C Program to Print all Strong Numbers Between 1 to N

Write a C program to print all strong numbers between 1 to N.
Wap in C to find strong numbers between 1 to 100.

Required Knowledge

A number is a strong number if the sum of factorial of digits is equal to number itself.
For Example: 145 is a strong number. !1 + !4 + !5 = 145

C program to print all strong numbers between 1 to N

C Program to Print all Strong Numbers Between 1 to N

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(){
    int N, num, temp, digit, nFactorial, counter, factSum;
    printf("To find all strong numbers between 1 to N");
    printf("Enter value of N");
    printf("List of strong numbers between 1 to %d\n", N);
    for(num = 1; num <= N; num++){
        /* Calculate sum of factorial of digits of num */
        temp = num;
        factSum = 0;
           digit = temp%10;   
           /* Calculate factorial of every digit 
            * N! = N*(N-1)*(N-2)*(N-3)*.....*3*2*1 
           for(counter=1, factorial=1; counter<=digit; counter++){
               factorial = factorial * counter;
           factSum += factorial;
           temp = temp/10;
        if(factSum == num)
           printf("%d ", num);
    return 0;


To find all strong numbers between 1 to N
Enter value of N
List of strong numbers between 1 to 1000
1 2 145