Answer the following Basic Computer Quiz Questions and Answers about its Uses and Inventors for Kids:
Class 3 Computer Mcq with answers and Basic Questions Of Computer For Class 3
1. Who is the Father of the Computer?
- Charles Babbage
- Thomas Edison
- Albert Einstein
- Isaac Newton
2. What is the full form of E-Mail?
- Electric Mail
- Exchange Mail
- Electronic Mail
- Engagement Mail
3. In the virtual world, WWW stands for ___________________________.
- World Without Windows
- World Wide Web
- World Wide Web Applications
- World Wide Warehouse
4. What do you call a person who uses the internet to explore and communicate?
- Citizen
- Resident
- Cybernaut
- None of the above
5. Who invented Compact Disc?
- James T. Russell
- Fujio Masuoka
- Thomas Edison
- Martin Cooper
6. Which one of the following is not an Operating System (OS)?
- Windows 10
- Linux
- MS Excel
7. What do you need to use to connect to the internet?
- Mouse
- Modem
- Keyboard
8. What is also known as a portable computer?
- Laptop
- Monitor
- Desktop
9. Name the device that is used to take a printout of a document from a computer.
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Printer
10. How much is a byte equal to?
- 8 bits
- 16 bits
- 32 bits
- 64 bits
1. a) Charles Babbage | 2. c) Electronic Mail | 3. b) World Wide Web | 4. c) Cybernaut | 5. a) James T. Russell |
6. d) MS Excel | 7. b) Modem | 8. a) Laptop | 9. d) Printer | 10. a) 8 bits |
Answer the following questions on basic parts of computer for youngsters:
1. Identify the computer device from the picture given below that is used for selecting, hovering, dragging or clicking on the computer screen.
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- Mouse
2. From the image given below, can you identify the device that is used to enter characters into the computer system by pressing buttons or keys?
- Mouse
- Pen Drive
- Keyboard
3. Given below is the image of a portable computer. Do you know what it is called?
- Laptop
- Desktop
- Monitor
- None of the above
4. Identify the external power supply unit given below that is used to plug the computer into a standard electrical outlet.
- Monitor
- USB Cable
- AC adapter
- Keyboard
5. From the image given below, identify the device that processes instructions in a computer.
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
6. Identify the display screen image that is used to provide visual output from a computer.
- Monitor
- Mouse
- AC adapter
7. From the image given below, what do you call a computer that fits on a desk and is meant to stay at one location?
- Laptop
- Notebook
- Desktop
- None of the above
8. Identify the picture for a device that is used to print documents from a computer.
- Laptop
- USB Cable
- Pen Drive
- Printer
9. Check the picture below and identify the optical medium that is used to store digital data.
- Compact Disc (CD)
- Printer
- Desktop
- AC adapter
10. From the image below, identify the portable USB flash drive device which allows a user to transfer data from one computer to another.
- Pen Drive
- Laptop
- Keyboard
1. d) Mouse | 2. c) Keyboard | 3. a) Laptop | 4. c) AC adapter | 5. b) CPU |
6. a) Monitor | 7. c) Desktop | 8. d) Printer | 9. a) Compact Disc (CD) | 10. b) Pen Drive |
Answer the following basic computer questions on parts of computer and their functions:
Keyboard Questions And Answers For Class 3 and parts of computer class 3.
1. A computer is a/ an _____________ device.
- Electronic
- Mechanical
- Automatic
- Software
2. What is the full form of RAM?
- Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
- Rarely Adequate Memory
- Raised Angle Marker
- Random Access Memory
3. CPU stands for _______________________________.
- Control Processing Unit
- Central Processing Unit
- Call Processing Unit
- Cost Processing Unit
4. Where is data stored in a computer?
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
5. What is that input device used to type text and numbers on a document in the computer system?
- Mouse
- Monitor
- Motherboard
- Keyboard
6. Name the computer part that helps a user to hear information from the system.
- Keyboard
- Speaker
- Mouse
- Monitor
7. RAM is a __________________ memory.
- Volatile
- Non-volatile
- Short
- Long
8. What does ROM stand for?
- Rough-Order-of-Magnitude
- Read-Only Memory
- Read Only Media
- Read Only Member
9. _____________ is an output device that displays information on the computer screen.
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Keyboard
10. Which is the input device that allows a user to move the cursor or pointer on the screen?
- Mouse
- Microphone
- Speaker
1. a) Electronic | 2. d) Random Access Memory | 3. b) Central Processing Unit | 4. c) CPU | 5. d) Keyboard |
6. b) Speaker | 7. a) Volatile | 8. b) Read-Only Memory | 9. b) Monitor | 10. a) Mouse |
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