Square number java – Java Program to Check a Given Number is Perfect Square

Square number java: In the previous article, we have discussed Java Program to Generate Random Number

In this article we are going to understand what perfect square in java, Perfect Square number is and how we can check whether a number is Perfect Square or not in java or a perfect square program in Java and perfect square number in java with examples. Perfect square java program explained well in the given content.

Program to Check a Given Number is Perfect Square

Perfect Squares are numbers with whole roots.

Example :

  • 16 = 42 Perfect Square number
  • 9 = 32 Perfect Square number
  • 6 = 3 *2 Not Perfect Square number

In the above examples the numbers 16 and 9 are only Perfect Squares. 6 is not a Perfect Square number.

Perfect Square Number Program In Java,  Let’s see different ways to check if a given number is Perfect Square or not.

Provided list of Simple Java Programs is specially designed for freshers and beginners to get familiarize with the concepts of Java programming language and become pro in coding.

Approach :

  1. Enter a number or Declare a number.
  2. The number is passed into the square root function and the result is passed to the floor function to raise the double it to the next integer.
  3. Then it is compared with the number, if both are same then it is said to be a perfect square number.

Method-1: Java Program to Check a Given Number is Perfect Square By Using Static Value

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PerfectSquareNumber
    public static void main(String args[])
        //A number declared
        int num = 81;
        //checking the number is perfect square or not.
        double root = Math.sqrt(num);
        //if the condition satisfies then given number is perfect square 
        if((Math.floor(root) - root)==0)
             System.out.println(num+" is a Perfect Square Number");
        // else given number is not the perfect square 
            System.out.println(num+" is Not a Perfect Square Number");

81 is a Perfect Square Number

Method-2: Java Program to Check a Given Number is Perfect Square By User Input Value

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PerfectSquareNumber
    public static void main(String args[])
        //Taking the number as input from the user using scanner class
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter a number : ");
        int num = scan.nextInt();
        //checking the number is perfect square or not.
        double root = Math.sqrt(num);
        //if the condition satisfies then given number is perfect square 
        if((Math.floor(root) - root)==0)
             System.out.println(num+" is a Perfect Square Number");
        // else given number is not the perfect square 
            System.out.println(num+" is Not a Perfect Square Number");

Enter a number : 64
64 is a Perfect Square Number

Method-3: Java Program to Check a Given Number is Perfect Square By User Defined Method

Program To Check Whether A Number Is Perfect Square Or Not In Java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PerfectSquareNumber
    public static void main(String args[])
        //Taking the number as input from the user using scanner class
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter a number : ");
        int num = scan.nextInt();
        //isPerfectSquare() user defined method is called to check perfect square or not
        //and return value is true or false stored in a boolean variable 'flag'
        boolean flag = isPerfectSquare(num);
            System.out.println(num+" is a Perfect Square Number");
            System.out.println(num+" is Not a Perfect Square Number");

    // Program to check for perfectsquare numbers
    static boolean isPerfectSquare(int num)
        double root = Math.sqrt(num);
        //if the condition satisfies then given number is perfect square and returns true
        if((Math.floor(root) - root)==0)
            return true;
        // else given number is not the perfect square and returns false
            return false;



Enter a number :16
16 is a Perfect Square Number


Enter a number :167
167 is Not a Perfect Square Number

Understand the Programming Language Java and learn the language fastly by using our wide range of Java Programming Examples with Output and try to write programs on your own.

Read Also: Java Program to Display Alternate Prime Numbers

Practice yourself:

  1. Write A Program To Check Whether A Number Is Perfect Square Or Not In Java?
  2. Java Program To Check If A Given Number Is Perfect Square?
  3. Java Program To Find Perfect Square?
  4. Check If Number Is Perfect Square Java?
  5. How To Find Perfect Square In Java?
  6. How To Find A Number Is Perfect Square Or Not In Java?
  7. How To Check If A Number Is Perfect Square In Java?
  8. How To Check Perfect Square In Java?
  9. Perfect Square Numbers Program In Java?
  10. Java Program To Check If Given Number Is Perfect Square?

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