

Torque equations

Modes of excitation


Drive circuit

Microprocessor control of stepper motors

Closed-loop control

Concept of lead angle


Unit III Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM)

Constructional features

Rotary and linear SRM

Principle of operation

Torque production

Steady-state performance prediction

Analytical method

Power Converters and their controllers

Methods of Rotor position sensing

Sensor-less operation


Closed-loop control


Unit IV Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors

Permanent magnet materials

Minor hysteresis loop and recoil line

Magnetic characteristics

Permeance coefficient

Principle of operation


Magnetic circuit analysis

EMF and Torque equations


Power converter circuits and their controllers

Motor characteristics and control


Unit V Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM)

Principle of operation

Ideal PMSM

Synchronous reactance

Sine wave motor with practical windings

Phasor diagram

Torque/speed characteristics

Power controllers

Converter volt-ampere requirements


List of Special Electrical Machines Important Questions 2 Marks with Answers

Students who are pursuing Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) can access the article and read through the list of important questions in the section available below for the Special Electrical Machines course programme. All the important questions in the list below aim at helping students secure better marks during their Special Electrical Machines Examination.

Under Special Electrical Machines there are two markers and 16 markers that come for the exam. Both types of questions have been given below. Two markers should be answered within one line to one paragraph, and 16 markers should be answered in

  1. What are SYNREL motors? (2)
  2. What is the principle of operation of a reluctance machine? (2)
  3. What are the properties of a reluctance motor? (2)
  4. What are the various stator current modes used in the synchronous reluctance motor? (2)
  5. What are the applications of the distributed anisotropy cage rotor of a reluctance motor? (2)
  6. Define:
    1. Reluctance torque. (2)
    2. Magnetic flux. (2)
    3. Reluctance. (2)
    4. Permeance. (2)
  7. Derive the EMF and Torque equations of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. (16)
  8. Derive the EMF equation and torque equation of PMBLDC motors. (16)
  9. With a diagram, explain the constructional details and the operation of rotary switched reluctance motors. (16)
  10. Describe the magnetic circuit analysis and derive the EMF and torque equations of permanent magnet brushless DC motors. (16)
  11. Discuss the following in permanent magnet synchronous motors:
    1. Armature reaction MMF. (8)
    2. Synchronous reactance. (8)
  12. Explain microprocessor control of stepping Motors using a diagram. (16)

FAQ’s on Electrical Machines Question Papers & Study Material

Question 1.
What is meant by Special Electrical Machines?

The Special Electrical Machine course aims to help students understand the theories, constructions, design, control electronic and other various analysis of machines commonly known as non-traditional machines.

Question 2.
What is the different reference material that students can download from this article on Special Electrical Machines Pdf?

Here is all the different reference material that students can download from this article on Special Electrical Machines Pdf:

  • Special Electrical Machines B.Tech Pdf
  • Special Electrical Machines Lecture Notes Pdf
  • Special Electrical Machines Handwritten Notes Pdf
  • Special Electrical Machines Programme Previous Year’s Question Paper Pdfs
  • Special Electrical Machines Lecture PPT Notes PDF

Question 3.
Name some of the reference books that students can refer to when they are studying for their Special Electrical Machines Examination.

Here are some of the books that students can refer to when they are studying for their Special Electrical Machines Examination:

  • Special Electrical Machines – EG Janardanan
  • Special Electrical Machines – K Venkataraman
  • Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives
  • Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls – T Kenji
  • Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors

Question 4.
List out some of the important questions that students can review when they are studying for the Special Electrical Machines Examination.

Here are some of the important questions that students can review when they are studying for the Special Electrical Machines Examination:

  1. What are SYNREL motors? (2)
  2. What is the principle of operation of a reluctance machine? (2)
  3. What are the properties of a reluctance motor? (2)
  4. What are the various stator current modes used in the synchronous reluctance motor? (2)
  5. What are the applications of the distributed anisotropy cage rotor of a reluctance motor? (2)
  6. Define:
    1. Reluctance torque. (2)
    2. Magnetic flux. (2)
    3. Reluctance. (2)
    4. Permeance. (2)
  7. Derive the EMF and Torque equations of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. (16)
  8. Derive the EMF equation and torque equation of PMBLDC motors. (16)


The article on EE8005 Special Electrical Machines Lecture Notes Pdf is a credible and reliable source of reference that enlists all the important sources mentioned in the article above aim at helping students better their knowledge when they are preparing for the examination. Graduates can download the Electrical Machines Handwritten & Lecture Notes Pdf marks with answers for free and refer to the Reference Books and textbooks and practice from the Important Questions in the section available in the article on KTU Special Electrical Machines Notes.

Bachelor of Technology Fourth Year Notes Free PDF Download for All Branches | BTech 4th Year Syllabus, Reference Books, Important Questions List

BTech Fourth Year Notes PDF: Aspirants pursuing the B.Tech 4th Year must be searching everywhere for respective branch notes, best reference books & study materials. To save your valuable time, BTech Geeks have come up with this guide. On this page, you guys will find all branch’s BTech Final Year Notes in pdf forms. For more practice sessions, we have also curated the other study materials like reference books, review questions under one roof. So, students are advised to access all of the Fourth Year Btech Notes in one place & prepare well for the exams.

Check out the best reference books of Btech 4th Year courses suggested by subject experts and aid your preparation. Access the below available quick links & download the Btech final Year Notes in pdf form for free of cost & improve your knowledge with these credible study materials. Furthermore, refer to the branch-wise 4th year Bachelor of Technology Review Questions & Sem-wise Syllabus that you need as a part of preparation.

Bachelor of Technology Fourth Year Notes Free PDF | Download Branchwise Btech 4th Year Study Notes

Candidates can utilize the quick links available here and download the Btech Fourth Year Notes in pdf format. Along with the lecture notes, we even enlist the Bachelor of Technology CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, ME, Civil, AI 4th Year Syllabus, Recommended Books, Review Questions, etc. Make use of these PDF formatted BTech Final Year Handwritten Notes & Study Materials during your preparation and get strong fundamentals. Just one click away to make your preparation more effective.

  • B.Tech Fourth Year Computer Science Engineering(CSE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech IV Year Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Final Year Electrical Engineering(EEE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech 4th Year Civil Engineering Lecture Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Final Year Mechanical Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Fourth Year Information Technology(IT) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech IV YearMetallurgical Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech 4th Year Petroleum Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Fourth Year Instrumentation Engineering Notes PDF

List of Btech 4th Year Reference Books for All Branches

For the sake of Btech graduates who are searching for all branches’ Final Year Books should check the below list. Here, we have listed some of the best reference books for all Btech 4th year semester subjects. So, try to prepare the subjects using these Btech Fourth Year Suggested Books by experts and clear the exam with high scores. You can even study the concepts deeply via taking help from the pdf formatted Btech Fourth Year Lecture Notes & study materials prevailing here.

  • “Sanjaya Maniktala”, “Switching Power Supplies A-Z”, Elsevier, 2nd Edition 2012
  • K. K. Agarwal, Reliability Engineering-Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993
  • Bernard Fried Land, Control System Design, McGraw Hill, 1st edition 1986.
  • T. Denton, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Routledge, 2016.
  • Embedded System Design – Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, John Wiley
  • H.A. Taha, “Operations Research: An Introduction”, 8th Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007
  • Introduction to Java programming, Y. Daniel Liang, Pearson Education.
  • Unix for programmers and users, 3rd Edition, Graham Glass, King Ables, Pearson.
  • Applied Software Project Management, Andrew SteIbian 8 Jennifer Greene, O’Reilly. 2006
  • Head First PMP, Jennifer Greene & Andrew Steliman, ORoiHy.2007
  • Digital Image Processing – William k. Prati -John Wiley edition.

