Python print without newline – Python Program to Print Without Newline

Python print without newline: When people convert from C/C++ to Python, they frequently ask how to print two or more variables or instructions without starting a new line. Because the print() method in Python always returns a newline. Python has a predefined format, so if you use print(a variable), it will automatically go to the next line.

Inside the command prompt, the Python print() built-in function is used to print the specified information. Python print’s default behavior is to append a newline character at the end.

You might want to print a value on the screen when programming, but keep it on the same line as the last value you displayed. You might want a user’s first and last name to show on the same line, for example. But, with Python, how can you print without a newline?

In this article, we’ll look at how to print in Python without using a new line.

Python Program to print without Newline

Python print with no newline: There are several ways to print without Newline in Python some of them are:

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Method #1:Using end in print() statement

From Python 3 onwards, a new parameter called end= has been added to print(). This argument removes the newline that is added by default in print().

This is a newline character by default (\n). As a result, we must modify this to prevent printing a newline at the conclusion.

We want the strings in the Python 3 print without newline example below to print on the same line. Simply add end=”” within print() .

There are numerous possibilities available for this decision. To print space-separated strings, we may use a space.

Below is the implementation:

# printing without newLine
print("hello", end=" ")


hello BTechGeeks

We could alternatively use an empty string to print them consecutively and without a space.

# printing without newLine
print("hello", end="")




Here we can see that it printed the two values without the space

Method #2:Printing the list elements without newline by using end

Consider the following list of items

givenlist= [“hello”, “this”, “is”, “BTechGeeks”, “platform”]

and you want to use a for-loop to print the values within the list So, using for loop and print(), you may display the values within the list by displaying each element of the list in a newline.

Implementation with newline using for loop:

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# traversing the list using for loop
for item in givenlist:



The list elements are printed one after the other on a new line in the output. What if you want every item in the list to be on the same line? Use the end parameter inside print() to eliminate the new line in Python and print all items from the list on the same line.

Below is the implementation to print list elements in same line(without newline):

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# traversing the list using for loop
for item in givenlist:
  # using end
    print(item, end=" ")


hello this is BTechGeeks platform

Method #3:Printing the list elements without newline by using *

We can print the list without newline by using * symbol.

Below is the implementation:

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# printing the list using *


hello this is BTechGeeks platform

Method #4:Using sys module

Another option for printing without a newline in Python is to utilise the built-in module sys.

Here’s a working example of how to use the sys module to output Python strings without newlines.

To interact with the sys module, first use the import keyword to import the sys module. Then, to print your strings, use the sys module’s stdout.write() method.

Below is the implementation:

# importing system module
import sys
sys.stdout.write("hello this is BTechGeeks Platform")
sys.stdout.write("this is BTechGeeks article")


hello this is BTechGeeks Platformthis is BTechGeeks article

Method #5: By Making our own printf() method as C

In Python, we can also write our own printf() function! Yes, we can do this with the functools module, which allows us to create new functions from old ones with functools.partial()

Let’s apply the same logic to end  keyword argument and develop our printf() method

Below is the implementation:

# importing functools
import functools
# creating printf function using partial() function in functools
printf = functools.partial(print, end=" ")
#using printf
printf("hello this is BTechGeeks Platform")
printf("this is BTechGeeks article")


hello this is BTechGeeks Platform this is BTechGeeks article

We can even add a semicolon to this (the Python compiler will not protest) to restore our original C printf() code!
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