Python Program to Count the Number of Occurrence of Key-Value Pair in a Text File

Given a text file that contains the key-Value pair as data the task is to print the Count of each key-value pair using Python.

Program to Count the Number of Occurrence of Key-Value Pair in a Text File in Python


  • Import the Counter from the collections module using the import keyword.
  • Make a single variable to store the path of the file. This is a constant value. This value must be replaced with the file path from your own system in the example below.
  • Take an empty list to store all the words.
  • Open the file in read-only mode. In this case, we’re simply reading the contents of the file.
  • Iterate through the lines of the file using the For loop.
  • Remove the newline character (\n) using strip() function and store it in a variable.
  • Inside the For loop append each key-value pair to list using the append() function.
  • Get the frequency of all the key-value pairs using the Counter() function and store it in a variable(of type dictionary).
  • Traverse in the frequency dictionary using the For loop.
  • Print its corresponding key(frequency).

Below is the implementation:

# import the Counter from collections module using the import keyword
from collections import Counter
# Make a single variable to store the path of the file. This is a constant value.
# This value must be replaced with the file path from your own system in the example below.
givenFilename = "samplefile.txt"
# Take a empty list to store all the words
l = []
print('The Count of frequency of each key-value pair is :')
# Open the file in read-only mode. In this case, we're simply reading the contents of the file.
with open(givenFilename, 'r') as givenfilecontent:
    # Iterate through the lines of the file using the For loop.
    for gvnfileline in givenfilecontent:
        # Remove the newline character (\n) using strip() function and store it in a variable.
        keyval = gvnfileline.strip('\n')
        # Inside the For loop append each key-value pair to list using the append() function.
# Get frequency of all the words using the Counter() function and store it in a variable(of type dictionary)
freqword = Counter(l)
# Traverse in the frequency dictionary using the For loop
for key in freqword:
  # print its corresponding key(frequency)
    print(key, '->', freqword[key])


The Count of frequency of each key-value pair is :
btechgeeks:500 -> 3
hello:200 -> 2
good:900 -> 1




  • The file path is stored in the variable ‘file name.’ Change the value of this variable to the path of your own file.
  • Dragging and dropping a file onto the terminal will show its path. The code will not run unless you change the value of this variable.
  • The file will be opened in reading mode. Use the open() function to open a file. The path to the file is the method’s first parameter, and the mode to open the file is the method’s second parameter.
  • When we open the file, we use the character ‘r’ to signify read-mode.
  • strip() function removes the newline character.
  • We apply the Counter() function to get the frequency of all the key-value pairs of the given text file.

Sample Implementation in google colab: