Python Program for Area of Square Circumscribed by Circle

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program for Area of a Circumscribed Circle of a Square
Given the radius of the circle, the task is to calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle.


The formula to find the area of a square circumscribed by the circle = 2*(radius**2)

Where ** indicates power value




Given radius = 8


The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{ 8 } =  128



Given radius = 5


The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{ 5 } =  50

Program for Area of Square Circumscribed by Circle in Python

Below are the ways to calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle in Python:

Method #1: Using Mathematical Formula (Static Input)


  • Give the radius as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Create a function to say Areacircumscribd_square() which takes the given radius of the circle as an argument, and returns the area of a square circumscribed by the circle.
  • Inside the function, calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle using the above mathematical formula and store it in a variable.
  • Return the above result.
  • Pass the given radius as an argument to the Areacircumscribd_square() function and store it in another variable.
  • Print the above result by rounding off to the 2 places after the decimal point using the round() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function to say Areacircumscribd_square() which takes the given radius of
# the circle as an argument, and returns the area of a square circumscribed
# by the circle.

def Areacircumscribd_square(gvn_radiuss):
    # Inside the function, calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle
    # using the above mathematical formula and store it in a variable.
    area_squar = (2 * gvn_radiuss * gvn_radiuss)
    # Return the above result.
    return area_squar

# Give the radius as static input and store it in a variable.
gvn_radiuss = 8
# Pass the given radius as an argument to the Areacircumscribd_square() function and
# store it in another variable.
fnl_rsltarea = Areacircumscribd_square(gvn_radiuss)
# Print the above result by rounding off to the 2 places after the decimal point
# using the round() function.
print("The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{", gvn_radiuss, "} = ", round(
    fnl_rsltarea, 2))


The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{ 8 } =  128

Method #2: Using Mathematical Formula (User Input)


  • Give the radius as user input using the float(input()) function and store it in a variable.
  • Create a function to say Areacircumscribd_square() which takes the given radius of the circle as an argument, and returns the area of a square circumscribed by the circle.
  • Inside the function, calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle using the above mathematical formula and store it in a variable.
  • Return the above result.
  • Pass the given radius as an argument to the Areacircumscribd_square() function and store it in another variable.
  • Print the above result by rounding off to the 2 places after the decimal point using the round() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function to say Areacircumscribd_square() which takes the given radius of
# the circle as an argument, and returns the area of a square circumscribed
# by the circle.

def Areacircumscribd_square(gvn_radiuss):
    # Inside the function, calculate the area of a square circumscribed by the circle
    # using the above mathematical formula and store it in a variable.
    area_squar = (2 * gvn_radiuss * gvn_radiuss)
    # Return the above result.
    return area_squar

# Give the radius as user input using the float(input()) function and store it in a variable.
gvn_radiuss = float(input("Enter some random number = "))
# Pass the given radius as an argument to the Areacircumscribd_square() function and
# store it in another variable.
fnl_rsltarea = Areacircumscribd_square(gvn_radiuss)
# Print the above result by rounding off to the 2 places after the decimal point
# using the round() function.
print("The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{", gvn_radiuss, "} = ", round(
    fnl_rsltarea, 2))


Enter some random number = 5
The area of a square circumscribed by the circle for the given radius{ 5.0 } = 50.0

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