Java Program to Convert Miles To Kilometers And Kilometers To Miles

In the previous article, we have seen Java Program to Convert a Negative Number to a Positive Number

In this article we are going to see how we can create a convertor to convert miles to kilometers and kilometers to miles in java.

Java Program to Convert Miles To Kilometers And Kilometers To Miles


  • Ask the user to pick the conversion mode i.e.from km to miles or vice versa.
  • Use a switch case to pickthe conversion mode
  • Multiply miles with 1.60934 to convert it into km or divide km by 1.60394 to get miles.
  • Print the total result with both miles and km.


import java.util.*;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Class to take input
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        // Asks the user to pick the conversion mode
        System.out.print("Enter k to convert km to miles and m to convert miles to km :");
        char ch = scan.nextLine().charAt(0);
        double m = 0,k = 0;
        // Seitch case to choose the conversion mode
            case 'm' :  System.out.println("Enter miles");
                        // Takes user input
                        m =scan.nextDouble();
                        k = 1.60934 * m;

            case 'k' :  System.out.println("Enter miles");
                        // Takes user input
                        k =scan.nextDouble();
                        m = k / 1.60934 ;
        // Displays the conversion result
        System.out.println("In miles "+m+" and in km "+k);


Enter k to convert km to miles and m to convert miles to km :m
Enter miles
In miles 25.0 and in km 40.2335

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