Binary representation python – Python Program to Print Binary Representation of a Number

Binary Representation:

Get binary representation python: Binary (or base-2) is a numeral system with only two digits — 0 and 1. Computers use binary to store data and execute calculations, which means they only use zeros and ones. In Boolean logic, a single binary digit can only represent True (1) or False (0). Any integer, in fact, can be represented in binary.

Given a decimal number the task is to convert the given decimal to binary




given number =200


The binary representation of the given number 200  : 



given number =1


The binary representation of the given number 1: 



given number =32


The binary representation of the given number 32  : 

Python Program to Print Binary Representation of a Number

Binary representation python: There are several ways to print the binary representation of a given decimal number some of them are:

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Method #1:Using recursive function

Binary representation python: To find a binary equivalent, divide the decimal number recursively by the value 2 until the decimal number hits zero. The remaining must be noted after each division. The binary equivalent of the decimal number is obtained by reversing the remaining values.


  1. Get the given decimal number from the user or static input.
  2. If the input is larger than zero, divide it by 2 and record the remainder.
  3. Step 2 should be repeated until the decimal number reaches zero.
  4. The residual values should be printed.
  5. End of program

Below is the implementation:

def decitoBin(numb):
    # checking if the given number is greater than 1
    if numb > 1:
        # if it is greater than 1 then use recursive approach by dividing number by 2
        decitoBin(numb // 2)
    # printing the binary representation of the given number
    print(numb % 2, end='')

# Driver code
given_numb = 200
# passing given number to decitoBin function to print binary representation of the givennumb
print("The binary representation of the given number", given_numb, " : ")


The binary representation of the given number 200  : 

Method #2:Using while loop


  • First we take a empty string say binstr.
  • We use while loop .
  • We will iterate till the number is greater than 0 (Condition of while statement)
  • We will get the last check bit whether it is set bit or not using % operator
  • Convert the set bit to string using str() function
  • Concatenate this bit(can be 1 or 0 ) to the binstr.
  • Reverse this binstr using slicing
  • Print the binary representation of the given number that is print binstr.

Below is the implementation:

def decitoBin(numb):
    # checking if the given number is greater than 1
    if numb > 1:
      # taking a empty string
        binastring = ""
        # looping till number greater than 0 using while loop
        while(numb > 0):
            # We will get the last check bit whether it is set bit or not using % operator
            checkbit = numb % 2
            # converting this checkbit to string using str() function
            checkbit = str(checkbit)
            # Concatenate this bit(can be 1 or 0 ) to the binstr.
            binastring = binastring+checkbit
            # divide the number by 2
            numb = numb//2
    # reverse the binary string
    binastring = binastring[::-1]
    # return the resultant binary string
    return binastring

# Driver code
given_numb = 200
# passing given number to decitoBin function to print binary representation of the givennumb
print("The binary representation of the given number", given_numb, " : ")


The binary representation of the given number 200  : 

Method #3:Using Built in Python function bin()


  • We will use bin() function to convert the given decimal number to binary representation.
  • It will return the result in the form of  0bXXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is binary representation.
  • To remove that 0b characters from the string we use two methods
  • Print the resultant binary representation.

i)Using replace function

We will replace the 0b in the binary string with empty string.

Below is the implementation:

def decitoBin(numb):
  # converting it to binary representation using bin() function
    binNumb = bin(numb)
    # replacing '0b' using replace function and replacing it with empty string
    binNumb = binNumb.replace('0b', '')
  # return the binary representation of the given number
    return binNumb

# Driver code
given_numb = 200
# passing given number to decitoBin function to print binary representation of the givennumb
print("The binary representation of the given number", given_numb, " : ")


The binary representation of the given number 200  : 

The binary representation of the given decimal number will be printed.

ii)Using slicing

We will slice from 2 index to last index of the result returned by binary string

Below is the implementation:

def decitoBin(numb):
  # converting it to binary representation using bin() function
    binNumb = bin(numb)
    # We will slice from 2 index to last index of the result returned by binary string
    binNumb = binNumb[2:]
  # return the binary representation of the given number
    return binNumb

# Driver code
given_numb = 200
# passing given number to decitoBin function to print binary representation of the givennumb
print("The binary representation of the given number", given_numb, " : ")


The binary representation of the given number 200  : 

The binary representation of the given decimal number will be printed.

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