Pandas iat – Python Pandas DataFrame iat[] Property

Pandas iat: Python is an excellent language for data analysis, due to a strong ecosystem of data-centric Python tools. One of these packages is Pandas, which makes importing and analyzing data a lot easier.

Pandas DataFrame iat[] Property:

Pandas .iat: The iat[] property of the pandas module can be used to get a single value for a row/column pair based on integer position.

In that both allow integer-based lookups, they are similar to iloc. If you simply need to get or set a single value in a DataFrame or Series, you should use iat[].

 Note: If an integer position is out of bounds, an IndexError is thrown.

Pandas DataFrame iat[] Property in Python


Here, the iat[] property is used to get and set the elements of the DataFrame.


  • Import pandas module using the import keyword.
  • Import NumPy module using the import keyword.
  • Pass some random key-value pair(dictionary), index list as arguments to the DataFrame() function of the pandas module to create a dataframe.
  • Print the given dataframe.
  • Pass some random position(row, column) to the iat[] property to get the value at that given position
     and print the result.
  • Pass some random data to the random position(row, column) to the iat[] property to set
    the value at that given position.
  • Print the dataframe after modification
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import pandas module using the import keyword.
import pandas as pd
# Import NumPy module using the import keyword.
import numpy as np
# Pass some random key-value pair(dictionary), index list as arguments to the 
# DataFrame() function of the pandas module to create a dataframe
data_frme = pd.DataFrame({
  "emp_name": ["john", "nick" , "jessy", "mary"],
  "emp_age": [25, 35, 38, 22],
  "emp_salary": [25000, 40000, 22000, 80000]},
  index= [1, 2, 3, 4]

print("The given DataFrame:")
# Pass some random position(row, column) to the iat[] property to get 
# the value at that given position and print the result.
print("The value present at the given position[2, 1] in the dataframe:")
print(data_frme.iat[2, 1])

# Pass some random data to the random position(row, column) to the iat[] property to set 
# the value at that given position
data_frme.iat[0, 1] = 60
# Print the dataframe after modification
print("The dataframe after modification:")


The given DataFrame:
  emp_name  emp_age  emp_salary
1     john       25       25000
2     nick       35       40000
3    jessy       38       22000
4     mary       22       80000

The value present at the given position[2, 1] in the dataframe:

The dataframe after modification:
  emp_name  emp_age  emp_salary
1     john       60       25000
2     nick       35       40000
3    jessy       38       22000
4     mary       22       80000


The iat[] property can also be used to get the elements of a Series.

NOTE: The row, column always starts from 0 index.


  • Import pandas module using the import keyword.
  • Import NumPy module using the import keyword.
  • Pass some random key-value pair(dictionary), index list as arguments to the DataFrame() function of the pandas module to create a dataframe.
  • Print the given dataframe
  • Pass the row number to the iloc[] and column number to the iat[] function
  • to get the value at the given position and print the result
  • Note: The row, col always starts from 0 index.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import pandas module using the import keyword.
import pandas as pd
# Import NumPy module using the import keyword.
import numpy as np
# Pass some random key-value pair(dictionary), index list as arguments to the 
# DataFrame() function of the pandas module to create a dataframe
data_frme = pd.DataFrame({
  "emp_name": ["john", "nick" , "jessy", "mary"],
  "emp_age": [25, 35, 38, 22],
  "emp_salary": [25000, 40000, 22000, 80000]},
  index= [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Print the  given dataFrame
print("The given DataFrame:")
# Pass the row number to the iloc[] and column number to the iat[] function
# to get the value at the given position and print the result
# Note: The row, col always starts from 0 index.
print("The element present at 1st row, 2nd column:")


The given DataFrame:
  emp_name  emp_age  emp_salary
1     john       25       25000
2     nick       35       40000
3    jessy       38       22000
4     mary       22       80000

The element present at 1st row, 2nd column: