NP.nonzero – Python NumPy nonzero() Function

NumPy nonzero() Function:

NP.nonzero: The nonzero() function of the NumPy module returns the indices of non-zero elements. The indices of the non-zero elements in each dimension of “a” are returned as a tuple of arrays, one for each dimension of “a.” The values in “a” is always checked and returned in C-style row-major order.




a: This is required. It is the array given as input

Return Value: 

The indices of elements that are non-zero are returned

NumPy nonzero() Function in Python



  • Import numpy module using the import keyword.
  • Pass some random list as an argument to the array() function to create an array.
  • Store it in a variable.
  • Print the above-given array.
  • Pass the given array as an argument to the nonzero() function of numpy module to get all the indices of the non-zero elements in the given array.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Print the indices of all non-zero elements in the given array.
  • Print all the non-zero elements in the given array.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy as np
# Pass some random list as an argument to the array() function to
# create an array. 
# Store it in a variable.
gvn_arry = np.array([5, 0, 0, 35, 40, 0])              
# Print the above given array.
print("The above given array is:")
# Pass the given array as an argument to the nonzero() function of numpy module 
# to get all the indices of the non-zero elements in the given array.
# Store it in another variable.
rslt = np.nonzero(gvn_arry)
# Print the indices of all non-zero elements in the given array.
print("The indices of all non-zero elements in the given array:")
# Print all the non-zero elements in the given array.
print("The non-zero elements in the given array:")


The above given array is:
[ 5 0 0 35 40 0]
The indices of all non-zero elements in the given array:
(array([0, 3, 4]),)
The non-zero elements in the given array:
[ 5 35 40]

Example2: For 2D Arrays


  • Import numpy module using the import keyword.
  • Pass some random list(2-Dimensional) as an argument to the array() function to create an array.
  • Store it in a variable.
  • Print the above-given 2D array.
  • Pass the given array as an argument to the nonzero() function of numpy module to get all the indices of the non-zero elements in the given 2D array.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Print the indices of all non-zero elements in the given 2D array.
  • Print all the non-zero elements in the given 2D array.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy as np
# Pass some random list(2-Dimensional) as an argument to the array() function to
# create an array. 
# Store it in a variable.
gvn_arry = np.array([[3, 0, 1], 
                [2, 0, 0], 
                [8, 4, 0]])              
# Print the above given array.
print("The above given array 2D is:")
# Pass the given array as an argument to the nonzero() function of numpy module 
# to get all the indices of the non-zero elements in the given array.
# Store it in another variable.
rslt = np.nonzero(gvn_arry)
# Print the indices of all non-zero elements in the given 2D array.
print("The indices of all non-zero elements in the given 2D array:")
# Print all the non-zero elements in the given 2D array.
print("The non-zero elements in the given 2D array:")


The above given array 2D is:
[[3 0 1]
[2 0 0]
[8 4 0]]
The indices of all non-zero elements in the given 2D array:
(array([0, 0, 1, 2, 2]), array([0, 2, 0, 0, 1]))
The non-zero elements in the given 2D array:
[3 1 2 8 4]


The nonzero() method can be used with a condition.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy as np
# Pass some random list as an argument to the array() function to
# create an array. 
# Store it in a variable.
gvn_arry = np.array([40, 62, 15, 76, 80, 5, 0, 18])              
# Print the above given array.
print("The above given array is:")
# Pass the given array as an argument to the nonzero() function of numpy module 
# to get all the elements in the array that satisfies the given condition.
# Store it in another variable.
rslt = np.nonzero(gvn_arry < 50)
# Print the indices of the elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition.
print("The indices of the elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition:")
# Print the elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition.
print("The elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition:")


The above given array is:
[40 62 15 76 80 5 0 18]
The indices of the elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition:
(array([0, 2, 5, 6, 7]),)
The elements in the given array that satisfies the given condition:
[40 15 5 0 18]