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Python Programming – Looping Techniques
Looping techniques
The list can also be used in iteration operation, for example:
>>> for a in [ 4 , 6 , 9 , 2 ] : print a 4 6 9 2 >>> for a in [ 4 , 6 , 9 , 2 ] : print a , . . . 4 6 9 2
When looping through a sequence, the position index and corresponding value can be retrieved at the same time using the enumerate ( ) function.
>>> for i ,v in enumerate ( [ ' tic ' , ' tac ' , ' toe ' ] ) : . . . print i, v 0 tic 1 tac 2 toe
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To loop over two or more sequences at the same time, the entries can be paired with the zip () function.
>>> questions= [ ' namer , ' quest ' , ' favorite color ' ] >>> answers= [ ' lancelot ' , ' the holy grailblue ' ] >>> for q,a in zip ( questions , answers ) : . . . print 'What is your { 0 } ? It is { 1 }.'. format ( q , a) What is your name ? It is lancelot. What is your quest? It is the holy grail. What is your favorite color? It is blue.
While iterating a mutable sequence, if there is a need to change the sequence (for example to duplicate certain items), it is recommended to make a copy of the sequence before starting iteration. Looping over a sequence does not implicitly make a copy. The slice notation makes this especially convenient.
>>> words= [ ' cat ' , ' window ' , ' defenestrate ' ] >>> for w in words [ : ] : . . . if len ( w )>6: . . . words. insert ( 0 , w ) >>> words [ ' defenestrate ' , ' cat ' , ' window ' , ' defenestrate ' ]
Nested list
It is possible to nest lists (create list containing other lists), for example:
>>> q= [ 2 , 3 ] >>> p= [ 1 , q , 4 ] >>> len ( p ) 3 >>> p [ 1 ] [ 2 , 3 ] >>> p [ 1 ] [ 0 ] 2 >>> p [ 1 ] . append ( ' xtra ' ) >>> p [ 1 , [ 2 , 3 , ' xtra ' ] , 4 ] >>> q [ 2 , 3 , ' xtra ' ]
Note that in the last example, p [ 1 ] and q refer to the same object, which can be cross-checked using the id ( ) built-in function.
>>> id ( q ) 104386192 >>> id (p [1] ) 104386192