Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes PDF Free Download

Students who are looking to get access to the Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes and Study Material can access the best notes for their preparation process.

You can also get more information about the Computer Architecture Handwritten Notes and the Computer Architecture Handwritten Notes PDF.

The Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes Pdf and Study Materials acts as the primary study material and notes that enhance and expand the knowledge of students.

With the help of the Computer Organization and Architecture Notes and Study Material students will be able to score better marks.

Students can access all the Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes and Study Material through this article.

Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes helps students get a head start when they start their preparation. Students get access to Lecture Notes, Reference books, and Important questions for Computer Organization and Architecture.

Students will benefit from the Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes PDFs or Coa Handwritten Notes Pdfs and Reference books available in this article.

They can start their preparation with all the study material available and score the best marks in Computer Organization and Architecture examination.

Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes

Computer Organization and Architecture is a course where students learn about the internal working and structure of a computer system. The Architecture part of the time is where students learn about the external design of the computer system.

It is not only the students who are pursuing the Btech but  also for the Bca students may access the Computer Organization and Architecture Bca Notes. Along with that Coa Lecture Notes and Coa Notes Pdf.

Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes PDF Free Download

  • Students who are pursuing their Bachelor’s in Technology (B.Tech) can use the Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes and Study Material which is available in this article.
  • Students can start their preparation process with the help of the Study Material; available. The Computer Organization and Architecture Study Material are going to help students score the maximum marks.
  • Recommended Reading On: Download JNTUK & JNTUH 3-1, 3-2 Computer Science Engineering Lecture Notes | BTech CSE Third Year Notes, Reference Books PDF
  • Candidates can easily download all the available study material. You can refer to and study from the Computer Organization and Architecture Notes and Study Material and Coa Notes Btech during your preparation.
  • Study Material is going to help the candidates get a better understanding of the topics. When candidates have a better understanding of the subject, they can score more marks.

Here is a list of few essential notes for proper preparation of the Computer Organization and Architecture course programme:

Computer Organization and Architecture Reference Books

  • The primary source of all the concepts is Reference books. It would be best if you started your preparation for Computer Organization and Architecture by reading through reference books. All the reference books in this article are according to the recommendations of the experts.
  • Students can refer and go through the Computer Organization and Architecture Books and other study material during their preparation.
  • The list of the best and most recommended books for Computer Organization and Architecture preparation is as follows. Candidates should choose a book that meets their needs and requirements and start preparing for their examination.
  • ‘Computer Organization’ (5th Edition) written by C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky
  • ‘Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/ Software Interface.’
  • ‘Computer Organization and Architecture’ (10th Edition)

Computer Organization and Architecture Curriculum

  • The first step to start your preparation towards any examination is by reading the syllabus. It is one of the essential parts of the subjects.
  • Therefore, when you begin your practice for Computer Organization and Architecture, you should start by reading and going through the syllabus. It’s going to give you a description of all the topics that you will have to study on the subject.
  • We provide students with a detailed view of the Computer Organization and Architecture Curriculum. It is according to the latest syllabus. The course curriculum gives the students an idea of what to study. In the syllabus, there is a unit-wise breakup of all the topics.
  • Students should study all the topics which are in the syllabus. When they cover all the subjects, they will have a better understanding of all the concepts.
  • They will be able to attempt the question paper of Computer Organization and Architecture comfortably. Being aware of the syllabus is going to help the students avoid studying unnecessary topics.

The unit-wise breakup of the Computer Organization and Architecture is as follows:

Unit I

  • Basic Structure of Computers
  • Operational Concepts
  • Bus Structures
  • Arithmetic Operations
  • Memory Operations
  • Addressing Modes
  • Basic I/O operations
  • Performance
  • RISC
  • CISC

Unit II

  • Arithmetic Unit Addition & Subtraction of Signed Numbers
  • Binary Multiplications
  • Booth’s Algorithm
  • Bit Pair Recoding
  • Carry Save Addition
  • Unsigned Integer Multiplication and Division Algorithm
  • Floating Point Operations

Unit III

  • Processing Unit Control Unit
  • Pipelining
  • Multiple Bus Organization
  • Hardwired Control
  • Micro programmed Control
  • Hazards
  • Data Path
  • Embedded Systems

Unit IV

  • Memory System Basic Concepts
  • Semiconductor RAM Memory
  • Cache Memory
  • Performance Considerations
  • Virtual Memory
  • Secondary Storage

Unit V

  • I/O Organization and Logic Circuits Accessing I/O Devices
  • DMA
  • Buses
  • Interface Circuits
  • Serial Communication Links
  • Logic Circuits
  • Practical Implementation of Logic Gates
  • Case Studies of Various Computer Architectures

List of Computer Organization and Architecture Important Questions

Students who are pursuing Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) should go through the list of the questions available below for the Computer Organization and Architecture course programme. All the questions aimed at helping the student excel at their examination.

  1. What is meant by Computer Organization and Architecture?
  2. With the help of a diagram, explain in detail the implement manual multiplication.
  3. Explain in detail about the entire computer system.
  4. Write a short note own memory unit functions.
  5. What is meant by memory locations and addresses?
  6. Explain in detail about the bus.
  7. What are mean addressing modes? Explain all its types.
  8. Make a comparative study between RISC and CISC.
  9. Define the term Pipelining and explain its characteristics.
  10. Explain the concept of virtual memory.

FAQs on Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes

Question 1. What is Computer Organization and Architecture?

Answer: Computer Organization and Architecture is a course where students learn about the internal working and structure of a computer system. The Architecture part of the time is where students learn about the external design of the computer system.

Question 2. Which are some of the books that students can refer to for Computer Organization and Architecture?

Answer: Below is a list of the books candidates can refer to for Computer Organization and Architecture course programme:

  • ‘Computer Organization’ (5th Edition) written by C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky
  • ‘Computer Organization and Architecture’ (10th Edition)

Question 3. What are some of the study material available for students to access for Computer Organization and Architecture?

Answer: Here is a list of all the study material that students can download for Computer Organization and Architecture:

  • Computer Organization and Architecture Notes
  • Computer Organization and Architecture Book
  • Computer Organization and Architecture Question Paper
  • Computer Organization and Architecture Question and Answer

Question 4. List out a few critical questions for the Computer Organization and Architecture course programme.

Answer: Here are some of the essential questions related to Computer Organization and Architecture:

  1. What is meant by Computer Organization and Architecture?
  2. With the help of a diagram, explain in detail the implement manual multiplication.
  3. Explain in detail about the entire computer system.
  4. Write a short note own memory unit functions.
  5. What is meant by memory locations and addresses?
  6. Explain in detail about the bus.


The information on Computer Organization and Architecture Handwritten Notes are reliable. All the books and study material which is available aims at enhancing the students’ knowledge of the subject. Students can refer to and practice from the Handwritten Notes, Books and Important Questions available for Computer Organization and Architecture course.