Python Data Persistence – ORM – Querying

Python Data Persistence – ORM – Querying

In order to fetch data from a database table, we need to obtain a query object. The query () method is defined in the Session class. It needs the mapped class as an argument.


The query object itself has access to various methods to fetch rows from the underlying table and return objects of the mapped class.

The query .get ( ) method accepts the primary key as an argument and returns the corresponding object. For example, the following statement returns object with ProductID=2 (ProductID being the primary key of Products table)

p=q . get(2)

Because the ‘echo’ parameter is set to True in the Engine constructor, the console shows the corresponding SQL statement generated by SQLAIchemy as below:


BEGIN (implicit) 
SELECT "Products"."ProductID" AS 
"Products_ ProductID", "Products".name AS "Products_name", "Products".price AS "Products_price" 
FROM "Products" 
WHERE "ProductsProductID" = ? sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine (2,)

Attributes of the object ( and p.price) can now be displayed. Still better, provide a__str__( ) method in Products class. Modify it in script as under:


class Product(base):
__tablename ___= 'Products'

ProductID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
price = Column(Integer)
return 'name:{ } price: { } ' . format ( self . name , self . price )

The query, all ( ) method returns a list of all objects which can be traversed using a loop. Here is a script:

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String 
from sqlalchemy import create_engine 
from myclasses import Product,base, Customers 
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.sqlite', echo=True) 
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker 
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) 
sessionobj = Session ( ) 
rows=q.all ( ) 
for row in rows: 
print (row)

Shown below is the output of this script along with shortened log in the console window (figure 9.4):

(SQLAlchemyEnv) E: \ SQLA1chemyEnv>python PRAGMA table info( BEGIN (implicit) "Products") 
SELECT "Products". "ProductID" AS "Products_ 
ProductID", "Products".name AS 
"Products_name", "Products".price AS 
"Products_price" FROM "Products"
 ( ) 
 name: Laptop price: 25000 
 name: TV price: 40000 
 name: Router price: 2000 
 name: Scanner Price : 5000 
 name: Printer price : 9000 
 name: Mobile price: 15000