Environmental Engineering Notes: Every student needs some help with their studies to try hard to do exceptionally well in their exams. Here, BTech Geeks offer you with some top-notch Environmental Engineering Notes to assist you in bringing out your best as a student.
These Environmental Engineering Notes will assist you manifold in your journey of studying the subject, as they’re specialised and usually written to satisfy the requirements of the scholars who require them.
Note that these Environmental Engineering Notes are going to be very useful in helping you attain the highest marks. Here is an summary of all of the Environmental Engineering related reference topics we’ll be covering today:
- Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering Notes
- Environmental Engineering reference books
- Environmental Engineering curriculum
- List of Environmental Engineering important questions
- Frequently asked questions about Environmental Engineering Notes
- Environmental Engineering Notes conclusion
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering is a subject that is gaining increasing importance in today’s world where industrialisation and development are on their way. Along with the same, a lot of pollution as well as environmental destruction comes in the way. Environmental Engineering looks at sustainable technology and less polluting methods to carry out this industrialisation and development, which is of utmost importance in today’s realm.
Now that we know the importance of the subject, let’s take a look at some Environmental Engineering Notes that will prove helpful to you as a student in the course of your examinations. A list of relevant notes on Environmental Engineering is as follows:
- Environmental Engineering Lecture Notes
- Lecture notes on Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering Study Notes Handwritten
- Environmental Engineering Notes
- Environmental Engineering Handwritten Notes
B.Tech Environmental Engineering Notes – Free PDF Download
Environmental Engineering is an interdisciplinary subject which inculcates the use of various disciplines of science, such as biology, geology, ecology, hydraulics, chemistry, microbiology, physics, etc. to come up with new and more efficient ways of making use of technology that will reduce the harmful effects of the same on the environment. There are a lot of topics and subjects covered under the course of Environmental Engineering which help students learn best practises for the environment and to devise technology that will be less harmful for the environment.
The importance of the subject thus lies in that it remains largely in the hands of environmental engineers to come up with sustainable methods development and industrialisation. This is of highly increasing importance as the lifespan of a lot of natural resources that hold grave importance in our everyday lives, such as water and petroleum, are reaching their end. It is environmental scientists and ecological experts who predict that in very few decades, a lot of cities will have no drinking water left, and contrarily, a lot of islands will have been submerged due to the rising sea levels. Thus, Environmental Engineering is a subject which has a vast scope as well as an incredible amount of importance in the world today.
Environmental Engineering Reference Books
Reference books are of immense importance in every student’s life; they provide that little bit of knowledge to students to push them just over the top. Knowledge is an incredibly underrated resource that each of us need to try to gain with or without institutionalised knowledge that we learn in school and in higher education.
Reference books for Environmental Engineering contain case studies, applications, explanations, and various other components that show a student what more there is to the scope of the subject beyond its theoretical academia.
Below, there is a list of some helpful Environmental Engineering reference books that should come of use to you:
- Environmental Engineering Dictionary, edited by CC Lee
- Environmental Science by Jyoti Sinha
- Environmental Impact Assessment by LW Canter
- Clean Technology by Allan Johansson
- Environmental Systems Optimisation by Douglas Haith
- Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science by Sawyer, McCarty and Parkin
- Environmental Engineering (Mcgraw Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering) by Howard Peavy
- Water Supply Engineering: Environmental Engineering (Volume 1) by Santhosh Kumar Garg
- Environmental Engineering : Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering (Volume 2) by Santhosh Kumar Garg
- Environmental Engineering by Howard Peavy, Donald Rowe and George Tchobanoglous
- Environmental Engineering by NN Barak
- Environmental Science by Miller TG
- Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual by B Lorain and Dr N Kumaraswamy
Environmental Engineering Curriculum
The curriculum provides an outline for the subject that the student is sitting down to study. It is incredibly helpful because it ensures that not a single topic has been missed out by the student, as if the student likes, it can be used as a checklist for the subjects completed and those that are left incomplete yet.
Below, we have provided a breakdown of the B.Tech Environmental Engineering course curriculum for the students’ reference:
Unit | Topics |
Fluid Mechanics |
Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology |
Environmental Engineering Process |
Principles of Environmental Science and Technology |
Water Supply Treatment and Engineering |
Air Pollution and Control Engineering |
Solid Waste Management |
Geoinformatics |
Practicals |
List of Environmental Engineering Important Questions
Important questions for a subject are the last resource required by a student to sufficiently complete the process of efficient study. Solving old questions papers for a subject or answering the important questions for the same helps ensure that the student has had a proper understanding of that subject. It also helps make sure that the student is able to apply what she or he has learnt, such that a question paper can be solved by him or her with great ease.
