Count occurrences of character in list python: A Python string is a collection of characters surrounded by single, double, or triple quotes. The computer does not understand the characters; instead, it stores the manipulated character as a combination of 0’s and 1’s internally.
In this article we are going to count single characters /multiple characters in a given string.
1)Count occurrences of single characters in a given string
given_string="btechgeeks" character ='e'
count of e is : 3
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2)Count occurrences of multiple characters in a given string
given_string="btechgeeks" character =['e' , 'c' , 's' ]
count of e is : 3 count of c is : 1 count of s is : 1
Count occurrences of single/multiple characters in a given string and indices of them
Python count occurrences of character in string: There are several methods some of them are:
- Using count() function
- Using Counter() function which is in collections module
- Using regex to count and print indices of occurrences of a string
Method #1:Using count() function
Find all occurrences of a character in a string python: The count() method in the string class returns the number of times a substring appears in the string. In simple terms, the count() method looks for a substring in a string and returns the number of times it appears.
1)Count occurrence of single character using count() function
Count occurrences of character in string python: We can count the occurrence of single character using count() as given below.
Below is the implementation:
# given string string = "btechgeeks" # given character which should be counted character = 'e' # counting the number of occurences of given character in the string charcount = string.count(character) print("count of ", character, "is :", charcount)
count of e is : 3
2)Count occurrence of multiple characters using count() function
- Traverse the list of characters whose frequency is to be calculated.
- Using count function print the frequency of respective characters.
Below is the implementation:
# given string string = "btechgeeks" # given characters list which should be counted charlist = ['e', 'c', 's'] # traverse the charlist for char in charlist: # counting the number of occurences of given character in the string charcount = string.count(char) print("count of ", char, "is :", charcount)
count of e is : 3 count of c is : 1 count of s is : 1
Method #2:Using Counter() function which is in collections module
Find number of occurrences of a character in a string python: Counter is a set and dict subset. Counter() takes an iterable entity as an argument and stores the elements as keys and the frequency of the elements as a value. So, in collections, if we transfer a string. When you call Counter(), you’ll get a Counter class object with characters as keys and their frequency in a string as values.
Counter() returns a Counter type object (a subclass of dict) with all characters in the string as keys and their occurrence count as values. We’ll use the [] operator to get the occurrence count of the character’s’ from it.
1)Count occurrence of single character using Counter() function
Python count how many times a character appears in a string: Counting the frequency of character using Counter() function
Below is the implementation:
from collections import Counter # given string string = "btechgeeks" # given character which should be counted character = 'e' # counting the frequency of all characters using counter() function freq = Counter(string) # counting the number of occurences of given character in the string using [] operator charcount = freq[character] print("count of ", character, "is :", charcount)
count of e is : 3
2)Count occurrence of multiple characters using Counter() function
- Traverse the list of characters whose frequency is to be calculated.
- We can count their frequency using [] operator
Below is the implementation:
from collections import Counter # given string string = "btechgeeks" # given characters list which should be counted charlist = ['e', 'c', 's'] # counting the frequency of all characters using counter() function freq = Counter(string) # traverse the charlist for char in charlist: # counting the number of occurences of given character in the string using [] operator charcount = freq[char] print("count of ", char, "is :", charcount)
count of e is : 3 count of c is : 1 count of s is : 1
Finding single character index positions in a string
Method #3:Using regex to count and print indices of occurrences of a string
Python count occurrences in string: Build a regex pattern that matches the character to find the index positions of that character in a string. Then iterate through all of the pattern matches in the string, adding their index positions to a list.
Below is the implementation:
import re # given main string string = 'Hello this is BTechGeeks' # given character char = 'e' # Make a regex pattern that matches the given character pattern = re.compile(char) # Iterate over all the matches of regex pattern matchiterator = pattern.finditer(string) # taking empty list indexlist = [] # initializing count to 0 charcount = 0 for matchobject in matchiterator: indexlist.append(matchobject.start()) charcount = charcount + 1 print("Count of given character ", char, "is :", charcount) print("indices of given characters :", indexlist)
Count of given character e is : 4 indices of given characters : [1, 16, 20, 21]
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