Sort by second element python – Python Program to Sort the List According to the Second Element in Sublist

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Given list of lists which contain two elements in every sub list , the task is to sort the lists according to the second element in sub list.




given nested list =[['hello', 11], ['this', 1], ['is', 23], ['btechgeeks', 19], ['online', 39], ['platform', 7], ['for', 29]]


printing the sorted nested list before sorting :
[['hello', 11], ['this', 1], ['is', 23], ['btechgeeks', 19], ['online', 39], ['platform', 7], ['for', 29]]
printing the sorted nested list after sorting :
[['this', 1], ['platform', 7], ['hello', 11], ['btechgeeks', 19], ['is', 23], ['for', 29], ['online', 39]]



[['hello', 46], ['this', 31], ['morning', 29], ['is', 26], ['btechGeeks', 19], ['online', 33]]


printing the sorted nested list before sorting :
[['hello', 46], ['this', 31], ['morning', 29], ['is', 26], ['btechGeeks', 19], ['online', 33]]
printing the sorted nested list after sorting :
[['btechGeeks', 19], ['is', 26], ['morning', 29], ['this', 31], ['online', 33], ['hello', 46]]



[['sky', 12], ['is', 39], ['blue', 5]]


printing the sorted nested list before sorting :
[['sky', 12], ['is', 39], ['blue', 5]]
printing the sorted nested list after sorting :
[['blue', 5], ['sky', 12], ['is', 39]]

Program to Sort the List According to the Second Element in Sub list in Python

Python sublist: Below are the ways to sort the given list of lists according to the second element in sub list in python some of them are:

Method #1: Using nested loops and temporary variable(Static Input)


  • Take in a list that contains sublists as static input.
  • Using two for loops, sort the sublists using bubble sort based on the second value of the sublist.
  • If the second element of the first sublist is greater than the second element of the second sublist, the complete sublist should be exchanged/swapped.
  • The sorted list should be printed.
  • Exit of program.

Below is the implementation:

# Take in a list that contains sublists as static input.
nestedList = [['hello', 46], ['this', 31], ['morning', 29],
              ['is', 26], ['btechGeeks', 19], ['online', 33]]
# printing the sorted nested list before sorting
print('printing the sorted nested list before sorting :')
# Using two for loops, sort the sublists using bubble
# sort based on the second value of the sublist.
for m in range(len(nestedList)):
    for n in range(len(nestedList)-m-1):
      # If the second element of the first sublist is greater than the second element of the second sublist,
      # the complete sublist should be exchanged/swapped using temporary variable
        if(nestedList[n][1] > nestedList[n+1][1]):
            tempo = nestedList[n]
            nestedList[n] = nestedList[n+1]
            nestedList[n+1] = tempo
# printing the sorted nested list after sorting
print('printing the sorted nested list after sorting :')


printing the sorted nested list before sorting :
[['hello', 46], ['this', 31], ['morning', 29], ['is', 26], ['btechGeeks', 19], ['online', 33]]
printing the sorted nested list after sorting :
[['btechGeeks', 19], ['is', 26], ['morning', 29], ['this', 31], ['online', 33], ['hello', 46]]

Method #2: Using nested loops and temporary variable(User Input)


  • Take a empty list.
  • Scan the number of elements /number of sublists as user input using int(input()) function.
  • Loop from 1 to given number of elements times using for loop.
  • Scan the list elements using input() and int(input()) functions and append to the empty list using append() function.
  • Using two for loops, sort the sublists using bubble sort based on the second value of the sublist.
  • If the second element of the first sublist is greater than the second element of the second sublist, the complete sublist should be exchanged/swapped.
  • The sorted list should be printed.
  • Exit of program.

Below is the implementation:

# Take a empty list.
nestedList = []
# Scan the number of elements /number of sublists as user input using int(input()) function.
totalsublists = int(input('Enter some random number of sublists ='))
# Loop from 1 to given number of elements times using for loop.
for r in range(totalsublists):
    # Scan the list elements using input() and int(input()) functions and append
    # to the empty list using append() function.
    firsteleme = input('Enter some random first element =')
    secondeleme = int(input('Enter some random second element ='))
    nestedList.append([firsteleme, secondeleme])

# printing the sorted nested list before sorting
print('printing the sorted nested list before sorting :')
# Using two for loops, sort the sublists using bubble
# sort based on the second value of the sublist.
for m in range(len(nestedList)):
    for n in range(len(nestedList)-m-1):
      # If the second element of the first sublist is greater than the second element of the second sublist,
      # the complete sublist should be exchanged/swapped using temporary variable
        if(nestedList[n][1] > nestedList[n+1][1]):
            tempo = nestedList[n]
            nestedList[n] = nestedList[n+1]
            nestedList[n+1] = tempo
# printing the sorted nested list after sorting
print('printing the sorted nested list after sorting :')


Enter some random number of sublists =7
Enter some random first element =hello
Enter some random second element =11
Enter some random first element =this
Enter some random second element =1
Enter some random first element =is
Enter some random second element =23
Enter some random first element =btechgeeks
Enter some random second element =19
Enter some random first element =online
Enter some random second element =39
Enter some random first element =platform
Enter some random second element =7
Enter some random first element =for
Enter some random second element =29
printing the sorted nested list before sorting :
[['hello', 11], ['this', 1], ['is', 23], ['btechgeeks', 19], ['online', 39], ['platform', 7], ['for', 29]]
printing the sorted nested list after sorting :
[['this', 1], ['platform', 7], ['hello', 11], ['btechgeeks', 19], ['is', 23], ['for', 29], ['online', 39]]


  • The user must enter a list with numerous sublists.
  • Scan the list elements using input() and int(input()) functions and append to the empty list using append() function.
  • The list is then sorted using bubble sort based on the second member in the sublist.
  • The entire sublist is switched if the second element of the first sublist is bigger than the second element of the second sublist.
  • This step is repeated until the full list has been sorted.
  • After that, the sorted list is printed.

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