Python Data Presistence – PyMongo – Add Collection

Python Data Presistence – PyMongo – Add Collection

Create a new database object by using any name currently not in the list.


>>> db=client.newdb

The Database is actually created when the first document is inserted. The following statement will implicitly create a ‘products’ collection and multiple documents from the given list of dictionary objects.


>>> pricelist=[{ 'ProductID : 1 / 'Name' :'Laptop',
'price' 25000},{ 'ProductID :2, 'Name' :'TV',
'price' 40000},{ 'ProductID : 3, 'Name' :'Router',
'price' 2000},{' ProductID' 4, 'Name': 'Scanner',
'price' 'price' 5000},{' 9000}] ProductID' 5, Name': 'Printer',
>>> db.products.insert_many(pricelist)

You can confirm the insertion operation by find ( ) method in the mongo shell, as we have done earlier.

We create a collection object explicitly by using the create_collection( ) method of the database object.


>>> db.create_collection(1 customers')

Now, we can add one or more documents in it. The following script adds documents in ‘customers’ collection.


from pymongo import MongoClient client=MongoClient() 
db=client.newdb db.create_collection("customers") 
cust=db['customers' ]
 custlist=[{'CustID':1,1 Name' :'Ravikumar', 'GS- TIN':'27AAJPL7103N1ZF'}, 
{'CustID' :2, 'Name': 'Patel', 'GSTIN': '24ASDFG1234N- 1ZN'}, 
{'CustID' : 3, ' Name' : 'Nitin', 'GSTIN': '27AABBC7895N- 1ZT'}, 
{'CustID' : 4, ' Name' : 'Nair',' GSTIN':' 32MMAF8963N1ZK'} 
{'CustID' :5, ' Name' : 'Shah',' GSTIN':' 24BADEF2002N- 1ZB'}, 
{'CustID' :6, ' Name' : 'Khurana .', 'GSTIN ':'07KABCS1002N- lZV'}, 
{'CustID' :7, ' Name' : 'Irfan', 'GSTIN': '05IIAAV5103N- 1ZA'}, 
{'CustID' :8, ' Name' : 'Kiran', 'GSTIN': '12PPSD- F22431ZC' 
{'CustID' }. :9, ' Name' : 'Divya', 'GSTIN': '15ABCDE1101N- 1ZA'}, 
{'CustID' : 10 ,'Name' :'John', 'GS- TIN':'29AAEEC4258E1ZK'}] 
cust.insert_many(custlist) / client.close()