In this article you will learn about Recursion in Java, when you need to use recursion and how you can use it.
Recursion in Java
Let’s start exploring the concept.
What is Recursion ?
Recursion is a process in which the method call itself continuously and the method which calls itself repeatedly is called as recursive method.
How does Recursion work ?
From the definition it is clear that in recursion the function call itself continuously to get the result. And the recursive call stops at a point when it fails to satisfy the condition. So, you need to provide a condition as per your requirement to stop the recursive call else it will be continued infinite times.
Let’s print “BtechGeeks is Best” 10 times by using recursion.
public class Main { //declared a static integer variable count and initialized it to 1 static int count=1; //driver method public static void main(String args[]) { //calling a user defined method printMessage() printMessage(); } //Body of printMessage() method static void printMessage() { //condition to stop recursive calling //Message needs to be printed 10 times, so used one if condition. if(count<=10) { System.out.println("BtechGeeks is Best"); //incrementing count value after printing the message once count++; //Recursively calling the same method printMessage(); } } }
Output: BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best BtechGeeks is Best
When Recursion can be used ?
There are multiple instances when you can go for the use of recursion concept. Mainly it depends on your problem that you want to solve. For example when you want to solve a complicated problem and it is little difficult to solve it through iterative approach then you can break it down and modularize it by using recursion and then you can solve it very easily.
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