Python dictionary values: Python’s implementation of an associative array data structure is dictionaries. A dictionary is a collection of key/value pairs. A key pair and its associated value are used to represent each key pair.
A dictionary is a list of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. The column ‘:’ separates the value of each key.
Sorting a dictionary solely for the purpose of obtaining a representation of the sorted dictionary is not possible. By default, dictionary entries are ordered, but other data types, such as lists and tuples, are not. As a result, you’ll need an ordered data form, such as a list—probably a list of tuples.
Dictionary values() function & examples of it
values() is a built-in Python method that returns a list of all the values available in a given dictionary.
- Display all the values of the dictionary
- Update/Modify the values of the dictionary
- Conversion of dictionary values to list
- Display Maximum and minimum values
- Display sum of dictionary values
- Display Average of dictionary values
There is no need to pass parameters.
Return type:
It returns a sequence containing a view of all dictionary values. Because the sequence is just a view of values, any change to a value in the dictionary will be reflected in the sequence as well.
1)Display all the values of the dictionary
We can display all the values of the dictionary by using the given syntax above.
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary dictvalues = dictionary.values() # printing the values print(dictvalues)
dict_values([700, 200, 100, 300])
2)Update/Modify the values of the dictionary
If we first fetch all of the dictionary’s values with the values() function and then modify the dictionary, the changes will be reflected in the sequence of the previously fetched values as well.
Below is the implementation:
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary dictvalues = dictionary.values() # print the values before modification print("Before Modification", dictvalues) # updating value of BTechGeeks to 1000 dictionary['BTechGeeks'] = 1000 # printing the after modification print("After Modification", dictvalues)
Before Modification dict_values([700, 200, 100, 300]) After Modification dict_values([700, 200, 100, 1000])
3)Conversion of dictionary values to list
The sequence returned by the values() function can be passed to the list to create a list of all values in the dictionary .
We use list() function to achieve this
Below is the implementation:
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary and converting to list dictvalues = list(dictionary.values()) # printing the dictionary values list print(dictvalues)
[700, 200, 100, 300]
4)Display Maximum and minimum values
We can display maximum and minimum values by using max() and min() functions .
Below is the implementation:
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary and converting to list dictvalues = dictionary.values() # Getting max and min values maxvalue = max(dictvalues) minvalue = min(dictvalues) # print the max value print("Maximum value in dictionary", maxvalue) print("Minimum value in dictionary", minvalue)
Maximum value in dictionary 700 Minimum value in dictionary 100
5)Display sum of dictionary values
We can display sum of dictionary values by using sum() function .
Below is the implementation:
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary and converting to list dictvalues = dictionary.values() # Getting sum of dictionary values valuesum = sum(dictvalues) # print sum of values print("Sum of dictionary values", valuesum)
Sum of dictionary values 1300
6)Display Average of dictionary values
We can display average of dictionary values with the help of sum() and len() functions.
Below is the implementation:
# given dictionary dictionary = {'Hello': 700, 'This': 200, 'is': 100, 'BTechGeeks': 300} # getting all the values from the given dictionary and converting to list dictvalues = dictionary.values() # Getting average of dictionary values averagevalue = sum(dictvalues)/len(dictvalues) # print average of values print("Average of dictionary values", averagevalue)
Average of dictionary values 325.0
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