Computer MCQ Questions for Class 3 with Answers

Answer the following Basic Computer Quiz Questions and Answers about its Uses and Inventors for Kids:

Class 3 Computer Mcq with answers and Basic Questions Of Computer For Class 3

1. Who is the Father of the Computer?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Thomas Edison
  3. Albert Einstein
  4. Isaac Newton

2. What is the full form of E-Mail?

  1. Electric Mail
  2. Exchange Mail
  3. Electronic Mail
  4. Engagement Mail

3. In the virtual world, WWW stands for ___________________________.

  1. World Without Windows
  2. World Wide Web
  3. World Wide Web Applications
  4. World Wide Warehouse

4. What do you call a person who uses the internet to explore and communicate?

  1. Citizen
  2. Resident
  3. Cybernaut
  4. None of the above

5. Who invented Compact Disc?

  1. James T. Russell
  2. Fujio Masuoka
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Martin Cooper

6. Which one of the following is not an Operating System (OS)?

  1. Windows 10
  2. Linux
  3. DOS
  4. MS Excel

7. What do you need to use to connect to the internet?

  1. Mouse
  2. Modem
  3. CPU
  4. Keyboard

8. What is also known as a portable computer?

  1. Laptop
  2. CPU
  3. Monitor
  4. Desktop

9. Name the device that is used to take a printout of a document from a computer.

  1. CPU
  2. Mouse
  3. Keyboard
  4. Printer

10. How much is a byte equal to?

  1. 8 bits
  2. 16 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits


1. a) Charles Babbage 2. c) Electronic Mail 3. b) World Wide Web 4. c) Cybernaut 5. a) James T. Russell
6. d) MS Excel 7. b) Modem 8. a) Laptop 9. d) Printer 10. a) 8 bits

Answer the following questions on basic parts of computer for youngsters:

1. Identify the computer device from the picture given below that is used for selecting, hovering, dragging or clicking on the computer screen.

  1. Keyboard
  2. Monitor
  3. CPU
  4. Mouse

2. From the image given below, can you identify the device that is used to enter characters into the computer system by pressing buttons or keys?

  1. Mouse
  2. Pen Drive
  3. Keyboard
  4. CPU

3. Given below is the image of a portable computer. Do you know what it is called?

  1. Laptop
  2. Desktop
  3. Monitor
  4. None of the above

4. Identify the external power supply unit given below that is used to plug the computer into a standard electrical outlet.

  1. Monitor
  2. USB Cable
  3. AC adapter
  4. Keyboard

5. From the image given below, identify the device that processes instructions in a computer.

  1. Monitor
  2. CPU
  3. Keyboard
  4. Mouse

6. Identify the display screen image that is used to provide visual output from a computer.

  1. Monitor
  2. CPU
  3. Mouse
  4. AC adapter

7. From the image given below, what do you call a computer that fits on a desk and is meant to stay at one location?

  1. Laptop
  2. Notebook
  3. Desktop
  4. None of the above

8. Identify the picture for a device that is used to print documents from a computer.

  1. Laptop
  2. USB Cable
  3. Pen Drive
  4. Printer

9. Check the picture below and identify the optical medium that is used to store digital data.

  1. Compact Disc (CD)
  2. Printer
  3. Desktop
  4. AC adapter

10. From the image below, identify the portable USB flash drive device which allows a user to transfer data from one computer to another.

  1. CPU
  2. Pen Drive
  3. Laptop
  4. Keyboard


1. d) Mouse 2. c) Keyboard 3. a) Laptop 4. c) AC adapter 5. b) CPU
6. a) Monitor 7. c) Desktop 8. d) Printer 9. a) Compact Disc (CD) 10. b) Pen Drive

Answer the following basic computer questions on parts of computer and their functions:

Keyboard Questions And Answers For Class 3 and parts of computer class 3.

1. A computer is a/ an _____________ device.

  1. Electronic
  2. Mechanical
  3. Automatic
  4. Software

2. What is the full form of RAM?

  1. Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
  2. Rarely Adequate Memory
  3. Raised Angle Marker
  4. Random Access Memory

3. CPU stands for _______________________________.

  1. Control Processing Unit
  2. Central Processing Unit
  3. Call Processing Unit
  4. Cost Processing Unit

4. Where is data stored in a computer?

  1. Monitor
  2. Keyboard
  3. CPU
  4. Mouse

5. What is that input device used to type text and numbers on a document in the computer system?

  1. Mouse
  2. Monitor
  3. Motherboard
  4. Keyboard

6. Name the computer part that helps a user to hear information from the system.

  1. Keyboard
  2. Speaker
  3. Mouse
  4. Monitor

7. RAM is a __________________ memory.

  1. Volatile
  2. Non-volatile
  3. Short
  4. Long

8. What does ROM stand for?

  1. Rough-Order-of-Magnitude
  2. Read-Only Memory
  3. Read Only Media
  4. Read Only Member

9. _____________ is an output device that displays information on the computer screen.

  1. CPU
  2. Monitor
  3. Mouse
  4. Keyboard

10. Which is the input device that allows a user to move the cursor or pointer on the screen?

  1. Mouse
  2. Microphone
  3. Speaker
  4. CPU


1. a) Electronic 2. d) Random Access Memory 3. b) Central Processing Unit 4. c) CPU 5. d) Keyboard
6. b) Speaker 7. a) Volatile 8. b) Read-Only Memory 9. b) Monitor 10. a) Mouse

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  2. Mcq Questions For Class 3 Pdf
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  4. Questions On Keyboard For Class 3
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  6. Computer Basic Questions For Class 3
  7. Computer Quiz For Class 3 With Answers Pdf

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