Python Data Persistence – SQLAlchemy Core
We have to use the same process (as used in ORM) to connect to the database i.e. using create-engine () function that returns Engine object.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mydb.sqlite', echo=True)
If you plan to use any other database dialect, ensure that you install its respective DB-API module.
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymydsql://root@ localhost/mydb')
- Python Data Persistence – ORM – Table Object and Mapped Class
- Python Data Persistence – SQLAlchemy ORM
- Python Data Persistence SQLAIchemy
In order to create tables in this database, first, we have to set up a MetaData object which stores table information and other scheme-related information.
from sqlalchemy import MetaData meta=MetaData( )
The Table class in sqlalchemy module needs this metadata object as one of the arguments to its constructor.
TableName=Table ("name", meta, Columnl, Column2, ...)
As we have used before, the Column object represents a column in the database table and needs its name, data type, and constraints (if any) to be specified.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String engine = create_eng'ine ('sqlite:///mydb. sqlite1 , echo=True) meta=MetaData() Products = Table('Products', meta, Column('ProductID', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String), Column('Price', Integer), ) meta.create_all(engine)
The create_all ( ) function emits equivalent SQL query as follow:
CREATE TABLE "Products" ( "ProductID" INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR, "Price" INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ("ProductID") )