Microprocessor Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Microprocessor Notes: Aspirants looking to get hold of the Microprocessor Study Material and Lecture Notes can access the best notes for their preparation process or to have a revision of essential concepts.

The Microprocessor Notes and Study Materials acts as the principal study material, and notes that foster and enhance better preparation and helps students score better grades. Students can refer to the Microprocessor Notes as per the latest curriculum from this article.

Microprocessor Notes give aspirants a head start as they will also acquire the latest Syllabus, Reference Books, and Important Questions List for Microprocessor notes over regular notes. Microprocessor Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download.

Participants can benefit from the Microprocessor Notes PDFs and Reference Books from this article and ace the preparation methods with the best and updated study resources and achieve better grades.

Introduction to Microprocessor Notes

A Microprocessor is a significant piece of PC engineering without which you won’t have the option to perform anything on your PC. It is a programmable gadget that takes in input, plays out some math and intelligent activities over it, and produces the desired yield. In straightforward words, a Microprocessor is an advanced gadget on a chip that can bring guidance from memory, decipher and execute them and give results.

Rudiments of Microprocessor –

A Microprocessor takes a lot of guidelines in machine language and executes them, mentioning to the processor what it needs to do. Microchip performs three essential things while executing the guidance:

It plays out some fundamental activities like expansion, deduction, duplication, division and some intelligent tasks utilizing it’s Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU). New Microprocessors additionally perform procedures on skimming point numbers moreover.

Information in a Microprocessor can move to start with one area then onto the next.

It has a Program Counter (PC) register that stores the location of the next guidance dependent on the estimation of PC, Microprocessor bounces starting with one area then onto the next and takes choice.

Microprocessor Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Aspirants pursuing their Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) or anybody who is interested in learning about the software can avail from the Microprocessor Notes and Study Material updated in this article. Students can aid your preparation with the ultimate preparation tools that help you score more marks.

Candidates can download the study material and notes and refer to them whenever during the preparation process. Use of the Microprocessor Notes and Study Materials as a reference will help candidates get a better understanding of the concepts and change their score chart.

Here, is a list of a few important notes for a thorough preparation of the Microprocessor course programme-

  • Microprocessor Notes PDF
  • Microprocessor Handwritten Notes PDFs
  • Microprocessor Notes for CSE PDFs
  • Microprocessor Question Paper PDFs
  • Microprocessor PPT Notes PDF

Microprocessor Reference Books

Books are a rich source of information and students should refer to books that provide excellent conceptual background. Candidates can avail the best books for Microprocessors as recommended by the experts of the subject.

Pupils can refer and read through the Microprocessor Books and other Study Sources during your preparation.

The list of best and highly recommended books for  Microprocessor preparation are as follows, and candidates can choose the book that meets their knowledge and prepare accordingly.

  • “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085” by R Gaonkar
  • “Microprocessors: Principles and Applications” by A Pal
  • “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C” by Muhammad Ali Mazidi
  • “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals” by A K Ray and K M Bhurchandi
  • “Fundamentals of Microprocessors And Microcontrollers” Ram B
  • “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing Using 8085, 8086 and 8051” by Soumitra Kumar Mandal
  • “Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” by Crisp John Crisp
  • “Microprocessors And Microcontrollers” by A Nagoor Kani
  • “8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems” by Rajiv Kapadia
  • “Microprocessors And Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System Design 8085, 8086, 8051, 8096” by KRISHNA KANT

Microprocessor Curriculum

The best way to make your preparation effective is with an initial idea and an outline of the Microprocessor Syllabus. Keeping in mind every student’s requirements, we have provided a detailed view of the Microprocessor curriculum.

Microprocessor Course Curriculum will give students a clear idea of what to study, and the unit-wise break up gives topics under each unit carefully and allot time to each topic.

Students must cover all the topics before attempting the Microprocessor exam so that the paper is reasonably comfortable at the time of the exam. Candidates must ensure awareness of the Microprocessor Syllabus as it prevents you from wasting unnecessary time on redundant topics.

