Get number of digits in an integer java – Java Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

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Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

Java count digits in integer: In this article we will see how to count number of digits in an integer.

For example:

The number 32456 has 5 digits in it.
The number 9 has 1 digit in it.
The number 6073 has 4 digits in it.

There are multiple ways to do this. Like we can do it by

Method-1 : By using while loop

Number of digits in a number java: By using the while loop we can count the number of digits in an integer.

This is an iterative approach.


  • Take an integer variable number assigned with an integer value.
  • Take a while loop and iterate the loop until number != 0
  • And go on dividing the number by 10 on each iteration like number=number/10
  • Keep on counting each digit during that with the help of a variable say ‘count‘.

For example:

  • number is 4512
  • After first iteration number will be number=number/10 i.e number=4512/10 => number=451 and increment count value to 1
  • After second iteration number will be number=number/10 i.e number=451/10 => number=45 and increment count value to 2
  • After third iteration number will be number=number/10 i.e number=45/10 => number=4 and increment count value to 3
  • After fourth iteration number will be number=number/10 i.e number=4/10 => number=0 and increment count value to 4
  • In next while check number is 0, so condition failed as iteration will only continue till while(number != 0), so it will not go into the loop again.
  • Now print the count value that is 4, so number of digits in the integer is 4.


public class Main 

  public static void main(String[] args) 

    int count = 0, number = 4512;
     // loop will continue till number value become 0
    while (number != 0) 
      // dividing the number with 10
    // printing the count value
    System.out.println("Number of digits: " + count);

Number of digits: 4

Method-2 : By using for loop

Java number of digits in int: By using the for loop we can count the number of digits in an integer.

This is an iterative approach.


  • Take a for loop without body.
  • continue for loop upto number != 0 becomes false
  • Keep on dividing the number value in each iteration
  • In each iteration increment count value 1
public class Main 

  public static void main(String[] args) 

    int count = 0, number = 4512678;
    // Loop will continue until number becomes 0
    // In each loop number will go on divided by 10
    // And keep on counting 
    for (; number != 0; number=number/10, ++count) 

    System.out.println("Number of digits: " + count);

Number of digits: 7

Method-3 : By using recursion

By using recursion we can count the number of digits in an integer.


  • Logic is very simple just we need to divide number by 10 with in the user defined method count().
  • It will check if the number/10==0, if 0 then it will stop there, otherwise it will return 1 and recursion will go on.
  • Inside the count() method, recursively count() method will be called. And accordingly return value will be added in that.

Program :

import java.util.*;
class Main 
    // user defined method 'count'
    static int count(int n)
        // dividing number with 10
        // if after division n value is not 0
        // then return 1
        if (n/10 == 0)
            return 1;
        // it will return the final digit count
        // calling the count() method recursively
        return 1 + count(n / 10);
    // main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // integer value stored in int variable 'number'
        int number = 123;
        // count() method called
        System.out.print("Number of digits : " + count(number));

Number of digits: 3

Method-4 : By using log based solution

By using log based we can count the number of digits in an integer. But only for positive integers.


  • By using log10(logarithm of base 10) we will count the number of digits.
  • Digit count of number = upper bound of log10(number).

Program :

import java.util.*;
class Main
    static int count(int num)
        // using log approach
        return (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(num) + 1);
    /* Driver code */
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // intger value stored in int variable 'number'
        int number = 321;
        // count() method called
        System.out.print("Number of digits :" + count(number));

Number of digits: 3

Method-5 : By using conversion from int to string

By converting int to string and counting length we can count the number of digits in an integer. But only for positive integers.


  • Take a number.
  • convert it to string by using toString() method.
  • Then count the length of the string using length() like num.length()
  • We have done this using a user defined method count().


import java.util.*;
public class Main 
    // user defined method
    // To count the no. of digits 
    static void count(int n)
        // using toString() method converting into to string
        String num = Integer.toString(n);
        // getting the length of the string
        System.out.println("Number of digits :"+num.length());
    // main method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // numberstored in int variable 'number'
        int number = 345;

Number of digits: 3

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