How to create for loop with two variables in C++ and Java ?
For loop with two variables c++: For loop is used as a looping statement, and we use this for loop when we want to iterate over something.
General for() loop syntax
Syntax :
for (initialization_statement; condition_statement; update_statement)
Body that to be executed if the condition_statement satisfies
- intialize_statement executed only once.
- condition_statement checked every time if condition satisfies then body executes.
- update-statement refers to the increment or decrement.
But many times we have faced such a situation where we want to increment or decrement two variables.
For example I want to increment i
to 10 to 15 and similarly decrement j
from 15 to 10 in a single for loop.
For Loop with two variables in C++ :
For loop with two variables java: Let’s see the implementation of two variables in for loop in C++
//Program : #include <iostream> int main() { // two variables i and j // i will increment from 10 to 15 // j will decrement from 15 to 10 for (int i = 10, j = 15; i <= 15 && j >=10; i++, j--) { std::cout << "i = " << i << " :: " << "j = " << j << std::endl; } return 0; }
Output : i=10 : j=15 i=11 : j=14 i=12 : j=13 i=13 : j=12 i=14 : j=11 i=15 : j=10
For Loop with two variables in Java :
C++ for loop with multiple variables: Let’s see the implementation of two variables in for loop in C++
//Program : public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // two variables i and j // i will increment from 10 to 15 // j will decrement from 15 to 10 for (int i = 10, j = 15; i <= 15 && j >= 10; i++, j--) { System.out.println("i = " + i + " :: " + "j = " + j); } } }
Output : i=10 : j=15 i=11 : j=14 i=12 : j=13 i=13 : j=12 i=14 : j=11 i=15 : j=10