Python Data Persistence – User Defined Modules
A module is a collection of Python objects such as functions, classes, and so on. Python interpreter is bundled with a standard library consisting of a large number of built-in modules, some of which we got acquainted with. Just as built-in modules, you can create a collection of your own functions and import them in an interactive Python session or in another script.
Any Python script (having .py extension) can be used as a module. The idea behind a user-defined module is the same as that of a built-in module. If the entire programming solution involves quite a large number of functions and classes, in that case putting all definitions in a single script is likely to be troublesome. A better way is to organize them in separate modules. Functions and classes of similar relevance are kept in one module. Such an approach makes the code easier to maintain. First of all, let us put some functions in a script called ‘
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‘docstring of mymodule’ def isprime(num): x=2 for x in range(2,num): if num%x==0: return False else: return True def iseven(num): if num%2==0: return True else: return False def isleap(num): if num%4==0: return True else: return False |
We can now import any function from this module in an interactive interpreter session, just as we imported the math module.
>>> import mymodule >>> mymodule . isprime ( 43 ) True >>> mymodule . isprime ( 72 ) False >>> mymodule . iseven ( 28 ) True >>> mymodule . iseven ( 93 ) False >>> mymodule . isleap (2019) False >>> mymodule . isleap ( 1996 ) True >>> |
It is also possible to import this module in another Python script. Here is an example script ‘’
Example import mymodule print (‘calling isprime function from mymodule1) n=int(input(‘enter a number..’)) retval=mymodule.isprime(n) if retval==True: print ( ‘ { } is a prime number ‘ . format ( n ) ) else: print ( ‘ { } is not a prime number ‘ . format ( n ) ) |
E:\python37>python calling isprime function from mymodule enter a number . . 39 39 is not a prime number E:\python37>python calling isprime function from mymodule enter a number . . 97 97 is a prime number
_name_ attribute
As is often said, everything in Python is an object. Likewise, a module – whether built-in or user-defined – is also an object of module class.
>>> #module object – built-in module . . . >>> import math >>> type(math) <class ‘module’> >>> #module object – user defined module . . . >>> import mymodule >>> type(mymodule) <class ‘module’> |
Module object is characterized by various attributes. One of the important attributes of a module object is__name___and it has a peculiar behavior. Inside Python’s interactive shell, the__name__attribute returns ‘__main__’. It is the name of the top-level namespace in which the Python interpreter is running. However, the value of an imported module’s__name__ attribute is the name of the module itself (excluding the .py part from the script’s name)
>>> #__name__ attribute of interactive shell . . . >>>__name__ ‘__main__’ >>> #__name__ attrbute of imported module . . . >>> import math >>> math.__name__ ‘ math’ >>> import mymodule >>> ‘mymodule.__name__ ‘mymodule’ |
This is also the same in the case of a Python script. When a certain script is run from the command line, Python is running in scripting mode. Hence value of__name__in the script is ‘__main__’. So also,__name__attribute of a module imported in the script is its name itself. Run the following code from the command line.
Example import mymodule print (‘_name_ of top level module: ‘ ,__name__) print (‘__name__ of imported mymodule : ‘ , mymodule.__name__) |
E:\python37>python __name__of top level module:__main__ __name__ of imported mymodule: mymodule
A script having function definitions may also have certain executable code also in it. What happens if it is imported into another script? Let us see. Open and add statements that call is even( ) function after definitions.
‘docstring of mymodule’ def isprime(num): x=2 for x in range(2,num): if num%x==0: return False else: return True def iseven(num): if num%2==0: return True else: return False def isleap(num): if num%4==0: return True else: return False ##add following statements n=int(input(‘enter a number..’)) retval=iseven(n) if retval==True: print ( ‘ { } is even ‘ . format ( n ) ) else: print ( ‘ { } is odd ‘ . format ( n ) ) |
Now if the is run (it imports my module in it). Look at the result, (figure 3.15)
E:\python37>python enter a number..23 23 is odd calling is prime function from my module enter a number23 23 is a prime number
You find that the executable part in the imported module also runs. Obviously, we don’t want this to happen. We do want the executable code to run when the module script is invoked but not when it is imported. The peculiar behavior of__name__attribute comes in handy here. As we saw, its value happens to be ‘__main__’ when a module script is run, but__name__attribute takes up its name when imported. So we have to test this attribute and run the executable code only if it is ‘__main__’. Modify the my module code as follows:
‘docstring of mymodule’ def isprime(num): x=2 for x in range(2,num): if num%x==0: return False else: return True def iseven(num): if num%2==0: return True else: return False def isleap(num): if num%4==0: return True else: return False #modify as follows: if __name__==’__main__’ : n=int ( input ( ‘ enter a number . . ‘ ) ) retval=iseven(n) if retval==True: print ( ‘ { } is even ‘ . format ( n ) ) else: print ( ‘ { } is odd ‘ . format ( n ) ) |
You can run independently but wouldn’t affect the execution of (figure 3.16)
E:\python37>python calling is a prime function from my module enter a number..11 11 is a prime number