Python NumPy matlib.rand() Function

NumPy matlib.rand() Function:

The Matlib.rand() function of the NumPy module returns a matrix of random values with a specified shape.

It creates a matrix of the given shape and propagates it with random samples from a uniform distribution over a range[0, 1).




*args: This is required. It is the shape of the output. Each integer specifies the size of one dimension If given as N integers. If given as a tuple, this tuple gives the complete/entire shape.

Return Value:

A matrix of random values with the shape specified by *args is returned.

NumPy matlib.rand() Function in Python



  • Import numpy module using the import keyword.
  • Import matlib function of numpy module using the import keyword
  • Pass the shape of the matrix(as a tuple)as an argument to the matlib.rand() function of numpy module to create a matrix of the given shape with random values from a uniform distribution over the range[0, 1).
  • Store it in a variable.
  • Print the above-obtained matrix with random values of the given shape.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy as np
# Import matlib function of numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy.matlib
# Pass the shape of the matrix(as a tuple)as an argument to the matlib.rand() 
# function of numpy module to create a matrix of the given shape
# with random values from a uniform distribution over the range[0, 1).
# Store it in a variable.
gvn_matrx = np.matlib.rand(2,2)
# Print the above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape
print("The above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape:")


The above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape:
[[0.66416079 0.89898958]
 [0.44260668 0.2464688 ]]


The Other arguments are ignored when the first argument is a tuple.


  • Import numpy module using the import keyword.
  • Import matlib function of numpy module using the import keyword
  • Pass the shape of the matrix(as a tuple), and other arguments to the matlib.rand() function of numpy module to create a matrix of the given shape with random values from a uniform distribution over the range[0, 1).  Store it in a variable.
  • The Other arguments are ignored when the first argument is a tuple.
  • Print the above-obtained matrix with random values of the given shape.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy as np
# Import matlib function of numpy module using the import keyword
import numpy.matlib
# Pass the shape of the matrix(as a tuple), and other arguments to the matlib.rand() 
# function of numpy module to create a matrix of the given shape
# with random values from a uniform distribution over the range[0, 1).
# Store it in a variable.
# The Other arguments are ignored when the first argument is a tuple.
gvn_matrx = np.matlib.rand((2,2), 3)
# Print the above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape
print("The above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape:")


The above obtained matrix with random values of the given shape:
[[0.82772574 0.9736207 ]
 [0.24653178 0.1373968 ]]