Python Program to Print Series 10, 5, 60, 15, 110 …N

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Print Series -1 4 -7 10 -13 16 -19…n
Given a number N and the task is to print the series ( 10, 5, 60, 15, 110 …N) till the given number N in Python.




Given Number (Limit) = 14


The above series till the given number{ 14 } is :
10 5 60 15 110 25 160 35 210 45 260 55 310 65



Given Number (Limit) = 9


The above series till the given number{ 9 } is :
10 5 60 15 110 25 160 35 210

Program to Print Series 10, 5, 60, 15, 110 …N in Python

Below are the ways to print the series ( 10, 5, 60, 15, 110 …N) till the given number N in Python:

Method #1: Using While Loop (Static Input)


  • Give the number N (Limit) as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Take a variable to say itr and initialize its value to 1.
  • Take another variable say p and initialize its value to 10.
  • Take another variable say q and initialize its value to 5.
  • Loop until the above-declared variable itr value is less than or equal to the given number using the while loop.
  • Inside the loop, check if the above variable itr value is even or not using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true, then print the value of separated by spaces.
  • Increment the above q value by 10 and store it in the same variable.
  • Else, print the value of separated by spaces.
  • Increment the above p value by 50 and store it in the same variable.
  • Increment the above itr value by 1.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the number N(limit) as static input and store it in a variable.
gvn_numb = 14
# Take a variable to say itr and initialize its value to 1.
itr = 1
# Take another variable say p and initialize its value to 10.
p = 10
# Take another variable say q and initialize its value to 5.
q = 5
print("The above series till the given number{", gvn_numb, "} is :")
# Loop until the above-declared variable itr value is less than or equal to the
# given number using the while loop.
while(itr <= gvn_numb):
    # Inside the loop, check if the above variable itr value is even or not using the
    # if conditional statement.
    if(itr % 2 == 0):
        # If it is true, then print the value of q separated by spaces.
        print(q, end=" ")
        # Increment the above q value by 10 and store it in the same variable.
        q += 10
        # Else, print the value of p separated by spaces.
        print(p, end=" ")
        # Increment the above p value by 50 and store it in the same variable.
        p += 50
    # Increment the above itr value by 1.
    itr += 1


The above series till the given number{ 14 } is :
10 5 60 15 110 25 160 35 210 45 260 55 310 65

Method #2: Using While loop (User Input)


  • Give the number N (Limit) as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
  • Take a variable to say itr and initialize its value to 1.
  • Take another variable say p and initialize its value to 10.
  • Take another variable say q and initialize its value to 5.
  • Loop until the above-declared variable itr value is less than or equal to the given number using the while loop.
  • Inside the loop, check if the above variable itr value is even or not using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true, then print the value of separated by spaces.
  • Increment the above q value by 10 and store it in the same variable.
  • Else, print the value of separated by spaces.
  • Increment the above p value by 50 and store it in the same variable.
  • Increment the above itr value by 1.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the number N (Limit) as user input using the int(input()) function and 
# store it in a variable.
gvn_numb = int(input("Enter some Random Number = "))
# Take a variable to say itr and initialize its value to 1.
itr = 1
# Take another variable say p and initialize its value to 10.
p = 10
# Take another variable say q and initialize its value to 5.
q = 5
print("The above series till the given number{", gvn_numb, "} is :")
# Loop until the above-declared variable itr value is less than or equal to the
# given number using the while loop.
while(itr <= gvn_numb):
    # Inside the loop, check if the above variable itr value is even or not using the
    # if conditional statement.
    if(itr % 2 == 0):
        # If it is true, then print the value of q separated by spaces.
        print(q, end=" ")
        # Increment the above q value by 10 and store it in the same variable.
        q += 10
        # Else, print the value of p separated by spaces.
        print(p, end=" ")
        # Increment the above p value by 50 and store it in the same variable.
        p += 50
    # Increment the above itr value by 1.
    itr += 1


Enter some Random Number = 9
The above series till the given number{ 9 } is :
10 5 60 15 110 25 160 35 210

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