Python Numpy vstack() Method with Examples

Numpy.vstack() Method in Python:

Numpy.vstack() is a Python function that concatenates a tuple of arrays vertically along the first dimension to create a single array.

To build a single array, it stacks the sequence of input arrays vertically.




tuple: It is the sequence of ndarrays that we want to concatenate. Except for the first axis, the arrays must have the same shape along all axis.

Return Value: 

It returns a stacked ndarray i.e, the stacked array of the input arrays.

Numpy vstack() Method with Examples in Python



  • Import numpy module using the import keyword.
  • Give the first array as static input using the array() function and store it in a variable.
  • Give the second array as static input using the array() function and store it in another variable.
  • Give the third array as static input using the array() function and store it in another variable.
  • Print the dimensions/shape of the above given 3 arrays using the shape function.
  • Pass the above given 3 arrays as arguments to the vstack() function to get a vertically stacked 2-D array.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Print the shape of the above stack array using the shape function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy
# Give the first array as static input using the array() function
# and store it in a variable
gvn_arry1= numpy.array([4, 6, 1, 9])
# Give the second array as static input using the array() function and
# store it in another variable
gvn_arry2 = numpy.array([2, 3, 1, 14])
# Give the third array as static input using the array() function and 
# store it in another variable
gvn_arry3 = numpy.array([8, 5, 4, 9])
# Print the dimensions/shape of the above given 3 arrays using the shape function
print("Given First array shape is:", gvn_arry1.shape)
print("Given second array shape is:", gvn_arry2.shape)
print("Given third array shape is:", gvn_arry3.shape)
# Pass the above given 3 arrays as arguments to the vstack() function
# to get a vertically stacked 2-D array.
# store it in another variable
stack_arry = numpy.vstack((gvn_arry1, gvn_arry2, gvn_arry3))
print("The Stacked array for the above given 3 arrays is:")
# Print the shape of the above stack array using the shape function
print("The result stacked array shape is:", stack_arry.shape)


Given First array shape is: (4,)
Given second array shape is: (4,)
Given third array shape is: (4,)

The Stacked array for the above given 3 arrays is:
[[ 4 6 1 9]
 [ 2 3 1 14]
 [ 8 5 4  9]]
The result stacked array shape is: (3, 4)

Example2: The arrays are stacked along the first dimensions for N-Dimensional arrays

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy
# Give the first array(2D) as static input using the array() function
# and store it in a variable
gvn_arry1= numpy.array([ [10, 5, 1], [2, 7, 3] ])
# Give the second array(2D) as static input using the array() function and
# store it in another variable
gvn_arry2 = numpy.array([ [4, 1, 6], [1, 8, 9] ])
# Print the dimensions/shape of the above given two 2D arrays using the shape function
print("Given First array shape is:", gvn_arry1.shape)
print("Given second array shape is:", gvn_arry2.shape)
# Pass the above given 2 arrays as arguments to the vstack() function
# to get a vertically stacked array.
# store it in another variable
stack_arry = numpy.vstack((gvn_arry1, gvn_arry2))
print("The Stacked array for the above given two 2D arrays is:")
# Print the shape of the above stack array using the shape function
print("The result stacked array shape is:", stack_arry.shape)


Given First array shape is: (2, 3)
Given second array shape is: (2, 3)

The Stacked array for the above given two 2D arrays is:
[[10 5 1]
 [ 2 7 3]
 [ 4 1 6]
 [ 1 8 9]]
The result stacked array shape is: (4, 3)

The shape of N-dimensional arrays must be the same along all dimensions except the first, as seen below:


# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy
# Give the first array as static input using the array() function
# and store it in a variable
gvn_arry1= numpy.array([ [10, 5], [2, 7] ])
# Give the second array as static input using the array() function and
# store it in another variable
gvn_arry2 = numpy.array([ [4, 1], [1, 9], [6, 5]])
# Print the dimensions/shape of the above given two arrays using the shape function
print("Given First array shape is:", gvn_arry1.shape)
print("Given second array shape is:", gvn_arry2.shape)
# Pass the above given 2 arrays as arguments to the vstack() function
# to get a vertically stacked array.
# store it in another variable
stack_arry = numpy.vstack((gvn_arry1, gvn_arry2))
print("The Stacked array for the above given two arrays is:")
# Print the shape of the above stack array using the shape function
print("The result stacked array shape is:", stack_arry.shape)


Given First array shape is: (2, 2)
Given second array shape is: (3, 2)

The Stacked array for the above given two arrays is:
[[10 5]
 [ 2 7]
 [ 4 1]
 [ 1 9]
 [ 6 5]]
The result stacked array shape is: (5, 2)