Python Data Persistence – Installation of MongoDB

Python Data Persistence – Installation of MongoDB

MongoDB server software is available in two forms: Community edition (open source release) and Enterprise edition (having additional features such as administration, and monitoring).

The MongoDB community edition is available for Windows, Linux as well as MacOS operating systems at download-center/community. Choose the appropriate version as per the OS and architecture of your machine and install it as per the instructions on the official website. Examples in this chapter assume that MongoDB is installed on Windows in the e:\mongodb folder.
Start MongoDB server from command terminal using the following command:

. . . 
waiting for connections on port 27017

The server is now listening to connection requests from clients at port number 22017 of the localhost. (Server’s startup logs are omitted in the above display). To stop it, press ctrl-C. MongoDB databases are stored in the bin\data directory. You can specify alternative location though by specifying –dbpath option as follows:


E:\mongodb\bin>mongod --dbpath e:\test

Now, start Mongo shell in another terminal.

MongoDB shell version v4.0.6 
connecting to:
mongodb:// Implicit session: 
session { "id" : UUID("0d848bll- acf7-4d30-83df-242dld7fa693") }
MongoDB server version: 4.0.6

Mongo shell is a Javascript interface to MongoDB server. It is similar to the SQLite shell or MsSQL console, as we have seen earlier chapter. The CRUD operations on the MongoDB database can be performed from here.