In this article, we’ll learn how to use Python to remove the first occurrence of a character in a string. The aim is to remove the first occurrence of a character in a string. To begin, locate the character in the string and confirm that it is the first occurrence. Finally, remove the character from the string and display the result.
Given String =goodmorningthisisbtechgeekspython Given Character =s
The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ s ] is goodmorningthisisbtechgeekspython The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ s ] is goodmorningthiisbtechgeekspython
Given String =hellothisisbtechgeeks Given Character =e
The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ e ] is hellothisisbtechgeeks The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ e ] is hllothisisbtechgeeks
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Program to Remove the First Occurrence of Character in a String in Python
Below are the ways to remove the first occurrence of the given character in a string in Python.
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Method #1: Using For Loop (Static Input)
- Give the string as static input and store it in a variable.
- Give the character as static input and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the length of the string using the len() function.
- Loop in the characters of the string using the For loop.
- Check if the iterator character is equal to the given character using the if conditional statement and == operator.
- Initialize the resultstrng with the given string from 0 to iterator value concatenated with iterator value +1 to the length of the given string.
- Break the For loop using the break keyword.
- Print the Result.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as static input and store it in a variable. gvnstrng = 'hellothisisbtechgeeks' # Give the character as static input and store it in another variable. gvnchar = 'e' # Calculate the length of the string using the len() function. strnglength = len(gvnstrng) # Loop in the characters of the string using the For loop. for i in range(strnglength): # Check if the iterator character is equal to the given character # using the if conditional statement and == operator. if(gvnstrng[i] == gvnchar): # Initialize the resultstrng with the given string # from 0 to iterator value concatenated # with iterator value +1 to the length of the given string. reesultvalu = gvnstrng[0:i] + gvnstrng[i + 1:strnglength] # Break the For loop using the break keyword. break # Print the Result. print( 'The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [', gvnchar, '] is', gvnstrng) print( 'The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [', gvnchar, '] is', reesultvalu)
The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ e ] is hellothisisbtechgeeks The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ e ] is hllothisisbtechgeeks
Method #2: Using For Loop (User Input)
- Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in a variable.
- Give the character as user input using the input() function and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the length of the string using the len() function.
- Loop in the characters of the string using the For loop.
- Check if the iterator character is equal to the given character using the if conditional statement and == operator.
- Initialize the resultstrng with the given string from 0 to iterator value concatenated with iterator value +1 to the length of the given string.
- Break the For loop using the break keyword.
- Print the Result.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in a variable. gvnstrng = input('Enter some random given string = ') # Give the character as user input using the input() function and store it in another variable. gvnchar = input('Enter some random character = ') # Calculate the length of the string using the len() function. strnglength = len(gvnstrng) # Loop in the characters of the string using the For loop. for i in range(strnglength): # Check if the iterator character is equal to the given character # using the if conditional statement and == operator. if(gvnstrng[i] == gvnchar): # Initialize the resultstrng with the given string # from 0 to iterator value concatenated # with iterator value +1 to the length of the given string. reesultvalu = gvnstrng[0:i] + gvnstrng[i + 1:strnglength] # Break the For loop using the break keyword. break # Print the Result. print( 'The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [', gvnchar, '] is', gvnstrng) print( 'The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [', gvnchar, '] is', reesultvalu)
Enter some random given string = goodmorningthisisbtechgeekspython Enter some random character = s The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ s ] is goodmorningthisisbtechgeekspython The Given string after removing first occurence of the character [ s ] is goodmorningthiisbtechgeekspython
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