B.Tech Final Year Sem-wise Latest Syllabus

Updated & revised Btech 4th-year Syllabus is very important to understand the concepts covered in each subject. Ensure that you cover preparing the entire Bachelor of Technology Final Year Syllabus in advance and get a good grip on the subject topics. Prepare well for your respective course of Btech fourth year semester examinations by using the Unitwise Btech Final Year Exam Syllabus listed over here. Try to create a proper preparation strategy according to the syllabus & score well in the exams.

Branch Names Semester Subjects
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • Software Architecture & Design Patterns
  • Web Technologies(WT)
  • Elective-I
    i. Big Data Analytics
    ii. Information Retrieval Systems
    iii. Mobile Computing
  • Elective-II
    i. Cloud Computing
    ii. Software Project Management
    iii. Scripting Languages
  • Distributed Systems(DS)
  • Management Science
  • Elective-III
    i.Concurrent and Parallel Programming
    ii. Artificial Neural Networks
    iii. Operations Research
  • Utilization of Electrical Energy
  • Linear IC Applications
  • Power System Operation & Control
  • Switchgear and Protection
  • Elective – I:
    1. Electrical Machine Modeling and Analysis
    2. Advanced Control Systems
    3. Programmable Logic Controllers&
    4. Instrumentation
  • Elective – II:
    1. Optimization Techniques
    2. Electric Power Quality
    3. Special Electrical Machines
  • Digital Control Systems
  • HVDC Transmission
  • Electrical Distribution Systems
  • Elective – III:
    1. High Voltage Engineering
    2. Flexible Alternating Current Transmission
    Systems (Updated)
    3. Power System Reforms
  • Data Mining
  • Android Application
  • Development
  • Professional Elective – II
  • Professional Elective – III
  • Professional Elective – IV
  • Android Application
  • Development Lab
  • PE-II Lab #
  • Python Programming Lab
  • Web Scripting Languages Lab
  • Ethical Hacking Lab
  • Internet of Things Lab
  • Industry Oriented Mini Project
  • Seminar
  • Open Elective – III
  • Professional Elective – V
    • Steganography and Watermarking
    • Real-Time Systems
    • Data Analytics
    • Modern Software Engineering
  • Professional Elective – VI
    • Intrusion Detection System
    • ADHOC and Sensor Networks
    • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    • Human Computer Interaction
  • Major Project
  • Radar Systems
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Computer Networks
  • Optical Communications
  • Elective I
    1. TV Engineering
    2. Electronic Switching Systems
    3. System Design through Verilog
  • Elective II
    1.Embedded Systems
    2. Analog IC Design
    3.Network Security & Cryptography
  • Cellular Mobile Communications (Updated)
  • Electronic Measurements and
    Instrumentation (Updated)
  • Satellite Communications(SC) (Updated)
  • Elective III
    1.Wireless sensors & Networks
    2. Digital IC Design
    3. Operating Systems

Review Questions List for BTech Fourth Year Graduates

Go through the prevailing Important Questions list of Btech Final Year Courses as a part of preparation & use them to answer the concepts in a smarter way. Read all of these questions without fail and score good marks in the final year semester exams. All branches Btech Final Year graduates can refer to this list of review questions during practice sessions & be confident while attempting the exams.

  • Describe the model for federated cloud computing.
  • Discuss the performance-related issues of HPC in the Cloud.
  • Write short notes on sectorization.
  • Discuss the Region Oriented Segmentation.
  • Explain different insulating materials used in rotating machines.
  • Define surge voltages. Explain how they are distributed in the windings of power apparatus.
  • What is meant by hand-off and handoff algorithm
  • Explain any two methods used for digital image zooming and shrinking.
  • Explain the concept of delaying handoff in brief.

FAQs on BTech 4th Year IT, ECE, CSE, EEE, ME, Civil Subject Notes Pdf Download

1. Why are Bachelor of Technology Final Yeat Notes Important?

BTech Fourth Year Study Notes are very essential for all graduates as it provides an in-detail explanation of the concepts to make students understand it well & score good grades in the exam.

2. From where I can get the Best reference books for Btech 4th year graduates? 

Btechgeeks.com is reliable and one-stop-shop for all btech study resources. The team of btechgeeks subject experts tried listing some of the best books for Btech Fourth Year all branches’ graduates suggested by subject experts. Available reference books of Btech 4th Year Courses aid your preparation & also develop a strong foundation of fundamentals in the subject.

3. Where can I obtain Btech Fourth Year Notes PDF?

You can obtain the Btech final Year Notes & Study Material pdf via the direct links provided on this page. You can download them offline or even use them online easily during your preparation.


We believe the information shed on this page show some light on you while final exam preparation. So, download the respective branch BTech Final Year Notes in Pdf format and make use of it during your learnings for gaining proper knowledge. For more assistance please drop a comment below and we’ll get back to you asap. Stay in touch with our site BtechGeeks.com & find various course study materials, Syllabus, Important Questions List, Books, etc.

Advanced Java Notes | Download Advanced Java Notes and Study Material PDF

Advanced Java Notes 

Advanced Java Notes: Students searching for advanced Java notes can find sufficient study material and notes here on the subject.

Here the Advanced Java notes can act as primary guides for participants studying the subject as it covers most of the important topics on the subject which can help students to get a brief overview of the subject. These notes can help any aspiring students to enhance their preparation so that they can get better grades.

Students will find in this article different Lecture Notes on the subject which are free, recommended reference books and a list of important questions that will help students be more prepared for their exams.

These notes are prepared to mainly help students to get a thorough preparation for their exam and so that they can achieve better scores in Advanced Java.

Introduction to Advanced Java Notes

Advanced Java covers everything that core java does like the APIs that are defined in JAVA Enterprise, including web services, the persistence API, Selvet programming etc.

Here in this programming language, it allows users to be platform-independent, which allows them to develop applications on any operating system. In Advanced Java, you will be able to work on web and Application servers which will allow you to understand the communication over HTTP protocol unlike in core Java.

Advanced Java has another advantage over core Java, and that is it provides a library that helps you better understand client servers architecture.

B.Tech Advanced Java Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Students studying their Bachelor in technology will find the following article helpful in their preparation for the subject. The subject gives students a detailed look into how Advanced Java can help bring in better Web applications and how easier they are to run on various operating systems.

So instead of using different tutorials online students studying B.Tech can use the notes provided in these articles to understand better different concepts and they can enhance their preparation with these topics. These notes can act as a reference when preparing for the subject and also can help during revision.

The following are a list of important notes for Advanced Java that are available online for free and can be downloaded any time during the preparation of the subject

  • ADVANCED java lecture notes
  • Advanced java programming notes PDF
  • Advanced Java Programming lecture notes PDf free
  • Advanced java and core Java notes

Advanced Java Reference Books

Books allow its readers to materialize the concepts better it goes over so that readers firstly get a more in-depth view of the subject and help them go over the specifics. Here students can avail the best-recommended books on Advanced Java and use them to their advantage by preparing better for any exam.

Here the books that students can use to refer to for Advanced Java are recommended by subject experts. Students can use the books and other study material to prepare for Advanced Java.

The following are the list of highly recommended books for students pursuing to study Advanced Java-

  • Core Java Volume II: Advanced Features
  • Java Performance: The Definitive Guide, O Reilly
  • Key Java: Advanced Tips and Techniques
  • Java Concurrency in Practice
  • The Well-Grounded Java Developer
  • Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
  • Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style programming by Raoul-Gabriel Urma
  • Optimizing Java
  • Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
  • Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz
  • Java By Comparison: Become a Java Craftsman in 70 Examples
  • Head First Design Pattern
  • Refactoring by Martin Fowler
  • Test-Driven
  • Functional Programming in Java

Advanced Java curriculum

Students need to have a structure when preparing for their exams, keeping in mind every student’s requirements, we have provided a detailed view of the Computer Network curriculum.

Unit 1
  • Introduction to Java
  •  Data types
  •  Variables
  •  Operators
  •  Arrays
  •  Control Statements
  •  Classes & Method
  •  Inheritance
  •  Exception Handling
  •  Multithreading
  • Collections
  •   I/O streams
Unit 2
  • Connecting to a Server
  •  Implementing Servers
  •  Sending E-Mail
  •  Making URL Connections
  •  Advanced Socket Programming DATABASE NETWORKING: The Design of JDBC. The Structured Query Language
  • JDBC Installation
  •  Basic JDBC Programming Concepts,
  • Query Execution
  •  Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets
  • Metadata
  • Row Sets
  •  Transactions.
Unit 3
  • Lists
  •  Tree
  •  Tables
  •  Styled Text Components
  •  Progress Indicators
  •  Component Organizers The Rendering Pipeline
  • Shapes, Areas
  • Strokes, Paint, Coordinate Transformations
  • Clipping
  • Transparency and Composition
  •  Rendering Hints
  •  Readers and Writers for Images
  •  Image Manipulation Printing.
  • The Clipboard, Drag and Drop.
Unit 4
  • Beans
  •  The Bean-Writing Process
  •  Using Beans to Build an Application
  • Naming Patterns for Bean
  •  Components and Events Bean Property
  •  Tubes Bean info Classes
  •  Property
  •  Editors, Customizes.
Unit 5

List of Important Questions for Advanced Java

  1. List different services provided by JNDI. Explain how basic lookup is performed in JNDI.
  2. Explain about lookup operations in LDAP with examples.
  3. Explain different layers in RMI architecture
  4. Discuss parameter passing in RMI, with examples
  5. What is introspection in java beans? Explain how BeanInfo interface helps in introspection of beans
  6. List and briefly explain any four classes in Java Beans API.
  7. What is an EJB container? Explain how EJB invocation happens.
  8. What is a stateless EJB? Explain with an example
  9. Present and explain the life cycle of a servlet
  10. Discuss different security issues with web servers
  11. Write the procedure for the deployment of JSP in the Tomcat server.
  12. Discuss JSP error handling and debugging.
  13. Explain how to deploy java beans in a JSP page, with an example.
  14. What is the structs framework? How is it different from other frameworks?
  15. What are horizontal web services? Explain with examples. Also, list other types of web services.

Present the features of SOAP and also write how to develop web services with SOAP.

FAQS on Advanced Java Notes

Question 1
What is Advanced Java?

Advanced Java covers everything that core java does like the APIs that are defined in JAVA Enterprise, including web services, the persistence API, Selvet programming etc.

Here in this programming language, it allows users to be platform-independent, which allows them to develop applications on any operating system. In Advanced Java, you will be able to work on web and Application servers which will allow you to understand the communication over HTTP protocol unlike in core Java.

Question 2
What are good books to study Advance Java from?


  • Core Java Volume II: Advanced Features
  • Java Performance: The Definitive Guide, O Reilly
  • Key Java: Advanced Tips and Techniques
  • Java Concurrency in Practice
  • The Well-Grounded Java Developer
  • Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel
  • Java 8 in Action: Lambdas, Streams, and functional-style programming by Raoul-Gabriel Urma

Question 3
What are the most frequently asked questions in Advanced Java?


  1. List different services provided by JNDI. Explain how basic lookup is performed in JNDI.
  2. Explain about lookup operations in LDAP with examples.
  3. List and briefly explain any four classes in Java Beans API.
  4. What is an EJB container? Explain how EJB invocation happens.
  5. Explain different layers in RMI architecture
  6. Discuss parameter passing in RMI, with examples
  7. What is introspection in java beans? Explain how the BeanInfo interface helps in introspection of beans?

Advanced Java Notes Conclusion

So in these notes on Advanced Java, the information provided is reliable and genuine, and the notes and books mentioned above are provided to help enhance students performance in the subject. Therefore students can use this article to help prepare for any upcoming exam on the subject.

B.Tech 3rd Year Lecture Notes, Study Materials, Syllabus | All Branches BTech III Year Reference Books, Important Review Questions List

B.Tech Third Year Notes PDF Free Download: Aspirants who are going to graduate in Bachelor of Technology Courses like CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, Civil, AI, etc. can look for experts written Lecture Notes and other preparation resources from BTech Geeks. Make the most out of these Study Materials & Notes to crack the semester exams with high scores & become a topper of the institute or university.

Apart from this, we also enlist some of the important study resources like Reference Books recommended by experts, and the Review Questions list for BTech Third Year Graduates. These two study resources aid your preparation effectively. Have a glance at the below-provided links and get CSE, ECE, IT, AI, ME, EEE, Civil & other courses Third Year BTech Notes Pdf, Syllabus, Important Questions List, Suggested Books List for better preparation.

BTech III Year V & VI Semester Subject Notes PDF Free Download – (All Branches)

Candidates studying B.Tech Third year of any course can use these available links below to download the lecture notes for all subjects within no time & make use of them during exam preparation. Indeed, go with these Study Materials, subject Notes prevailing here to have a better understanding of concepts. Ensure that you answer the prevailing Btech III Year Review questions here so that you can know your strengths and weaknesses. Practice with the ultimate tools of preparation and make the most out of these.

  • B.Tech Third Year Computer Science Engineering(CSE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech III Year Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech 3rd Year Electrical Engineering(EEE) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Third Year Civil Engineering Lecture Notes PDF
  • B.Tech III Year Mechanical Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech 3rd Year Information Technology(IT) Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Third YearMetallurgical Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech III Year Petroleum Engineering Notes PDF
  • B.Tech Third Year Instrumentation Engineering Notes PDF

Bachelor of Technology III Year Branch-wise Latest Syllabus List

The first step in preparation is to gather the semester Subjects & their Syllabus and we have eliminated that burden for you. We tried providing Btech 3rd Year Syllabus over here for a few important branches. So, check out the Syllabus before you start planning your preparation strategy and then learn the III year semester subjects accordingly.

Being familiar with the topics under each unit and then learning the concepts helps to ace up your preparation. Also, B. Tech 3rd Year Students can make use of the branch wise updated & revised Syllabus prevailing to score more marks. So, Plan your preparation strategy as per the Latest and Updated Btech Third Year Unit-wise Syllabus.

