CSS Vendor Prefixes | Definition, List of CSS Prefixes, Syntax & Sample Programs

When CSS3 became popular, all sorts of new features started appearing. Unfortunately, not all of them were supported across all browsers. Vendor prefixes helped developers use those new features, and have them supported instantly without having to wait for each of them to become available for every browser. Let’s learn and understand what are vendor prefixes in CSS with examples from this tutorial.

What are CSS Vendor Prefixes?

CSS vendor prefixes are a string of characters concerning particular browser engines that we set before a CSS property name. They can have either of the resulting formats –

'-' + vendor identifier + '-' + meaningful name
'_' + vendor identifier + '-' + meaningful name

List of CSS Prefixes

Major browsers use the following prefixes:

  • -webkit- Chrome, Safari, newer versions of Opera, almost all iOS browsers.
  • -moz- Firefox.
  • -o- Old versions of Opera.
  • -ms- Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.

When using vendor prefixes, keep in mind that they are only temporary. A lot of properties that needed to have vendor prefixes attached to them are now fully supported and don’t need them.

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How Should We Use Them?

Instead of using transition property, we can use:

.myElement {
    -webkit-transition: all 1s linear;
    -moz-transition: all 1s linear;
    -ms-transition: all 1s linear;
    -o-transition: all 1s linear;
    transition: all 1s linear;

Now, we use:

.myElement {
    transition: all 1s linear;

Since Opera and Edge are Chromium based, -o- and -ms- will probably go soon out of fashion. But as we said, vendor prefixes as a whole are going out of fashion, too.

Adding a Prefix

For instance, if you need to add a CSS3 transition to your document, you would use the transition property as given below:

-webkit-transition: all 4s ease;
-moz-transition: all 4s ease;
-ms-transition: all 4s ease;
-o-transition: all 4s ease;
transition: all 4s ease;