stdio h function – stdio.h C Library Functions

stdio h function: The stdio.h header file includes C standard library functions to perform input and output operation. It contains functions performing input and output operations on stdin, stdout and stderr as well as on file. It contains functions defined specifically for a particular data type like getchar and generic functions like printf and scanf.

List of stdio.h Library Functions

Click on function names below to see detailed description of functions.

Function Description
clearerr Clears error indicators associated with a given stream.
fclose Closes the stream and flushes buffers associated with the given stream.
feof Checks the end-of-file indicator of the given stream.
ferror Checks the error indicator of the given stream.
fflush Flushes the content of the given stream.
fgetc Gets the next character from the given stream.
fgetpos Gets current position of the given stream.
fgets Reads a line from given stream and stores it into a character array.
fopen Opens a file in the given mode.
fprintf Writes formatted output to a stream.
fputc Writes a character to the given stream.
fputs Writes a string to the given stream excluding the null terminating character.
fread Reads data from the given stream and stores it into an array.
freopen Reopens a stream with different file or mode.
fscanf Read formatted data from given stream.
fseek Changes the position indicator of the given stream.
fsetpos Sets the position indicator of the given stream.
ftell Returns the current position of the given stream.
fwrite Writes data from an array to the given stream.
getc Gets the next character from the given stream and increments the position indicator.
getchar Returns a character from stdin stream.
gets Reads a line from stdin and stores it into given character array.
perror Prints an error message to stderr.
printf Print formatted data to stdout.
putc Writes a character to the given stream and increment the position indicator.
putchar Writes a character to stdout stream.
puts Writes a string to stdout stream excluding null terminating character.
remove Deletes a file.
rename Changes the name of an existing file.
rewind Reset the position indicator to the beginning of the file.
scanf Reads formatted data from stdin.
setbuf Sets buffer for the given stream.
setvbuf Sets buffer for the given stream with various buffering modes.
sprintf Writes formatted data to given string.
sscanf Reads formatted data from given string.
tmpfile Creates a temporary file having unique file name.
tmpnam Generates and unique and valid temporary filename.
ungetc Pushes a character back to the given stream.
vfprintf Writes formatted data to a stream using an argument list.
vprintf Print formatted data to stdout using an argument list.
vsprintf Writes formatted data to a string using an argument list.

Data Types in stdio.h Library

Types Description
fpos_t An object used for storing any position within a file.
FILE An object containing information of a file or stream.
size_t An unsigned integral type.