Branch Names Semester Subjects
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
  • Computer Networks
  • Automata Theory & Formal Languages
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Design Analysis of Algorithms
  • Software Engineering
  • Advanced Java Programming Lab
  • Microprocessors Lab
  • Computer Networks Lab
  • Network Security
  • Compiler Design
  • OOAD
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Elective – I
  • Computer Vision
  • Mini Project
  • Compiler Design Lab
  • Computer Vision Lab
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
  • Data Communications and Networks
  • Control Systems
  • Business Economics & FinancialAnalysis
  • Professional Elective – I
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab
  • Data Communications and Networks Lab
  • Advanced Communication Skills Lab
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Antennas and Propagation
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • VLSI Design
  • Professional Elective – II
  • Open Elective – I
  • Digital Signal Processing Lab
  • e – CAD Lab
  • Scripting Languages Lab
  • Environmental Science
  • Formal Languages & Automata Theory
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Communication & Computer Networks
  • Web Programming
  • Professional Elective – I
  • Professional Elective – II
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Computer Networks & Web Programming Lab
  • Advanced Communication Skills Lab
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Introduction to Embedded Systems
  • Principles of Compiler Construction
  • Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • Internet of Things
  • Professional Elective –III
  • Open Elective-I
  • Embedded Systems & Internet of Things Lab
  • Compiler Construction Lab
  • Professional Elective-III Lab
  • Environmental Science
  • Power Electronics
  • Power System-II
  • Measurements and Instrumentation
  • Professional Elective-I
  • Business Economics and Financial Analysis
  • Power System Simulation Lab
  • Power Electronics Lab
  • Measurements and Instrumentation Lab
  • Advanced Communication Skills Lab
  • Intellectual Property Right
  • Open Elective-I
  • Professional Elective-II
  • Signals and Systems
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
  • Power System Protection
  • Power System Operation and Control
  • Power System Lab
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab
  • Signals and Systems Lab
  • Environmental Science

BTech Third Year Branch-wise Subjects Reference Books List

Engineering students who are appearing for their BTech 3rd Year Semester Exams can make use of these textbooks & the best Reference books list for preparation. The list of Btech Third-year CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, Civil Reference books suggested by subject experts is provided here to make your preparation effective and aid to gain a strong grip on the core subjects. Utilize these Bachelor of Technology III Year Notes & Reference Books study materials and learn to comprehend the subject topics in a precise way.

  • John G Proakis and Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Pearson, Fourth Edition, 2007
  • S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, TMH/McGraw HillInternational, 2007
  • Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, Charles Crowley, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education”, 1996
  • The Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach, D M Dhamdhere, Second Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Education, 2007
  • An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila, Cengage
  • Programming Perl, 4ed, Tom Christiansen, Jonathan Orwant, Oreilly (2012)
  • Professional Ethics by R. Subramaniam – Oxford Publications, New Delhi.
  • Software Testing Concepts and Tools, P.NageswaraRao, dream tech Press
  • Foundations of Software Testing, D.Graham& Others, Cengage Learning
  • Engineering Ethics by Harris, Pritchard, and Rabins, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.

Important Review Questions List for All Branches BTech 3rd Year Graduates

Refer to the prevailing list of Btech 3rd Year CSE ECE EEE IT Civil Mechanical Review Questions & gain some confidence to attempt the final sem exams and score high marks in the exams. Try preparing them without fail as they are essential in supporting you to score good marks & better subject knowledge. So, cover these Btech 3rd Year important questions list while exam preparation & be confident for the exams.

  • Name five major activities of an OS with respect to process management and briefly describe why each is required.
  • Write in detail about the thread libraries.
  • Describe the multiplier/adder unit of the TMS320c54xx processor with a neat block diagram.
  • Explain the decimation and interpolation process with an example. Also, find the spectrum.
  • What are interrupts? What are the classes of interrupts available in the TMS320C5xx processor?
  • What is Readers-Writer’s problem? Give a solution to the Readers-Writers problem using Monitors.
  • List and explain various guidelines for Automated testing.
  • What is the need for minimizing test cases in a project? Illustrate with an example.
  • Which feature of Perl provides code reusability? Give an example of that feature.
  • Explain hashes and classes in ruby with suitable examples.
  • What do you understand by ‘acceptable risk’?
  • Explain in detail – (a) values (b) ethics (c) value time (d) courage
  • What is meant by ‘Whistle Blowing’?

FAQs on Lecture Notes for BTech Third Year CSE, ECE, IT, EEE

1. Where can I find the best books for Btech Third Year Courses?

Students who are pursuing Btech 3rd Year Courses can find the best books for their better preparation from BTechGeeks.com which is a reliable and trusted site for btech graduates.

2. Where can I get the BTech III Year Branch-Wise Sem-Wise Notes & Study Materials in PDF?

Candidates can get the BTech III Year Branch-Wise Sem-Wise Notes & Study Materials in PDF format through the direct links available on our page.

3. Is preparing from the Bachelor of Technology Third Year Lecture Notes is sufficient to secure max. marks?

Yes, BTech Third Year All Branches Notes can be a great source of preparation for the exam. Also, refer to the other textbooks or reference books or important questions list prevailing here for better understanding & grip on the subjects.


We hope the details provided here about BTech Third Year Notes Pdf for all courses help you a lot during your preparation and clear all your doubts regarding core subjects. If you have any queries regarding the same please comment here & we’ll get back to you with the possible solutions at the earliest. Stay connected with our site BtechGeeks.com and find all year’s Btech Notes for all courses within no time.

DBMS Practical Lab Manual File PDF Download | Data Base Management System Notes & Study Material


DBMS Practical: Here in this article, students will find a list of notes and study material, DBMS practical questions, and answers pdf on the subject which can help them better understand the prerequisites required for their viva on Data Base Management System. You can use them as quick guidance to resolve doubts if any by using every possible related content of the Data Base Management System such as syllabus, Reference Books, DBMS Lab Programs with Solutions PDF, etc. all in one place.

Students can also visit Department Wise Lecture Notes for Preparation.

There are a lot of helpful resources which are available for the DBMS Practical; some of them are as follows:

Introduction to DBMS Practical Lab Manual

DBMS is an important subject which looks at the handling of data and databases. The DBMS Practical looks at the practical elements of the subject, which include experiments and application-based uses of the subject.

Some of the experiments included for the practice are as follows.

  • Drawing different kinds of models from a given database.
  • Implementation of a database and its functions
  • Data definition and modification once it has been created, etc.

B.Tech Data Base Management System Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Here students can find the various lab manuals that can help them understand how the lab experiments are conducted and the different viva questions that can be asked on the various systems used for DBMS. Students can download the study material and use it during their preparation process for the subject. Using the study materials provided by these notes will help aspirants get a better hunch on the concepts and the and an overall view on the subject.

The list of notes are as follows –

  • Lab manuals for Database Management System by Abhishek Apoorv
  • Lab manuals for Database Management System by JNTU Heros
  • Lab manuals for Database Management System by Umesh Kumar
  • Lab manuals for Database Management System by Snehal Kadavu

DBMS Practicals Reference Books

Books allow its readers to materialize the concepts better so that readers firstly get a more in-depth view of the subject and help them go over the specifics. Here in DBMS, there are different systems that users must become familiar with because the course required basic knowledge of systems that are important for DBMS. Students can use these books to understand various topics better and to score better grades during their exam.

The following is a list of books that students can utilize during their preparation process of the subject-

  • Learn PostgreSQL by Luca Ferrari, Enrico Pirozzi
  • PostgreSQL: The First Experience by Pavel Luzanov, Egor Rogov, Igor Levshi
  • Introducing InnoDB Cluster by Charles Bell
  • MySQL and JSON: A Practical Programming Guide by David Stokes
  • MySQL Connector/Python Revealed by Jesper Wisborg Krogh
  • Pro MySQL NDB ClusterBy Wisborg Krogh, Mikiya Okuno
  • MySQL Cluster 7.5 Inside and Out by Mikael Ronstrom
  • Cassandra: The Definitive Guide
  • Practical Cassandra: A Developer’s Approach
  • Learning Apache Cassandra
  • Apache Cassandra: Hands-on-Training

DBMS Practical Reference Books

DBMS Practicals Curriculum

The DBMS Practicals curriculum consists of various experiments which are carried out throughout the course. Below there is the DBMS Practicals curriculum listed experiment wise.