The updated unit-wise breakup of the Microprocessor Syllabus is as follows-

Unit Topics
UNIT I Introduction of Microcomputer System: CPU, I/O devices, clock, memory, bussed architecture, tristate logic, address bus, data bus and control bus.
UNIT II Semiconductor Memories: Development of semiconductor memory, internal structure and decoding, memory read and write timing diagrams, MROM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, DRAM,
UNIT III The architecture of 8-bit Microprocessor: Intel 8085A Microprocessor, Pin description and internal architecture.
UNIT-IV Operation and Control of Microprocessor: Timing and control unit, op-code fetch machine cycle, memory read/write machine cycles, I/O read/write machine cycles, interrupt acknowledge machine cycle, state transition diagram.
UNIT V Instruction Set: Addressing modes; Data transfer, arithmetic, logical, branch, stack and machine control groups of the instruction set, macro RTLand micro RTL flow chart of few typical instructions; Unspecified flags and instructions.
UNIT VI Assembly Language Programming: Assembler directives, simple examples; Subroutines, parameter passing to subroutines.
UNIT VII Interfacing: Interfacing of memory chips, address allocation technique and decoding; Interfacing of I/O devices, LEDs and toggle-switches as examples, memory-mapped and isolated I/O structure; Input/Output techniques: CPU initiated unconditional and conditional I/O transfer, device initiated interrupt I/O transfer
UNIT VIII Interrupts: Interrupt structure of 8085A Microprocessor, processing of vectored and non vectored interrupts, latency time and response time; Handling multiple interrupts
UNIT IX Programmable Peripheral Interface: Intel 8255, pin configuration, the internal structure of a port bit, modes of operation, bit SET/RESET feature, programming; ADC and DAC chips and their interfacing.
UNIT X Programmable Interval Timer: Intel 8253, pin configuration, an internal block diagram of counter and modes of operation, counter read methods, programming, READ-BACK command of Intel 8254.

List of Microprocessor Important Questions

Candidates studying Microprocessor can go through the list of essential questions mentioned below for the Microprocessor course programme. All the given review questions aim to help the candidates to excel in the examination.

  • What is a Microprocessor?
  • What are the flags in 8086?
  • Why is crystal a preferred clock source?
  • In 8085 which is called the High order / Low order Register?
  • What is Tri-state logic?
  • What happens when HLT instruction is executed in the processor?
  • Which Stack is used in 8085?
  • What are the speed and device maximum specs for Firewire?
  • Where does CPU Enhanced mode originate from?
  • How many bit combinations are there in a byte?
  • Have you studied the buses? What types?
  • What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086?
  • What is meant by Maskable interrupts?
  • What are Non-Maskable interrupts?
  • What are the different functional units in 8086?
  • What are the various segment registers in 8086?
  • What does the EU do?
  • Which Stack is used in 8086? k is used in 8086?
  • What are the flags in 8086?
  • What are SIM and RIM instructions?
  • What is a Program counter?
  • What are the various registers in 8085?
  • What is the 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor?
  • Name the processor lines of two major manufacturers?

FAQs on Microprocessor Notes

Question 1.
What is the Program counter?

Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for execution or the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which has not been completely fetched. In both cases, it gets incremented automatically one by one as the instruction bytes get fetched. Also, the Program register keeps the address of the next instruction.

Question 2.
What is the RST for the TRAP?

RST 4.5 is called TRAP.

Question 3.
What are level-triggering interruptions?

RST 6.5 & RST 5.5 are level-triggering interrupts.

Question 4.
Which interrupt is not level-sensitive in 8085?

RST 7.5 is a raising edge-triggering interrupt.


The information on Microprocessor Notes is genuine and reliable and the above mentioned Books and Study Materials aim to help and enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject during preparations and at the time of examination. Students can refer and practice from the provided Microprocessor Books, Study materials, and Important Questions from this article.