In the Environmental Engineering question paper, there are 6 marks questions, 8 marks questions and 10 marks questions. Let’s look at a few questions for all the marks breakdowns.
6 Marks Questions
- Explain the desirable characteristics of a sewer material. List the sewer materials commonly used.
- Explain the different types of sampling.
- Write a note about the carbon cycle.
- Explain sewage farming and sewage sickness.
- Distinguish between BOD and COD and explain their roles in wastewater treatment.
- What is a trap? Give its classifications.
- What is meant by modifications of ASP? List any four modifications and explain any one of them briefly.
- List any six conditions favourable for land disposal of sewage.
- Explain the working principle of a trickling filter and activated sludge process treatment of sewage.
- Give the working principle and any two advantages and disadvantages of oxidation ponds.
8 Marks Questions
- What is a sewer? What are the requirements of good sewer materials? List any four materials commonly used.
- Explain self cleansing and non scouring velocities in sewers. Give any two factors on which it depends.
- Calculate the diameter and discharge of a circular sewer laid at a slope of 1 in 400 when it is running half full and with a velocity of 1.9 m/s. Take ‘n’ in Manning’s Formula as 0.012.
- Define sewerage and explain combined sewerage systems with its merits and demerits.
- The BOD of a sewage incubated for one day at 30°C has been found to be 110 mg/l. What will be the 5-day 20°C BOD? Assume K₁ = 0.1 at 20°C.
- Explain the different types of sewerage systems with their merits, demerits and suitability.
- Calculate the velocity, discharge and chezy’s coefficient for a stonework sewer running full. The diameter of the sewer is 150 mm and it is laid at a gradient of 1 in 60. Assume N = 0.013 in Manning’s Formula.
- Explain the phenomena of self-purification of streams. What are the factors affecting the self-purification process?
- What are the important properties of the activated sludge process? Explain the process involved in treating domestic sewage.
- Explain the dilution method of disposal of sewage. What are the factors which influence the choice of the method to be adopted?
10 Marks Questions
- Explain the basic principles considered in house drainage work.
- Explain deep manholes and automatic flushing tanks using neat sketches.
- A town has a population of one lakh with a per capita average sewage flow of 300 pcd.
- Design a sewer running 0.6 times full depth at peak discharge. This sewer is to be laid at a slope of 1 in 625. Taking Manning’s N as 0.013 and peak factor as 3.
- Define BOD and deduce an expression for the first stage BOD.
- Explain with a flow diagram a conventional sewage treatment plant. Discuss the functions of each component.
- Design an oxidation pond to treat sewage in a tropical country in a colony of 10000 persons. The BOD of the sewage is 300 mg and flow is 120 lped, 90% of water supplied is collected as sewage.
- Check the detention time and sketch the details of the oxidation pond.
Frequently Asked Questions about Environmental Engineering Notes
Question 1.
Why is Environmental Engineering an important subject?
Environmental Engineers are the ones in charge of coming up with technology that will lead the world back to the path of sustainability and environment-friendly developmental alternatives. The earth is currently in a terrible condition, what with global warming and climate change at the forefront of everything in our lives. Environmental Engineering understands the importance of waste management and treatment, amongst various other important components, and is important for taking the world forward in a sustainable manner, which is the need of the hour.
Question 2.
What are some good reference books for Environmental Engineering?
The following are some great reference books for Environmental Engineering:
- Environmental Engineering Dictionary, edited by CC Lee
- Environmental Engineering by NN Barak
- Clean Technology by Allan Johansson
Question 3.
What is the Environmental Engineering curriculum for B.Tech?
The following are the units included in the Environmental Engineering curriculum:
- Fluid Mechanics
- Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
- Environmental Engineering Process
- Principles of Environmental Science and Technology
- Water Supply Treatment and Engineering
- Air Pollution and Control Engineering
- Solid Waste Management
- Geoinformatics
Question 4.
What kind of questions can I expect in the Environmental Engineering paper?
For the Environmental Engineering paper, you can expect questions of 6 marks, 8 marks and 10 marks. They can come in the form of theoretical questions, numericals and diagram-based questions about Environmental Engineering topics.
Environmental Engineering Notes Conclusion
We have provided you with some great resources above for the course of Environmental Engineering. This includes Environmental Engineering Notes, reference books, its curriculum and a list of Environmental Engineering important questions. These shall be helpful for all the students if used appropriately for thorough examination preparations.