Experiment Aims
Experiment 1: ER diagram and relational model
  • To draw the ER model and Relational model for a given database.
  • To show ER to Relational model reduction.
Experiment 2: Creation and implementation of the database
  • To create the database with the proper constraints (Pk, Fk, etc.)
  • Insert into the database using different insert statements
  • Displaying the database
Experiment 3: Data Definition (Schema) Modification
  • To alter the table (add/remove column, add/remove constraint)
  • To drop table
  • To show schema of any table
  • To apply different constraints check
Experiment 4: Simple SQL Queries (single table retrieval)
  • To make use of different operators (logical, relational, etc.)
  • Selection of rows and columns
  • Renaming columns
  • Use of distinct keywords
  • String handling (%, etc.)
  • Updating statements and case updates
  • Deleting or cascade deleting
Experiment 5: Advanced SQL Queries
  • Group by/Having clause and aggregate function
  • Setting operations (union, all union, use of order by clause)
  • Nested queries: in, not_in, etc.
  • Join (Inner and Outer)
  • Exists and Union
Experiment 6: Implementation of views
  • Creation and usage of views
  • Creation of views using views
  • Drop view
Experiment 7: Triggers To create queries using Triggers.
Experiment 8: Procedures To create queries using Procedures.
Experiment 9: ORDBMS concepts To implement ORDBMS concepts.
Experiment 10: RDBMS To implement RDBMS using JDBC connectivity.

List of DBMS Practical Important Questions

  1. What is DBMS used for?
  2. What is meant by a Database?
  3. Why is the use of DBMS recommended? Explain by listing some of its major advantages.
  4. What is the purpose of normalization in DBMS?
  5. What are the different types of languages that are available in the DBMS?
  6. What is the purpose of SQL?
  7. Explain the concepts of a Primary key and Foreign Key.
  8. ub-query in terms of SQL?
  9. What is the use of DROP command and what are the differences between DROP, TRUNCATE and DELETE commands?
  10. What are the different levels of abstraction in the DBMS?
  11. What is Correlated Subquery in DBMS?
  12. Explain the concept of ACID properties in DBMS?
  13. What is the main difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
  14. What integrity rules that are the main differences between Primary key and Unique Key?
  15. What is the concept of sxist in the DBMS?
  16. What is 1NF in the DBMS?
  17. What is 2NF in the DBMS?

DBMS Practical Important Questions

FAQs About DBMS Practicals

Question 1.
What can I expect for my DBMS Practicals?

Answer: There are a cumulative ten experiments which are part of the DBMS Practicals course. Thus, out of the list of experiments mentioned in the DBMS Practicals curriculum, prepare all of them. Any experiment can come as your DBMS Practical so be wary and study all of them.

Question 2.
What are the best DBMS Practical reference books I can use to prepare?

Answer: The best DBMS Practical reference books are as follows:

  • Learn PostgreSQL by Luca Ferrari, Enrico Pirozzi
  • PostgreSQL: The First Experience by Pavel Luzanov, Egor Rogov, Igor Levshi
  • MySQL Cluster 7.5 Inside and Out by Mikael Ronstrom

Question 3.
What is the importance of DBMS Practicals?

Answer: DBMS Practicals are important because they help provide the student with a well-rounded knowledge of the subject. Having only bookish knowledge is not enough, a person must have an application based on practical understanding of all subjects as well. This ensures that the student has understood the subject and topics under it fully.

Question 4.
What is the DBMS Practical curriculum?

Answer: There are a total of 10 experiments that are part of the DBMS Practical curriculum, all of which are equally important in supporting the learning of the student. The curriculum includes relational database building, data definition and modification, simple and advanced SQL queries, implementation of views, Triggers, Procedures, ORDBMS concepts, and lastly, RDBMS.


From the above study material provided, the information provided is reliable and genuine. Students can use these notes in preparing for their lab experiments in DBMS as the provided lab manual notes, reference books, curriculum, and important questions will help aid them


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Electronics Engineering Notes | Syllabus, Reference Books and Important Questions


Electronics Engineering Notes: The technological development of the world is remarkable. Every minute the world is getting more advanced with its new technologies. New advanced products are getting launched each second. All this only to make the life of human beings easier. With the advancement of technology, the requirement of people managing and controlling these new technologies are also increasing at an alarming rate. People need to get trained before managing all these technologies, which is why different engineering courses have gained popularity. Among which electronics engineering is one of the most popular.

Students who want a good career must choose electronics engineering as their domain. Hence, students who are interested in pursuing their career in this field must have electronics engineering notes. BTech Geeks notes will give a detailed explanation about every subject of electronics engineering. With these notes, the students will have an efficient preparation which will help them in securing good marks in the exams.

Achieving expertise in this field through these notes will give a boost to their job careers. As advanced equipment are getting introduced each minute, the need for electronics engineering is also increasing. Avail subject-wise B.Tech Notes related to Engineering Departments like ECE, CSE, Mech, EEE, Civil, etc. all in one place and plan your preparation according to your requirements.

Students who are interested in pursuing their careers in the electronics engineering field are advised to use electronics engineering notes:-

Introduction to Electronics Engineering Notes

Electronic engineering is considered as a discipline for electrical engineering professionals. Electronic engineering is responsible for utilizing non-linear and active electrical components such as semiconductor devices in order to design electronic circuits, integrated circuits and their systems. Electronic engineering as a discipline is also used in designing passive electrical components that are usually based on printed circuit boards.

Electronics Engineering is the discipline that is generally responsible for dealing with the implementation of applications, algorithms and principles which are developed within many interrelated fields. Electronics engineering is always considered as a promising and rewarding career as it has a lot of good job options. People who work in this electronics engineering job profile always find themselves engaged with some interesting tasks. These tasks will help the employees to increase their knowledge and creativity.

Electronic engineers need to have analytical, physics and mathematics knowledge for doing efficient work in their workplace. People lacking these skills won’t find good jobs that can improve their skills. Students thinking of pursuing electronic engineering as a career must ensure that they have the required skills.

Electronics Engineering Notes PDF Download

Students who are pursuing electronics engineering courses might find it difficult and challenging. They might not be able to understand the concepts and principles of this course. This happens because engineering can sometimes be complicated, which results in confusion among the students. Students to avoid these problems must download electronics engineering notes pdf. This note explains the whole course in a simple and detailed manner. Thus clearing out all the doubts the students have

The notes contain some valuable information which has been collected from different authentic sources. This extra knowledge will help the students to make their preparations more efficient. An efficient preparation by the students will ensure good marks in the exams. The notes also gave a list of some books that the student can refer to. These books contain almost every information that is needed for securing good marks.

For the revision of students, the notes have some questions also that are likely to come in the exams, thus making the preparation of the students more efficient. Despite electronics engineering notes, there are some other notes that the students can refer to completing their preparation.  The list of those notes are as follows:-

  1. Electronics Engineering Notes English PDF
  2. Electronics Engineering Unit-Wise Notes PDF
  3. Electronics Engineering question bank with answers PDF
  4. Electronics Engineering handwritten notes PDFs
  5. Electronics Engineering question papers PDFs
  6. Electronics Engineering semester notes PDFs.
  7. Electronics Engineering PPT

Electronics Engineering Reference Books

Books with their valuable information are considered as saviours for students during the exams. The contents of the books used by the students must be authentic so that his/her preparation will be efficient and productive. Books provide a detailed explanation of a particular subject that helps in understanding what the subject is. Similarly, students pursuing an electronic engineering course also need to refer to some books that can help them in their preparation.

