Python zip two lists into dict: Our website provided core java programs examples with output aid beginners and expert coders to test their knowledge gap and learn accordingly.
Dictionaries in Python: In Python, a dictionary dict is a one-to-one mapping; it includes a set of (key, value) pairs, with each key mapped to a value. It exemplifies a hash map or hash table (from Computer Science). Each key denotes a value and is separated by a colon (:).
Curly brackets are used to define a dictionary. The value to the left of the colon is known as the key, while the value to the right of the colon is known as the value. A comma separates each (key, value) pair.
- Python Programming Examples on How to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary
- Python Program to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary
- Write a Python Program to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary?
- How to Combine Two Lists into a Dictionary Python?
- Python Program to Map Two lists into a Dictionary using Dictionary Comprehension
- How to Combine Two List and Convert into Dictionary using For Loop?
Python Programming Examples on How to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary
Example 1:
Enter number of elements to be added to the dictionary = 8 Enter the keys : Enter the key1 = hello Enter the key2 = this Enter the key3 = is Enter the key4 = btechgeeks Enter the key5 = online Enter the key6 = coding Enter the key7 = python Enter the key8 = platform Enter the Values : Enter the value1 = 45 Enter the value2 = 82 Enter the value3 = 125 Enter the value4 = 962 Enter the value5 = 712 Enter the value6 = 100 Enter the value7 = 852 Enter the value8 = 965
The resultant dictionary with keys = ['hello', 'this', 'is', 'btechgeeks', 'online', 'coding', 'python', 'platform'] values = [45, 82, 125, 962, 712, 100, 852, 965] : {'hello': 45, 'this': 82, 'is': 125, 'btechgeeks': 962, 'online': 712, 'coding': 100, 'python': 852, 'platform': 965}
- Python Program to Find a Pair with the Given Sum in an Array
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Example 2:
Enter number of elements to be added to the dictionary = 5 Enter the keys : Enter the key1 = good Enter the key2 = morning Enter the key3 = python Enter the key4 = script Enter the key5 = code Enter the Values : Enter the value1 = 745 Enter the value2 = 123 Enter the value3 = 985 Enter the value4 = 100 Enter the value5 = 585
The resultant dictionary with keys = ['good', 'morning', 'python', 'script', 'code'] values = [745, 123, 985, 100, 585] : {'good': 745, 'morning': 123, 'python': 985, 'script': 100, 'code': 585}
Python Program to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary
Mapping Two Lists into a Dictionary using zip() ,append() Functions
- Declare two empty lists one to store keys and the other to store values.
- Consider using a for loop to accept values for both lists.
- Scan the number of elements to be added to the dictionary and store it in a variable.
- Scan the values into the list and insert them into the list using another for loop.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the values list as well.
- Zip the two lists together and use dict() to turn them into a dictionary.
- Print the dictionary.
- Exit of program.
Write a Python Program to Map Two Lists into a Dictionary?
# Declare two empty lists one to store keys and the other to store values. keyslist = [] valueslist = [] # Scan the number of elements to be added to the dictionary and store it in a variable. numb = int(input("Enter number of elements to be added to the dictionary = ")) print("Enter the keys : ") for p in range(numb): # scanning the keys keyelement = input("Enter the key"+str(p+1)+" = ") keyslist.append(keyelement) print("Enter the Values : ") for p in range(numb): # scanning the values valueelement = int(input("Enter the value"+str(p+1)+" = ")) valueslist.append(valueelement) # Zip the two lists together and use dict() to turn them into a dictionary. resultdict = dict(zip(keyslist, valueslist)) # printing the dictionary print("The resultant dictionary with keys =", keyslist, "values =", valueslist, ":") print(resultdict)
Enter number of elements to be added to the dictionary = 8 Enter the keys : Enter the key1 = hello Enter the key2 = this Enter the key3 = is Enter the key4 = btechgeeks Enter the key5 = online Enter the key6 = coding Enter the key7 = python Enter the key8 = platform Enter the Values : Enter the value1 = 45 Enter the value2 = 82 Enter the value3 = 125 Enter the value4 = 962 Enter the value5 = 712 Enter the value6 = 100 Enter the value7 = 852 Enter the value8 = 965 The resultant dictionary with keys = ['hello', 'this', 'is', 'btechgeeks', 'online', 'coding', 'python', 'platform'] values = [45, 82, 125, 962, 712, 100, 852, 965] : {'hello': 45, 'this': 82, 'is': 125, 'btechgeeks': 962, 'online': 712, 'coding': 100, 'python': 852, 'platform': 965}
How to Combine Two Lists into a Dictionary Python?
- The number of elements in the list must be entered by the user and saved in a variable.
- The user must assign values to the equal number of entries in the list.
- The append function takes each element from the user and appends it to the end of the list as many times as the number of elements taken is.
- The identical steps as in 2 and 3 are taken for the second value list.
- The zip() function is used to combine the two lists.
- Using dict, the zipped lists are then combined to make a dictionary ().
- The dictionary created by combining the two lists is then printed.
Python Program to Map Two lists into a Dictionary using Dictionary Comprehension
Combine two lists into a dictionary python: Dictionary Comprehension is a technique used to create a dictionary in Python. In this process, we will combine two sets of data either in lists or arrays. It is a simple approach for creating dictionaries and uses pointed brackets({}).
items = ['book', 'pen', 'paper'] quantities = [5, 10, 25] items_dict = {key:value for key, value in zip(items, quantities)} print(items_dict)
{'book': 5, 'pen': 10, 'paper': 25}
How to Combine Two List and Convert into Dictionary using For Loop?
fruits = ['Orange', 'Pomegranate', 'Banana','Guava'] price = [80, 70, 112, 66] fruits_price = zip(fruits, price) # create dictionary fruits_dict = {} for key, value in fruits_price: if key in fruits_dict: # handling duplicate keys pass else: fruits_dict[key] = value print(fruits_dict)
{'Orange': 80, 'Pomegranate': 70, 'Banana': 112, 'Guava': 66}
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