Power Electronics Notes PDF Free Download

Power Electronics Notes: Power Electronics is an important subject of study, because it looks at the nuances of electricity, including how it is created and also how it is transferred and supplied. It looks at how electric power is converted to be made useful for homes, workplaces, and all other buildings.

We understand the need and the importance to study a subject like Power Electronics. We also understand that often, the pressure of doing well can hinder our performance and also our ability to study and prepare well for exams. This is the reason why we have put together some great reference materials for studying Power Electronics.

To accompany Power Electronics Lecture Notes, here are some of the resources that we have provided for you in the article below:

Introduction to Power Electronics Notes Free PDF Download

As mentioned before, we know the difficulty that comes with the need to perform well in our exams. Our performance in exams may make or break what is to come in our careers ahead in our lives. Thus, to ease your nervousness and anxiety, here are some carefully crafted Power Electronics Notes for you:

  • Lecture Notes on Power Electronics
  • Power Electronics Notes for Electrical Engineering
  • Power Electronics – PDF Drive
  • Lecture Notes for Power Electronics Electrical Engineering
  • PDF Overview of Power Electronics Converters and Controls

BSEE Power Electronics Notes PDF Download

Power Electronics is a subject which focuses on the conversion of electricity, descriptions of electric circuits and the passing of electrical currents. The subject looks at the working of AC and DC currents, inverters, power grids, and various other electronic systems. It is an important subject because everything we do today requires and depends on electricity, and the people studying this subject are the subject matter experts on electricity.

Aside from this importance, the vitality of the subject also lies in helping planet Earth breathe better. There are a lot of unsustainable methods of producing and using electricity, which is incredibly harmful for the environment. By learning the nuances of Power Electronics, individuals can utilise this knowledge to create better and more efficient methods of producing, supplying and utilising electricity.

Power Electronics Reference Books

Reference books for a subject provide that bit of extra knowledge to students to help them pass with soaring colours. While learning through lecture notes and the basic knowledge may help a student pass, reading through reference books for a subject will help retain that knowledge and information for a longer period of time.

We have listed below several Power Electronics reference books which will help students better understand the nuances of the subject even better. It is good to attempt to make the best use of these books to help you gain an over the top understanding of the various Power Electronics topics at hand.

  • Power Electronics – Daniel Hart
  • Power Semiconductor Circuits – SB Dewan, A Straughen
  • Power Electronics: Principles and Applications – Joseph Vithayathil
  • Power Electronics – Ned Mohan
  • Fundamentals of Power Electronics – Rober Erickson
  • Principles and Elements of power Electronics – Barry Williams
  • Control in Power Electronics – Marian Kazmierkowski, R Krishnan, Frede Bllabjerg
  • Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications – Umanand

Power Electronics Curriculum

The Power Electronics curriculum is highly vast but also fairly simple. It is imperative to look through the curriculum thoroughly to see what all you need to study. Keep a note of all of the topics in the Power Electronics curriculum, and make sure to tick each topic off as you finish studying it. Use the curriculum to also figure out which topics you are weak in so that you have an idea of what you need to work on more.

Thus, the curriculum for any subject serves the high purpose of providing a skeleton or outline for the course at hand. It is important that all students of Power Electronics go through the following curriculum to make sure that not a single topic is missed out upon and that they have studied everything.

Here is the unit/module wise and topic wise breakdown of the Power Electronics curriculum:

Module Topics
Module 1: Introduction
  • Applications of power electronics
  • Power semiconductor devices
  • Control characteristics of power devices
  • Types of power electronic circuits
  • Peripheral effects
  • Power transistors, Power BJTs, steady state characteristics
  • Power MOSFETs: device operation, switching characteristics
  • IGBTs: device operation, output and transfer characteristics
  • di/dt and dv/dt limitations
Module 2: Thyristors
  • Introduction
  • Principle of operation of SCR
  • Static anode-cathode characteristics of SCR
  • Turn-on methods
  • Turn-off mechanism and methods
  • Natural and forced commutation
    • Class A and Class B types
  • Gate trigger circuit
  • Resistance firing circuit
  • Resistance capacitance firing circuit
  • UJT Firing circuit
Module 3: Controlled Rectifiers
  • Introduction
  • Principle of phase controlled converter operation
  • Single phase semi-converter with RL load
  • AC voltage controllers
  • Principles of on-off control
  • Principle of phase control
  • Single phase control with resistive and inductive loads
Module 4: DC-DC Converters
  • Introduction
  • Principle of step-down operation and its analysis with RL load
  • Principle of step-up operation
  • Step-up converter with a resistive load
  • Performance parameters
  • Converter classification
  • Switching mode regulators
  • Chopper circuit design
Module 5: Pulse Width Modulated Inverters
  • Introduction
  • Principle of operation
  • Performance parameters
  • Single phase bridge inverters
  • Voltage control of single phase inverters
  • Current source inverters
  • Variable DC-link inverter
  • Boost inverter
  • Inverter circuit design
  • Static switches
    • Single phase AC switches
    • DC switches
    • Solid state relays
    • Microelectronic relays