In electronics engineering notes, there is a list of some books that can be referred to during the exams. These books are written by experts who have years of experience. The list of suggested books are as follows:-

Book Author
Basic Electronics Paul Rosenberg
A handbook for Electronics Engineering ME Editorial Board
Electronic Devices and Circuit Boylestad
Series of Electronics and Communication Engineering Experts Compilation
An Integrated Course in Electronics and Communication Engineering  J.B Gupta
Basics of Electronics Engineering GKP
Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics V.K Mehta
Basic Electronics: Principles and Applications Chinmoy Saha
Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications L. Umanand
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering S.K Bhattacharya
Electrical and Electronics Engineering R. Muthusubramanian
Basic Electronics  B L Theraja
Electrical Machines S.K Sahdev

Electronics Engineering Curriculum

Every course has a curriculum that the students need to follow in order to achieve success in that course. Following the curriculum will help the students to learn about the course in a proper manner. Some experts prepare these curriculums considering the intelligence of the students and their ability to capture something new. Any deviations from this curriculum can affect the studies of the students, thus affecting their marks in the exams.

Similarly, electronics engineering also has a curriculum that needs to be followed for achieving expertise in this field. Students who follow the curriculum in a stepwise manner will gain knowledge from basic areas to advanced areas.

The curriculum of electronics engineering is as follows: –

Semester I Semester II
Applied Mathematics – 1 Applied Mathematics – 2
Applied Physics – 1 Applied Physics – 2
Applied Chemistry – 1 Applied Chemistry – 2
Engineering Mechanics Engineering Drawing
Basic Electrical Engineering  Structured Programming Approach
Environmental Studies Communication Skills
Basic Workshop Practice – 1 Basic Workshop Practice – 2
Semester III Semester IV
Applied Mathematics – 3 Applied Mathematics – 4
Electronic Devices and Circuits – 1 Electronic Devices and Circuits – 2
Digital System Microprocessors and Applications
Design Circuit Theory and Networks Digital System
Electronic Instrumentation and Control Electronic Devices and Circuits – 1 Design Principles of Communication
Laboratory Digital System Engineering Linear
Design Laboratory Using JAVA Laboratory Control Systems Electronic Devices and Circuits – 2
Laboratory Microprocessors and Applications Laboratory Digital System
Design Laboratory
Principles of Communication Engineering Laboratory
Semester – V Semester – VI
Microcontrollers and Applications Basic VLSI Design
Design With Linear Integrated Circuits Advanced Instrumentation Systems
Electromagnetic Engineering Signals and Systems Computer Organization
Digital Communication Power Electronics
Business Communication and Ethics Digital Signal Processing and Processors
Microcontrollers and Applications Modern Information Technology for Management
Laboratory Design with Linear Integrated Circuits VLSI Design Laboratory
Laboratory Digital Communication Advanced Instrumentation and Power Electronics Laboratory
Laboratory Mini Project – 1 Laboratory Mini Project – 2
Semester – VII Semester – VIII
Embedded System Design CMOS VLSI Design
IC Technology
Power Electronics – II
Computer Communication Networks
Elective – 1
Project – 1

List of Electronics Engineering Questions

Electronics Engineering notes aims to make the preparation of the students efficient and productive, which is why they have some important questions for the revision of the students. This questions are selected by some experts and are most likely to come in the exams. If the students practise these questions thoroughly, then they can surely secure good marks in the exams.

The questions also give students a preview on what type of questions they are going to face during the exams. So that students will not get confused during the exams and can answer all the question with confidence.

Some of these important questions are listed below:-

  1. What is shown by the Bode Plots?
  2. How do you calculate the energy that is stored in an inductance?
  3. How do you calculate the energy that is stored in a capacitance?
  4. What do you understand by the force on parallel conductors?
  5. What do you understand by Corkscrew Rule?
  6. What is the method to calculate Power Loss in a Resistor?
  7. What do you understand by the pull of electromagnet?
  8. Explain the method to solve a circuit using a source transformation.
  9. What do you understand by reverse polarity and how to fix it? Explain.
  10. What happens when the series current doubles?
  11. What do you understand by Laser Diodes?
  12. What do you understand by form factor and peak factor?
  13. What are the basic components that are required for generator action to exits?
  14. What is the method to determine the number of lamps in the final sub-circuit?
  15. Explain the difference between active and passive components.
  16. What do you understand by capacitance?

Frequently Asked Questions on Electronics Engineering Notes

Question 1.
Is electronics engineering a good career option?

Electronics engineering is among the type of engineering that is growing at an alarming rate which is why it is creating more career options for the aspiring candidates. In electronics engineering, a candidate can choose from various career paths in which he/she has an interest. He/she should first evaluate his/her skills so that he/she can know where he/she is good at. According to this, students should select their career path. According to present conditions choosing electronics engineering as a career is a great choice.

Question 2.
What are the skills required for electronics engineering?

Electronics engineering is a course which is getting popular each day. So many students are interested in choosing electronics engineering as their career. But just choosing is not enough; the students need to have some skills to understand the subjects in this course and perform well in its exam to become an expert. Skills required for electronics engineering are as follows: –

  • Critical Thinking
  • Strong Interest in Technology
  • Complex Problem Solving Skills
  • Aptitude for Maths
  • Communication Skills
  • Strong IT Skills
  • Time Management

Question 3.
Is coding necessary for electronics engineering students?

Electronics engineering is a technical course and involves subjects that are based on advanced technologies. Thus, in electronics engineering coding is mandatory. Students of electronic engineering need to learn every concept and aspect of coding to become successful in this career path. A student with coding knowledge can have a lot of career options to choose from. Students with coding knowledge are also placed in good IT companies with high salary packages. So, students should aim to understand coding in an appropriate way for having a successful career as an electronics engineer. Recently, the demand for coding is increasing at an alarming rate.

Question 4.
Which job is best for electronics engineering?

With the advancement of technology, the engineering field is experiencing a reasonable demand. Many students are attracted to this field. Not only students but many multinational companies are recruiting students from an engineering background. Among all engineering courses, electronics engineering is one of the best and is offering students with best career options. Students with this degree are getting placed at good companies. Some of the companies hiring electronics engineers are:-

  1. Wipro
  2. HCL
  3. ISRO
  4. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
  5. Electronics Corporation of India Limited
  6. Syntel


Electronics engineering notes act as saviours for the students to achieve success in the exams. These notes are the best option to give students a detailed view of the subject and also helps in strengthening their core knowledge in this subject. These notes make sure that the students achieve expertise in this course and secure the highest possible marks in the exams. The questions included in these notes are most likely to come in the exam, thus making the preparation productive for the students. Students, after completing these notes, will gain the required confidence that they need to achieve success in electronics engineering.

Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download


Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes: Planning to choose a career in the field of Dynamics of Machinery. Acquiring the notes will help you to get good marks in the exam. This note includes a comprehensive study plan, all-important information and timetable. Students will get information about the latest Reference Books, Syllabus and Important Questions List for Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes.

Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes are one of the essential study materials that can improve the students preparation for the exam. Candidates with the help of these notes can score better marks.

The article given below helps the students access the best Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes as per the latest curriculum.

Introduction to Dynamics of Machinery Notes

Dynamics of machinery is a theoretical branch of study dealing with the mechanisms of machines and its motions by accounting for the different forces that act on them. This subject is concerned with understanding some basic problems such as: defining which laws govern the mechanisms of movement of the machines, understanding the control of the mechanisms, investigating the implications of friction and figuring how the balance works in the machines.

To understand the laws related to the motion of elements, mathematical tools such as differential equations are employed to characterize the forces acting on the system or the machine unit, one that usually comprises elements like a motor, transmission, and some control elements.

Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes and Study Material Free Download

In Dynamics of Machinery, you will learn the fundamentals of machinery, its terms, Effect of Precession motion and different aspects of the topic. Learning from Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes helps the student become active, so the learning process is improved. Aspirants can start their preparation with all the tools to help them score better marks in the exam. The students can refer and use the Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes pdf and Study Materials as a reference. Students pursuing mechanical engineering can also download PDF notes.

Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes Reference Books

Reference books for Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes are an essential source of information. It provides explanations and necessary information about the topics. Students should refer to books recommended by subject experts as it will help them to understand the subject accurately. Candidates will understand the topics if they consult the latest version that includes the updated syllabus. Here is a list of the best-recommended books for Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes.

Books Author
Theory of Machines Sadhu Singh
Theory of Machines Thomas Bevan
Design of Machinery Robert L Norton
Dynamics of Machinery S Balaguru
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery Norton
Theory of Machines S S Ratan
Machine and Mechanism Theory J S Rao and R V Dukkipati
Theory of Machines Khurmi

Dynamics of Machinery Syllabus

The best way to commence your preparation for the Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes course is to understand the syllabus and the topics of the subject. The syllabus of Dynamics of Machinery is a reliable course planning tool that plans and organises the subject for a student. The article on Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes provides a detailed structure along with the latest and updated syllabus, keeping in mind every student’s requirements and assessing their preparation efficiency.

The curriculum of Dynamics of Machinery provides students a clear idea about what and how to study and analyse the subject. The article on Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes presents all the essential topics under each unit so that students can allot time for each topic and prepare accordingly. Students must cover all the unit-wise topics before attempting the Dynamics of Machinery exam so that the exam paper is easy to answer. The updated syllabus also assures that students remain aware of the Dynamics of Machinery updated syllabus to prevent from wasting unnecessary time on irrelevant topics.

Here is a list of the updated syllabus for Dynamics of Machinery

Unit I


  • Gyroscopes
  • Effect of Precession motion
  • Static and Dynamic Force analysis of planar mechanisms
Unit II


  • Inclined Plane
  • Friction of Screw and Nuts
  • Pivot and Collar
  • Uniform and Pressure
  • Uniform Wear
  • Friction Circle and Friction Axis
  • Boundary Friction
  • Film Lubrication
Unit III


  • Friction Clutches – Plate Clutch or Single Disc
  • Multiple Disc Clutch
  • Cone Clutch
  • Centrifugal Clutch

Brakes and Dynamometers

  • Simple Block Brakes
  • Internal Expanding Brake
  • Band Brake of Vehicle
  • Dynamometers – Transmission and Absorption
  • General Description and Methods of Operations
Unit IV

Turning Moment Diagram and Flywheels

  • Turning Moment – Torque Connecting Inertia
  • Torque Diagrams
  • Fluctuation of Energy
  • Fly Wheels and their Design
Unit V


  • Watt
  • Porter and P roell Governors
  • Sensitiveness
  • Isochronism and Hunting
Unit VI


  • Multiple and Single – Balancing of Rotating Masses
  • Single and Different planes
Unit VII

Balancing of Reciprocating Masses

  • Primary ,Secondary and higher Balancing of reciprocating Masses
  • Unbalanced Forces and Couples
  • Locomotive Balancing
  • Hammer Blow
  • Swaying Couple
  • Variation of Tractive Efforts.


  • Oscillation of Pendulums
  • Centers of Suspension and Oscillations
  • Transverse loads
  • Dunkerley’s Method
  • Rayleigh’s Method
  • Critical Speeds
  • Torsional Vibration
  • Transmissibility

List of Dynamics of Machinery Important Questions

Candidates pursuing Dynamics of Machinery can refer to the list of all the essential questions stated below for the Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes. The assigned questions are aimed to help the students to excel in the examination. Here is a list of questions that will help the students to understand the subject precisely.

  1. State the term static force analysis.
  2. Distinguish between free body and space diagram.
  3. When will the two force members be in equilibrium?
  4. Distinguish the difference between dynamic force analysis and static force analysis.
  5. Define the term D’Alembert’s principle.
  6. State the principle of superposition
  7. What is Piston effort?
  8. What are the fundamentals of an equivalent dynamical system?
  9. Explain the term Inertia force.
  10. State the difference between the flywheel and governor function.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes

Question 1.
How are the Dynamics of Machinery Lecture notes and study materials Important?

The notes of Dynamics of Machinery provides students a clear idea about what and how to study and analyse the subject. It gives students time for each topic to prepare accordingly.

Question 2.
Name some of the Reference books of Dynamics of Machinery?

Some of the Reference books of Dynamics of Machinery: Theory of Machines, Dynamics of Machinery, Machine and Mechanism Theory and Design of Machinery.

Question 3.
State the term inertia?

Inertia is the property of matter offering resistance to any change of uniform motion in a straight line or its state of rest .

Question 4.
Name some of the topics of Dynamics of Machinery?

Some of the topics of Dynamics of Machinery: Gyroscopes, BALANCING, Oscillation of Pendulums, Watt and Centers of Suspension and Oscillations

Conclusion on Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes

The Dynamics of Machinery Lecture Notes and Study Materials presented above are aimed to assist the students at the time of exam preparations. They are reliable and have authoritative references focused on helping graduates and improving their knowledge and understanding of the subject during the time of preparation of the exam. Students can refer and practice from the provided notes for Dynamics of Machinery and essential questions from this article.

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Tribology Notes | Syllabus, Reference Books and Important Questions

Tribology Notes

Tribology Notes: Tribology is an important topic for the students of mechanical engineering and also other branches of the field. The course covers many vital concepts like the designing of tribology system, interfaces between different bodies, and other fundamental topics too like different characters of surfaces, mechanisms for metals, lubrications and others.

Tribology has some variations as nano-tribology and macro-tribology, and the course also covers these concepts and relationships between them. Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

The article carries all the vital details and descriptions that are necessary for understanding every concept deeply and get the best practice and preparation for them. Starting from the notes and reference books and moving on to the curriculum and important questions, the article contains all the matters with updated descriptions.

Every content available in this article for Tribology is precisely and expertly designed by the top professionals of the subject available with us. These professionals go through harder test series and interview procedures to get selected and prove their skills to be part of our team. We understand the needs of the students to have the best study materials and books for preparing everything finely and get the best results in the examination. Thus, we make sure that the content we provide has everything catering to their needs.

Furthermore, all the available contents mentioned in this article will boost up the entire learning process for the students and make them the champions of tribology subject and all of the included basic and advance level concepts.

Here is a list of all the contents available in this article:

Introduction to Tribology

Tribology is the concept of science that deals with friction, wear and lubrication for the surfaces. It covers the contents of how the interacting surfaces and some tribo-elements react in the presence of relative motion in artificial and natural environments. The subject also contains brief about the lubrication and bearing designs.

It is not an isolated concept of science and is a more complex one. It is a wider and multidisciplinary endeavour in which the advances begin by collaborated efforts of the researchers from mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, manufacturing, chemical engineering, and other related fields.

