Python Program to Find the Total Sum of a Nested List Using Recursion

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Recursion in Python:

Python also supports function recursion, which means that a specified function can call itself.

Recursion is a mathematical and programming concept that is widely used. It signifies that a function calls itself. This has the advantage of allowing you to loop through data to obtain a result.

The developer must exercise extreme caution when using recursion since it is quite easy to write a function that never terminates or consumes excessive amounts of memory or computing power. However, recursion may be a tremendously efficient and mathematically elegant way of programming when performed correctly.

Nested List:

A list can include any form of the object, including another list (sublist), which can contain sublists, and so on. This is referred to as a nested list.

Given a nested list, the task is to calculate the sum of the elements in the given list using recursion.




given nested list = [[7, 8, 2], [11, 19, 29, 63, 91], [12, 52, 98], [11, 19, 18], [11, 28, 34, 39, 35, 56, 87, 46, 1, 2], [5], [9, 23], [3, 23, 124]]


Printing the given nested list : 
 [[7, 8, 2], [11, 19, 29, 63, 91], [12, 52, 98], [11, 19, 18], [11, 28, 34, 39, 35, 56, 87, 46, 1, 2], [5], [9, 23], [3, 23, 124]]
The sum of all elements of the given nested list is : 966



given Nested List = [[1, 7], [11, 28, 122], [99, 100, 11, 111]]


Printing the given nested list : 
 [[1, 7], [11, 28, 122], [99, 100, 11, 111]]
The sum of all elements of the given nested list is : 490

Program to Find the Total Sum of a Nested List Using Recursion in Python

Below is the full approach to calculate the total sum of all the elements in the given nested list using recursion in python.


Iterate through the list, and if an element of the list is also a list, we must perform the same operation of calculating the total with this element list (which can be nested). So now that we’ve identified a subproblem, we can use the same method to complete the task by simply changing the argument to this sublist. If the element isn’t a list, just add its value to the global total.


  • Give the nested list as static input and store it in a variable.
  • To find the total of the list’s elements, pass the list as an input to a recursive function say sumNestedListRecursion.
  • Taking a variable that stores the sum of the elements of a nested list
    and Initialize it with 0.
  • To get the elements inside the sublists, use a for loop and recursion in the function, and store the summed up elements in a variable.
  • The total sum of all the elements(integers) in the given nested list will be returned.
  • Print the total sum of all the elements in the given nested list.
  • The exit of the program.

Below is the implementation:

# function which takes the nested list as argument and
# returnsthe sum of the given nested list.

def sumnestedListRecursion(givenNestedList):
  # Taking a variable that stores the sum of the elements of a nested list
    # and Initialize it with 0.
    totalNestedSum = 0
    # To get the elements inside the sublists, use a for loop and recursion in the function,
    # and store the summed up elements in a variable.
    for eleme in givenNestedList:
        if (type(eleme) == type([])):
            totalNestedSum = totalNestedSum + sumnestedListRecursion(eleme)
            totalNestedSum = totalNestedSum + eleme
    # return the total sum of all the elements in the given nested list.
    return totalNestedSum

# Give the nested list as static input and store it in a variable.
givenNestedList = [[7, 8, 2], [11, 19, 29, 63, 91], [12, 52, 98], [11, 19, 18],
                   [11, 28, 34, 39, 35, 56, 87, 46, 1, 2], [5], [9, 23], [3, 23, 124]]
# printing the given nested list
print('Printing the given nested list : \n', givenNestedList)
# passing the given nested list as an argument to the recursive function sumnestedListRecursion
# which returns the sum of the given nested list.
print("The sum of all elements of the given nested list is :",


Printing the given nested list : 
 [[7, 8, 2], [11, 19, 29, 63, 91], [12, 52, 98], [11, 19, 18], [11, 28, 34, 39, 35, 56, 87, 46, 1, 2], [5], [9, 23], [3, 23, 124]]
The sum of all elements of the given nested list is : 966


  • A nested list(list of lists) is initialized in a variable.
  • To find the sum of the list’s elements, the list is passed as an argument to a recursive function.
  • A for loop and repeated recursion are used in the function to acquire the elements within the sublists.
  • The sum of the elements is calculated and returned.
  • The sum of the list of lists(nested list) elements is printed.

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