Python Program to Find Square Root Under Modulo k (When k is in Form of 4*i + 3)

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program for Array/List Elements that Appear More than Once

Given the number N, prime number k and the task is to find the square root of the given number under modulo k(When k is in form of 4*i + 3). Here i is an integer.




Given prime number k=5
Given Number = 4


The Square root of the given number{ 4 } under modulo k= 2



Given prime number k=3
Given Number = 5


No, we cannot find the square root for a given number

Program to Find Square Root Under Modulo k (When k is in Form of 4*i + 3) in Python

Below are the ways to find the square root of the given number under modulo k (When k is in form of 4*i + 3) in python:

Method #1: Using For Loop (Static Input)


  • Give the prime number k as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Give the number as static input and store it in another variable.
  • Pass the given number and k as the arguments to the sqrt_undermodk function.
  • Create a function to say sqrt_undermodk which takes the given number and k as the arguments and returns the square root of the given number under modulo k (When k is in form of 4*i + 3).
  • Calculate the value of the given number modulus k and store it in the same variable given number.
  • Loop from 2 to the given k value using the for loop.
  • Multiply the iterator value with itself and store it in another variable.
  • Check if the above result modulus k is equal to the given number using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then print the iterator value.
  • Return and exit the for loop.
  • Print “No, we cannot find the square root for a given number”.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function to say sqrt_undermodk which takes the given number and k as
# the arguments and returns the square root of the given number under modulo k
# (When k is in form of 4*i + 3).

def sqrt_undermodk(gvn_numb, k):
    # Calculate the value of the given number modulus k and store it in the same variable
    # given number.
    gvn_numb = gvn_numb % k
    # Loop from 2 to the given k value using the for loop.
    for itror in range(2, k):
      # Multiply the iterator value with itself and store it in another variable.
        mul = (itror * itror)
        # Check if the above result modulus k is equal to the given number using the if
        # conditional statement.
        if (mul % k == gvn_numb):
            # If it is true then print the iterator value.
                "The Square root of the given number{", gvn_numb, "} under modulo k=", itror)
            # Return and exit the for loop.
    # Print "No, we cannot find the square root for a given number".
    print("No, we cannot find the square root for a given number")

# Give the prime number k as static input and store it in a variable.
k = 5
# Give the number as static input and store it in another variable.
gvn_numb = 4
# Pass the given number and k as the arguments to the sqrt_undermodk function.
sqrt_undermodk(gvn_numb, k)


The Square root of the given number{ 4 } under modulo k= 2

Method #2: Using For loop (User Input)


  • Give the prime number k as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
  • Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in another variable.
  • Pass the given number and k as the arguments to the sqrt_undermodk function.
  • Create a function to say sqrt_undermodk which takes the given number and k as the arguments and returns the square root of the given number under modulo k (When k is in form of 4*i + 3).
  • Calculate the value of the given number modulus k and store it in the same variable given number.
  • Loop from 2 to the given k value using the for loop.
  • Multiply the iterator value with itself and store it in another variable.
  • Check if the above result modulus k is equal to the given number using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then print the iterator value.
  • Return and exit the for loop.
  • Print “No, we cannot find the square root for a given number”.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function to say sqrt_undermodk which takes the given number and k as
# the arguments and returns the square root of the given number under modulo k
# (When k is in form of 4*i + 3).

def sqrt_undermodk(gvn_numb, k):
    # Calculate the value of the given number modulus k and store it in the same variable
    # given number.
    gvn_numb = gvn_numb % k
    # Loop from 2 to the given k value using the for loop.
    for itror in range(2, k):
      # Multiply the iterator value with itself and store it in another variable.
        mul = (itror * itror)
        # Check if the above result modulus k is equal to the given number using the if
        # conditional statement.
        if (mul % k == gvn_numb):
            # If it is true then print the iterator value.
                "The Square root of the given number{", gvn_numb, "} under modulo k=", itror)
            # Return and exit the for loop.
    # Print "No, we cannot find the square root for a given number".
    print("No, we cannot find the square root for a given number")

# Give the prime number k as user input using the int(input()) function and 
# store it in a variable.
k = int(input("Enter some random number = "))
# Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and 
# store it in another variable.
gvn_numb = int(input("Enter some random number = "))
# Pass the given number and k as the arguments to the sqrt_undermodk function.
sqrt_undermodk(gvn_numb, k)


Enter some random number = 7
Enter some random number = 2
The Square root of the given number{ 2 } under modulo k= 3

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