Python count word frequency dictionary – Python Program to Count the Frequency of Words Appearing in a String Using a Dictionary

Dictionaries in Python:

Python count word frequency dictionary: Dictionary is a mutable built-in Python Data Structure. It is conceptually related to List, Set, and Tuples. It is, however, indexed by keys rather than a sequence of numbers and can be thought of as associative arrays. On a high level, it consists of a key and its associated value. The Dictionary class in Python represents a hash-table implementation.




given string ="hello this is hello BTechGeeks BTechGeeks BTechGeeks this python programming python language"


{'hello': 2, 'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'BTechGeeks': 3, 'python': 2, 'programming': 1, 'language': 1}



given string ="good morning this is good this python python BTechGeeks good good python online coding platform"


{'good': 4, 'morning': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'python': 3, 'BTechGeeks': 1, 'online': 1, 'coding': 1, 'platform': 1}

Program to Count the Frequency of Words Appearing in a String Using a Dictionary

There are several ways to count the frequency of all words in the given string using dictionary some of them are:

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Method #1:Using count and zip function (Static Input)


  • Give the string input as static and store it in a variable
  • Split the given string into words using split() function
  • Convert this into list using list() function.
  • Count the frequency of each term using count() function and save the results in a separate list using list Comprehension.
  • Merge the lists containing the terms and the word counts into a dictionary using the zip() function.
  • The resultant dictionary is printed
  • End of Program

Below is the implementation:

# given string
given_string = "hello this is hello BTechGeeks BTechGeeks BTechGeeks this python programming python language"
# Split the given string into words using split() function
# Convert this into list using list() function.
listString = given_string.split()
# Count the frequency of each term using count() function and
# save the results in a separate list using list Comprehension.
freqWords = [listString.count(k) for k in listString]
# Merge the lists containing the terms and the word counts
# into a dictionary using the zip() function.
resultdict = dict(zip(listString, freqWords))
# Print the resultant dictionary


{'hello': 2, 'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'BTechGeeks': 3, 'python': 2, 'programming': 1, 'language': 1}


  • A string must be entered by the user and saved in a variable.
  • The string is divided into words and saved in the list using a space as the reference.
  • Using list comprehension and the count() function, the frequency of each word in the list is counted.
  • The complete dictionary is printed after being created with the zip() method.

Method #2:Using count and zip function (User Input)


  • Scan the string using input() function.
  • Split the given string into words using split() function
  • Convert this into list using list() function.
  • Count the frequency of each term using count() function and save the results in a separate list using list Comprehension.
  • Merge the lists containing the terms and the word counts into a dictionary using the zip() function.
  • The resultant dictionary is printed
  • End of Program

Below is the implementation:

# Scan the given string using input() function
given_string = input("Enter some random string separated by spaces = ")
# Split the given string into words using split() function
# Convert this into list using list() function.
listString = given_string.split()
# Count the frequency of each term using count() function and
# save the results in a separate list using list Comprehension.
freqWords = [listString.count(k) for k in listString]
# Merge the lists containing the terms and the word counts
# into a dictionary using the zip() function.
resultdict = dict(zip(listString, freqWords))
# Print the resultant dictionary


Enter some random string separated by spaces = good morning this is good this python python BTechGeeks good good python online coding platform
{'good': 4, 'morning': 1, 'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'python': 3, 'BTechGeeks': 1, 'online': 1, 'coding': 1, 'platform': 1}

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