Java Program to Print Heart Star Pattern

Program to Print Heart Star Pattern

In this article we are going to see how to print the Heart star pattern.


When row value is 7
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Practice Java programming from home without using any fancy software just by tapping on this Simple Java Programs for Beginners tutorial.


  • Enter total row and store it in an integer variable say row.
  • Take a inner loop to print the column values.
  • Take a nested for loop to print left semi-circle at the beginning.
  • Take a nested for loop to print right semi-circle beginning.
  • Take another nested loop to print a inverted pyramid below the semi-circles.

 JAVA Code:

Method-1 : Static Star Character

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int r,c, row;
        Scanner sc= new Scanner(; 
        System.out.print("Enter no of rows = ");
        // loop to print 2 semicircles at the top
        for(r = row/2; r <= row; r+=2)
            // print spaces
            for(c = 1; c < row-r; c+=2) 
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // loop to print left semi-circle
            for(c = 1; c <= r; c++)
            // print spaces
            for(c = 1; c <= row-r; c++)
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // loop to print right semi-circle
            for(c = 1; c <= r; c++)
            // move to next line/row
        // loop to print the inverted pyramid
        for(r = row; r >= 1; r--)
            // adds spaces in each row
            for(c = r; c < row; c++)
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // keep on printing star from c=1 till (r*2)-1
            for(c = 1; c <= (r*2)-1; c++)
            // move to next line/row


Enter no of rows = 10
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Method-2 : User Input Character

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int r,c, row;
        Scanner sc= new Scanner(; 
        System.out.print("Enter no of rows = ");
        // Enter any random Character
        System.out.print("Enter any character = ");
        // loop to print 2 semicircles at the top
        for(r = row/2; r <= row; r+=2)
            // print spaces
            for(c = 1; c < row-r; c+=2) 
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // loop to print left semi-circle
            for(c = 1; c <= r; c++)
            // print spaces
            for(c = 1; c <= row-r; c++)
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // loop to print right semi-circle
            for(c = 1; c <= r; c++)
            // move to next line/row
        // loop to print the inverted pyramid
        for(r = row; r >= 1; r--)
            // adds spaces in each row
            for(c = r; c < row; c++)
                System.out.print(" ");  
            // keep on printing star from c=1 till (r*2)-1
            for(c = 1; c <= (r*2)-1; c++)
            // move to next line/row


Enter no of rows = 10
Enter any character = *
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C Code:

int main()
    int r,c, row;
    printf("Enter no of rows = ");
    scanf("%d", &row);  
    for(r = row/2; r <= row; r+=2){ 
        for(c = 1; c < row-r; c+=2) {  
            printf(" ");  
        for(c = 1; c <= r; c++){  
        for(c = 1; c <= row-r; c++){  
            printf(" ");  
        for(c = 1; c <= r; c++){  

    for(r = row; r >= 1; r--){  
        for(c = r; c < row; c++){  
            printf(" ");  
        for(c = 1; c <= (r*2)-1; c++){  

    return 0;  


Enter no of rows = 10

    *****     *****
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C++ Code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int r,c,row;
    cout<<"Enter no of rows = ";
    for(r = row/2; r <= row; r+=2){ 
        for(c = 1; c < row-r; c+=2) {  
            cout<<" ";  
        for(c = 1; c <= r; c++){  
        for(c = 1; c <= row-r; c++){  
            cout<<" ";  
        for(c = 1; c <= r; c++){  

    for(r = row; r >= 1; r--){  
        for(c = r; c < row; c++){  
            cout<<" ";  
        for(c = 1; c <= (r*2)-1; c++){  

    return 0;  

Enter no of rows = 10

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Also Read: Java Program to Print Inverted Heart Star Pattern

Answer these:

  1. Draw a heart using graphics class in java?
  2. How to print heart emoji in java?
  3. Hollow heart pattern in java?
  4. Pattern program in java?
  5. Java program for love propose?
  6. C program to print heart pattern with name?
  7. Write a program to print a figure in the shape of a heart by the sign o?
  8. Java program to print heart pattern with name?
  9. Java program to print a star pattern?
  10. Java program to print star pattern in triangle?
  11. Java program to print star pattern using while loop?
  12. Write a program to print star pattern in java?
  13. Java program to print heart shape?
  14. Heart shape code?

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