Python Data Persistence – ORM – Add Data
To add data in the ‘Products’ table, first initialize an object of its mapped Products class, add it to the session and commit the changes.
p1 = Products(name='Laptop 1, price = 25000) sessionobj.add(p1) sessionobj.commit( )
Add above code snippets to It now looks like this:
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String from sqlalchemy import create_engine from myclasses import Products,base engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.sqlite', echo=True) base.metadata.create_all(engine) from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) sessionobj = Session() p1 = Product(name='Laptop', price=25000) sessionobj.add(p1) sessionobj.commit( )
- Python Data Persistence – Querying related tables (ORM)
- Python Data Persistence – ORM – Querying
- Python Data Persistence – ORM – Relationships
Run the above script from the command prompt. SQLAlchemy will emit equivalent parameterized INSERT query that will be echoed on the terminal as shown below in figure 9.2:
(SQLAlchemyEnv) E:\SQLAlchemyEnv> PRAGMA table_info("Products") ( ) BEGIN (implicit) INSERT INTO "Products" (name, price) VALUES (?, ?) ('Laptop', 25000) COMMIT
If you want to confirm, open the database in SQLite console and view’ rows in Products table, (figure 9.3)
sqlite> .head on
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .open mydb.sqlite
sqlite> select * from products;
ProductID name price
———- ——- ——
1 Laptop 25000
To add multiple records at once, call the add_all() method on the session object. It requires a list of objects to be added.
p2=Products(name='TV',price=40000) p3=Products(name=1 Router',price = 2 000) p4 = Products(name=1 Scanner 1,price = 5000) p5 = Products(name='Printer' ,price = 9000) p6=Products(name='Mobile',price=15000) sessionobj.add_all( [p2,p3,p4,p5,p6]) sessionobj.commit( )
Go ahead and add the ‘Customers’ class mapped to the ‘Customers’ table. Add data as per sample data given. (We shall add ‘Invoices’ class and ‘Invoices’ table a little later)
class Customer(base): table name ='Customers' CustID=Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name=Column(String) GSTIN=Column(String)
We have to add this table in the database schema by executing the following statement again: