Python Data Persistence – @Property DGCOrator
Although a detailed discussion on decorators is beyond the scope of this book, a brief introduction is necessary before we proceed to use @property decorator.
The function is often termed a callable object. A function is also a passable object. Just as we pass a built-in object viz. number, string, list, and so on. as an argument to a function, we can define a function that receives another function as an argument. Moreover, you can have a function defined in another function (nested function), and a function whose return value is a function itself. Because of all these features, a function is called a first-order object.
The decorator function receives a function argument. The behavior of the argument function is then extended by wrapping it in a nested function. Definition of function subjected to decoration is preceded by name of decorator prefixed with @ symbol.
Python-OOP – 113
def adecorator(function): def wrapper(): function() return wrapper @adecorator def decorate( ): pass
- Python Program to Flatten a Nested List using Recursion
- Python Program to Find the Total Sum of a Nested List Using Recursion
- Python Class and Instance Attributes with Examples
We shall now use the property ( ) function as a decorator and define a name () method acting as a getter method for my name attribute in my class. py code above.
@property def name(self): return self. ___myname @property def age(self): return self. __myage
A property object’s getter, setter, and deleter methods are also decorators. Overloaded name ( ) and age ( ) methods are decorated with name, setter, and age. setter decorators respectively.
@name.setter def name(self,name): self. ___myname=name @age.setter def age(self, age): self. myage=age
When @property decorator is used, separate getter and setter methods defined previously are no longer needed. The complete code of is as below:
#myclass. py class MyClass: __slots__=['__myname', '__myage'] def__init__(self, name=None, age=None): self.__myname=name self.__myage=age @property def name(self) : print ('name getter method') return self.__myname @property def age(self) : print ('age getter method') return self. ___myage @name.setter def name(self,name): print ('name setter method') self.___myname=name @age.setter def age(self, age): print ('age setter method') self.__myage=age def about(self): print ('My name is { } and I am { } years old'.format(self. myname,self. myage))
Just import above class and test the functionality of property objects using decorators.
>>> from myclass import MyClass >>> obj1=MyClass('Ashok', 21) >>> obj1.about() #initial values of object's attributes My name is Ashok and I, am 21 years old >>> #change age property >>> obj1.age=30 age setter method >>> #access name property >>> name getter method 'Ashok' > > > obj1.about() My name is Ashok and I am 30 years old