List of Power Electronics Important Questions

Important questions for Power Electronics will help the student to understand what kinds of questions can come in the exam. Knowing the kind of questions that will be asked in an exam allows a student to prepare for that exam accordingly. The method of preparation for an exam also matters as much as how much a student has studied for that exam.

Below, there are several important questions for Power Electronics.  All of these questions are for 8 marks each.

  1. Mention and explain the different types of power electronic converter systems. Also, draw their input/output characteristics.
  2. With neat waveforms and switching nodel, explain the switching characteristics of power MOSFET.
  3. In detail, explain the two-transistor model of a thyristor.
  4. Mention and explain the different thyristor turn-on methods. Mention the advantage of gate triggering.
  5. A single phase half wave AC voltage controller has an input voltage of 150V with a load resistance of 8Ω. The firing angle of the resistor is 60° in each positive half cycle. Find the following:
    1. Average output voltage
    2. RMS output voltage
    3. Power output
    4. Power factor pf
    5. Average input current over one cycle
  6. With the help of a circuit diagram, describe the operation of a single phase full converter with RL load. Draw the associated waveforms. Also, derive the expressions for RMS and average output voltages.
  7. In detail, explain buck regulators.
  8. Classify the choppers and explain the different types of chopper circuits.
  9. Explain the following (8 marks each)
    1. Solid state relays
    2. Microelectronic relays
  10. What do you mean by inverters? Mention the applications of current source inverters.

Frequently Asked Questions about Power Electronics Notes

Question 1.
What is the importance of Power Electronics?

Power Electronics is an important subject because it studies the components of electricity and also its workings. With the understanding of the nuances of electrical cables, currents, power grids, etc, better and more efficient ways of producing and distributing electricity can be devised. The wastage of energy, power or electricity is harmful for the planet on which we live, which is why devising ways to produce more electricity with less resources is the need of the hour. Studying Power Electronics enables the individual to come up with these new methods.

Question 2.
How is Power Electronics different from electronics?

Power Electronics is similar to the study of electronics, but it is also categorically different from it. Electronics studies the movement of all kinds of information through cables, such as radio waves, even Bluetooth signals, etc in the form of currents. Power Electronics carries a current as well, but this current only consists of power, or electricity. This is the inherent difference between electronics and Power Electronics.

Question 3.
Where can I get study material for Power Electronics?

In the article above, we have provided some great study materials for Power Electronics. This includes Power Electronics Notes, some reference books, a categorical breakdown of the Power Electronics curriculum, and some important questions for the subject. These should be adequate for a student to prepare well for a Power Electronics examination.

Question 4.
What is the question paper pattern for Power Electronics?

The question paper for Power Electronics consists of a total of 80 marks. The question paper is divided according to the 5 modules as given in the Power Electronics curriculum above. Each module has several 16 (8+8) marks questions, of which the student must choose one from each module and answer them. In totality, the student must write a total of five answers for 16 marks, which are divided into 10 questions of 8 marks each.


Above, there are several relevant study materials for Power Electronics, which will be very helpful for the students who choose to use the same diligently. The Power Electronics Notes have been carefully crafted for students so that not even a single important point is missed. Appropriate reference books have been listed for students to seek out in case any further readings are required on the part of the student. The curriculum has also been categorically listed, such that the student can keep track of what she has studied and what she is yet to study. The list of important questions act as a precursor to the exams to help students figure out what the question paper will be like. The Power Electronics Notes and other reference materials have been provided such that they come of full use to students. We hope that it has been adequate and will help each student achieve great success in their examinations.