Thread interview questions: We have compiled most frequently asked Python Interview Questions which will help you with different expertise levels.
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Python Interview Questions on Python Thread Management
Question 1.
What are Python threads?
Multiple streams of execution. Often used to handle multiple simultaneous requests or processing tasks. 1
122: What is a race condition?
A race condition occurs when two or more threads are competing for the same resource, and cannot continue without \ it. This is also called a deadlock.
Question 3.
How is a new thread started?
Answer: :
By invoking the .start _new_thread( ) method of the thread module.
Question 4:
What happens to other threads if a thread in a program encounters an exception?
A stack trace is dumped for the thread with the exception, but other threads will continue to run.
Question 5:
What is the difference between the threading and the thread modules?
The threading module was introduced in Python 2.4 and is a higher-level manager of thread processes. Threading is a little more complex to initialize but provides better control.
Question 6:
How are threads synchronized, to prevent race and deadlock conditions?
Using the.Lock( ) method of the threading module to create a lock object, then using .acquire( ) and .release( ) on that lock.
Question 7:
What is a timer interrupted thread, and when would it be used?
Timer threads are created using the.Timer( ) method of the threading module. They are used for periodic cleanups, status reporting, etc.
Question 8:
Illustrate creating a timer thread that executes every 10 minutes.
import threading
myTimer = threading.Timer(600, myFunction)
myTimer.start( )
Question 9:
How is a timer interrupted thread stopped?
By using the .cancel( ) method of the timer thread object.
Question 10:
What is the Queue module and when is it used?
The Queue module is a device to handle a multithreaded prioritized queue of processing tasks. It is useful when there are a number of incoming requests, with different priorities that need to be allocated processing resources.
Question 11:
How are objects added to a queue?
Using the .put( ) method of the queue object.
Question 12:
How are objects retrieved from a queue?
Using the .get( ) method of the queue object.
Question 13:
What are some useful methods and properties of the queue?
.empty( ), .full( ) and .qsize( ) are useful for determining the state of the queue. .get() and .put() are used to add and remove items from the queue.
Question 14:
When using the .acquire!) method of the threading. Lock object, what does the addition of the blocking parameter do?
The blocking parameter prevents return to the calling process until the lock can be acquired. If acquire is called without a parameter, or with 0 or false, it will immediately return with a 0 value if the lock cannot be acquired. If blocking is true, the thread will stop execution until the lock is acquired.
Question 15:
What is the difference between the .start( ) and, run() methods of the new thread object?
.start starts the activity of a thread, .run is a method representing the thread’s activity that may be overridden in a subclass.
Question 16:
When is .isAlive( ) true?
From when the start method is called until the run method terminates on a particular thread.
Question 17:
How is the .join() method useful for thread synchronization?
.join() is used to block the current thread’s execution until the thread the .join is being called on terminates, or a timeout expires, at which time the calling thread’s execution resumes.
Question 18:
How is the current thread retrieved?
By calling the .currentThread( ) method of the thread module.
Question 19:
How is the number of threads that are currently running retrieved?
Using the threading.activeCount( ) method.
Question 20:
What is a semaphore object?
It is a method of synchronizing activity between multiple threads.