Wear and friction are not types of material properties. They are mainly the responses to certain tribology systems, that includes a combination of the shaft, bearing, and lubricants. Many other factors also influence them.

The entire tribological system contains operational or stress inputs, loss and functional outputs, and the system structure. The collective stress also includes physical and technical load parameters, including the sliding speed, load, and duration apart from the temperature conditions and the movement details. The system structure is also determined by some specific properties of substantial elements, including the opposing body, ambient, and the base.

Tribology is a vast subject and contains many other concepts that are briefly described in the provided notes and books in the article.

Tribology Notes and Study material PDF Free Download

Tribology notes and study materials contain brief descriptions about all the basic and advance level concepts related to the entire subject. The notes and study materials are professionally designed concepts to help the students in getting the best preparation and learning material for the topics and get the best results in all the examinations.

Tribology is a vast topic with many difficult and confusing topics, and the study materials are precisely designed, making sure that the students of all the skill-levels easily understand all the concepts.

The study materials also carry examples and solved questions related to different topics of the subject, apart from the brief descriptions of them, and thus are essential for the students.

Furthermore, these materials are beneficial for all the types of learning, starting from the institutional level to the competitive level and real-life application-based learning. The notes are available in the easily downloadable pdf formats, making it easier for the students to access them anytime and anywhere.

Tribology Reference Books

Reference books also play a key role in the entire learning and preparation process of the students. Some highly certified and credited global experts of the subject compiles these books using all their experience and thus ensures that the students can get everything related to a subject complied up at a single place. Manu of these reference books also has their different updated versions according to the changing global needs of the syllabus.

Mentioned Tribology reference books are the most recommended ones for the global students, and they are preferred even by several professionals to get more assistance on several related concepts.

Tribology reference books also carry many other things apart from just the basic descriptions of several topics, like the related and supporting examples, solved and unsolved problem statements, real-life applications, syllabus, and many more things.

Here is a list of some top reference books that the students must consider while preparing for Tribology:

  • “Introduction to Tribology”, B. Bhushan, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2002
  • “Engineering Tribology”, Prasanta Sahoo, PHI Learning Private Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
  • “Engineering Tribology”, J. A. Williams, Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.
  • “Introduction to Tribology in bearings”, B. C. Majumdar, Wheeler Publishing.
  • “Tribology, Friction and Wear of Engineering Material”, I. M.Hutchings, Edward Arnold, London,1992.
  • “Engineering Tribology”, G. W. Stachowiak and A. W. Batchelor, Butterworth-Heinemann,1992.
  • “Friction and Wear of Materials”, Ernest Rabinowicz, John Wiley & sons,1995.
  • “Basic Lubrication Theory”, A. Cameron, Ellis Hardwoods Ltd., UK.
  • “Handbook of tribology: materials, coatings and surface treatments”, B.Bhushan, B.K. Gupta, McGraw-Hill,1997.

Tribology Curriculum

Tribology Curriculum and syllabus contains the description of the included topics and concepts in the right sequence. This content if the article is essential for the students to know about all the included topics and the right sequence to be followed for preparing them.

The syllabus is highly useful in the lives of the students learning mechanical engineering who will have the most use of the concepts of Tribology in their future lives. It helps them to understand everything well without any confusion and also understand the related concepts well while following a proper sequence.

Given below is the updated syllabus of Tribology as accepted by many top institutions and Universities:

Module-1: Introduction to Tribology
  • Historical background
  • Practical importance, and subsequent uses in the field
  • Lubricants: Types and specific applications
  • Properties of lubricants
  • Viscosity and its measurement
  • Effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity
  • Lubrication types
  • Standard grades of lubricants
  • Selection of lubricants.
Module-2: Friction and Wear
  • Origin of Friction
  • Friction theories
  • Measurement methods
  • The friction of metals and non-metals.
  • Classification and mechanisms of wear
  • Delamination theory
  • Debris analysis
  • Testing methods and standards
  • Related case studies.
Module-3: Hydrodynamic journal bearings
  • Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded journal bearings
  • Petroff’s equation
  • Mechanism of pressure development in the oil film
  • Reynold’s equation in 2D.
  • Introduction to idealized journal bearing
  • Load carrying capacity
  • Condition for equilibrium
  • Sommerfeld’s number and its significance
  • Partial bearings
  • End leakages in journal bearing
  • Numerical examples on full journal bearings only.
Module-4: Plane slider bearings with shoe
  • Pressure distribution
  • Load carrying capacity
  • Coefficient of Friction
  • Frictional resistance in a fixed/pivoted shoe bearing
  • Center of pressure
  • Numerical examples.
Module-5: Hydrostatic Lubrication
  • Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication
  • Hydrostatic step bearings
  • Load carrying capacity 
  • Oil flow through the hydrostatic step bearing
  • Numerical examples.
Module-6: Bearing Materials
  • Commonly used bearings materials
  • Properties of typical bearing materials
  • Advantages and disadvantages of bearing materials.
  • Concept and scope of surface engineering
  • Surface modification 
  • Transformation hardening, surface melting, thermochemical processes
  • Surface Coating
  • Plating, fusion processes, and vapour phase processes
  • Selection of coating for wear and corrosion resistance.

List of Tribology Important Questions

Important questions also add up while practising and preparing the concepts of any subject. In Tribology too they play a vital role as they help the students in getting a clear idea about the right way in which the questions are created from several included topics and how they must prepare themselves to answer all the questions and get the best outcomes successfully.

There are many important questions provided the certified boards for the students to have the best-supported assistance. Here is a list of some of the important questions of Tribology to help the students practice well according to the mentioned and previously asked questions:

  • Explain Tribology.
  • Write the fundamentals of Tribology.
  • Explain the primary challenges faced by the top Tribologists.
  • Describe friction and wear.
  • What are the outcomes of applying Tribology to the bearing design?
  • Explain the role of Tribology in ensuring measurable product enhancement.
  • Explain how Tribology improves efficiency and extends the servicing life of the bearing
  • materials.
  • Write some examples of advancements in bearing technology and research.
  • Explain the applications and uses of Tribology.
  • What does an Engineer must consider while designing the products or wear and friction experiments?
  • Explain the GGB’s approach to deliver the best bearing solutions with Tribological expertise.
  • Explain some of the achievements of GGB in Tribology.
  • How is Tribology effective in reducing the requirement of liquid lubricants?
  • What are the impacts of the shaft and transfer layer on the performance of Tribology?
  • What are the essential factors of Tribology in the bearing selection? What are the effects of these factors on bearing selection?

Frequently Asked Questions on Tribology Notes

Question 1. 
Explain the main challenges faced by the tribologists.

The main challenge that the Tribologists face is that they wear vale and the friction value are not transferred easily from one system to the other. Comparison between the calculated and measured values is also not feasible when taken under consideration for the similar Tribological systems. The Tribological behaviour for different materials can be estimated only for some specific applications based on simulation testing and modulation.

Question 3.
How is Tribology effective in reducing the requirement of liquid lubricants?

Lubricants are a vital part of the entire Tribology subject. However, in certain scenarios, the lubricant is generated by the tribo-system components and the materials.

Thus, the material designers come up with some specific materials for the dryer lubrication conditions and achieving a better Tribological performance in terms of wear and friction with a reduction of the liquid lubricants.


This article contains the best lecture material and reference books for the students of mechanical engineering who need to learn the subject of tribology and understand dealing with friction, lubricants, and wear. The article also contains some important questions to help the students get a brief about the problems types and get the best practice for the subject. This is an important article for all mechanical engineering students worldwide.

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