PHP Lecture Notes: Aspirants looking to get hold of the PHP Study Material and Notes can access the best notes for their preparation process or to have a revision of essential concepts.
The PHP Lecture Notes and Study Materials acts as the principal study material and notes that foster and enhance better preparation and helps students score better grades. Students can refer to the PHP Notes as per the latest curriculum from this article.
PHP Notes give aspirants a head start as they will also acquire the latest Syllabus, Reference Books, and Important Questions List for PHP notes over regular notes. PHP Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download.
Participants can benefit from the PHP Notes PDFs and Reference Books from this article and ace the preparation methods with the best and updated study resources and achieve better grades.
- Introduction to PHP Lecture Notes
- PHP Programming Notes PDF Download
- PHP Reference Books
- PHP Curriculum
- List of PHP Important Questions
- Explain the meaning of getters and setters. State its importance.
- What is MCV? What does it do?
Introduction to PHP Lecture Notes
Notes for php: PHP began as a little open-source venture that developed as an ever-increasing number of individuals discovered how valuable it was. Rasmus Lerdorf released the main form of the PHP route in 1994.
PHP is a recursive short form for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”.
PHP is a server type of script language that is used in HTML. It is utilized to oversee dynamic substance, information bases, meeting following, even form whole online business destinations. It is incorporated with various famous formats, including MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server.
PHP is pleasingly zippy in its execution, particularly when incorporated as an Apache module on the Unix side. The MySQL worker, once begun, executes even complex questions with colossal outcome sets in record-setting time.
PHP upholds countless significant conventions, for example, POP3, IMAP, and LDAP. PHP4 added support for Java and conveyed object designs (COM and CORBA), making n-level improvement an opportunity unexpectedly.
PHP is pardoning: PHP language attempts to be as exciting as could be expected under the circumstances
PHP Syntax is C – Like.
PHP Programming Notes PDF Download
PHP the complete reference by steven holzner pdf free download: Aspirants pursuing their Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) or anybody who is interested in learning about scripting can avail from the PHP Notes and Study Material updated in this article. Students can aid your preparation with the ultimate preparation tools that help you score more marks.
Candidates can download the study material and notes and refer to them whenever during the preparation process. Use of the PHP Notes and Study Materials as a reference will help candidates get a better understanding of the concepts and change their score chart.
Here, is a list of a few important notes for a thorough preparation of the PHP course program-
- PHP Notes PDF
- PHP Handwritten Notes PDFs
- PHP Notes for CSE PDFs
- PHP Question Paper PDFs
- Php Handwritten Notes Pdf
- Php Notes Pdf Download
- Php Complete Notes Pdf
- Php And Mysql Notes Pdf
- Php Bca Notes
- Php Notes Pdf Free Download
- Php Notes Pdf For Bca
- Php Bca Notes Pdf
- Bca Php Notes Pdf
- Php Notes For Bca
- Php Full Notes Pdf
- Php Pdf Notes
- Php Study Material Pdf
- Php Lecture Notes Ppt
- Php Pdf Download
- Php Syllabus Pdf
Pdf and downloads of another language php lecture notes
- Php Notes In Hindi
- Php Notes Pdf In Hindi
- Php Notes In Hindi Pdf Download
- Php Tutorial In Hindi Pdf
PHP Reference Books
Books are a rich source of information and students should refer to books that provide excellent conceptual background. Candidates can avail the best books for PHP as recommended by the experts of the subject.
Pupils can refer and read through the PHP Books and other Study Sources during your preparation.
The list of best and highly recommended books for PHP preparation are as follows, and candidates can choose the book that meets their knowledge and prepare accordingly.
- The Joy of PHP Programming: A Beginner’s Guide – by Alan Forbes
- PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja – by Kevin Yank
- Head First PHP & MySQL – by Lynn Beighley & Michael Morrison
- Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites – by Robin Nixon
- PHP & MySQL Web Development – by Luke Welling & Laura Thompson
- PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual – by Brett McLaughlin
- PHP: A Beginner’s Guide – by Vikram Vaswani
- Learn PHP & MySQL – Zero to Hero Programming Crash Course – by Paul Madoff
- Murach’s PHP & MySQL – by Joel Murach & Ray Harris
- Programming PHP – by Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre & Rasmus Lerdorf “Foreword By: Michael Bourque”
- PHP: The Complete Reference by Steven Holzner
- PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP5 by Mario Lurig
- Web Developer’s Cookbook by Robin Nixon
- Learning PHP 5 by David Sklar
- Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL by Kevin Yank
PHP Curriculum
The best way to make your preparation effective is with an initial idea and an outline of the PHP Syllabus. Keeping in mind every student’s requirements, we have provided a detailed view of the PHP curriculum.
PHP Course Curriculum will give students a clear idea of what to study, and the unit-wise break up gives topics under each unit carefully and allot time to each topic.
Students must cover all the topics before attempting the PHP exam so that the paper is reasonably comfortable at the time of the exam. Candidates must ensure awareness of the PHP Syllabus as it prevents you from wasting unnecessary time on redundant topics.
The updated unit-wise breakup of the PHP Syllabus is as follows-
Unit | Topics |
UNIT I: Introduction to PHP | ● Evaluation of Php
● Basic Syntax Defining variable and constant ● Php Data type ● Operator and Expression |
UNIT II- Handling HTML form with PHP | ● Capturing Form Data
● Dealing with Multi-value filed ● Generating File uploaded form ● Redirecting a form after submission |
UNIT III- Decisions and loop | ● Making decisions
● Doing repetitive task with looping ● Mixing decisions and looping with html |
UNIT IV- Function | ● What is Function
● Define function ● Call by value and Call by reference ● Recursive function |
UNIT V- String | ● Creating and accessing string
● Searching and replacing string ● Formatting string ● String related library function |
UNIT VI- Array | ● Anatomy of an array
● Creating index based and associative array ● Accessing array element ● Looping with index based array ● Looping with associative array using each () and foreach() ● Some useful Library function |
UNIT VII- working with file and directories | ● Understanding file and directories
● Opening and closing a file ● Coping, renaming and deleting a file ● Working with directories ● Building a text editor ● File uploading & downloading |
UNIT VIII- Mini Project (with file handling) | State management
● Using query string(URL rewriting) ● Using Hidden field ● Using cookies ● Using session String matching with regular expression ● What is regular expression ● Pattern matching in Php ● Replacing text ● Splitting a string with a Regular Expression Generating Images with PHP ● Basics of computer Graphics ● Creating Image ● Manipulating Image ● Using text in Image |
List of Important Questions for PHP
Candidates studying PHP can go through the list of essential questions mentioned below for the PHP course programme. All the given review questions aim to help the candidates to excel in the examination.
- State the difference between require() and include()
- How can the IP address of a client be obtained?
- What are the core errors of PHP?
- How to differentiate between PHP errors?
- Give differences between POST and GET.
- How are error reports enabled in a PHP script?
- Explain Traits.
- Is it possible for the value of constant to change during running a script?
- Can a final defined class be explained?
- How can the elements in an array be obtained?
- How can a function be declared to print the word “Hello”?
Frequently Asked Questions on PHP Notes
Question 1.
Explain the meaning of getters and setters. State its importance.
Answer: Getters and setters are strategies used to pronounce or acquire the estimations of factors, generally private ones. They are significant in light of the fact that it takes into account a focal area that can deal with information preceding proclaiming it or returning it to the engineer. Inside a getter or setter, one can reliably deal with information that will in the end be passed into a variable or extra capacities.
A case of this would be a client’s name. On the off chance that a setter isn’t being utilized and the designer is simply proclaiming the $userName variable by hand, you could wind up with results thus: “kevin”, “KEVIN”, “KeViN”, “”, and so on With a setter, the designer can change the worth, for instance, ucfirst($userName), however, can likewise deal with circumstances where the information isn’t legitimate, for example, the model where “” is passed. The equivalent applies to a getter – when the information is being returned, it tends to be modified the outcomes to incorporate strtoupper($userName) for appropriate designing further up the chain.
This is significant for any designer who is hoping to enter a group-based/application advancement task to know. Getters and setters are frequently utilized when managing objects, particularly ones that will wind up in an information base or other stockpiling medium. Since PHP is generally used to construct web applications, designers will stumble into getters and setters in further developed conditions. They are amazingly incredible yet not discussed definitely. It is amazing if a designer shows that he/she comprehends what they are and how to utilize them from the get-go.
Question 2.
What is MCV? What does it do?
Answer: MVC represents Model View Controller. The regulator handles information passed to it by the view and furthermore passes information to the view. It’s liable for an understanding the information sent by the view and scattering that information to the suitable models anticipating results to pass back to the view. Practically nothing, if any business rationale ought to happen in the regulator.
The model’s responsibility is to deal with explicit assignments identified with a particular region of the application or usefulness. Models will discuss legitimately with your information base or other stockpiling framework and will deal with the business rationale identified with the outcomes. The view is passed information by the regulator and is shown to the client. Generally speaking, this inquiry merits knowing as the MVC configuration design has been utilized a ton over the most recent couple of years and is an awesome plan example to know.
Indeed, even with further developed streams that go down to storehouses and elements, they actually are following a similar essential thought for the Controller and View. The Model is commonly part out into different segments to deal with explicit assignments identified with information base information, business rationale and so forth The MVC configuration design helps draw a superior comprehension of what is being utilized, overall, in the business.
Recommended Reading On: PHP Project Ideas Topics for Beginners
The information on PHP Notes is genuine and reliable and the above-mentioned Books and Study Materials aim to help and enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject during preparations and at the time of examination. Students can refer and practice from the provided PHP Books, Study Materials, and Important Questions from this article.