Microprocessor 8086 Lecture Notes: Microprocessor 8086 is the product of Intel. It is the enhanced version of 8085. It was developed in 1976. This microprocessor is N Channel, 16 bit, and High-speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor. This microprocessor is packed in a 40-pin IC dual inline package. This version uses sixteen data lines and twenty address lines. It has a strong instruction set which helps in divisions and multiplications. It can be operated in both minimum and maximum mode. It is operated in minimum mode when only one CPU is used. However, it is operated in a maximum mode in the multiprocessor system. However, it was discontinued in 1998. This microprocessor later gave rise to the x86 architecture, which is one of the most successful processors of Intel. In this article, you will find the complete details about the syllabus, study materials, and reference books of Microprocessor 8086.
Also, visit the Department Wise Lecture Notes for Preparation.
Introduction to Microprocessor 8086 Notes
8086 Microprocessor is the developed version of 8085. It is a 16-bit microprocessor, having sixteen data lines and twenty address lines that provides up to 1MB storage which was designed by Intel. It has an enhanced instruction system. It is capable of transferring 16-bit data at a time of operation. Microprocessor 8086 can work on more than one information at a time. It can fetch other data while processing the first one. This is how this processor saves time. That is the reason the architecture of this processor is divided into two parts, BIU and EU. BIU fetches new information while the EU executes the older information.
Microprocessor 8086 Lecture Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
Microprocessor 8086 is different and better than its previous versions because of its fast execution. This processor has a total of 1 MB storage that is divided into four parts. This makes it easier for the programmer to understand the storage system. If you know the basic concepts of a microprocessor, it will not be difficult for you to understand microprocessor 8086. However, you must read study materials that are written in simple language and descriptive as well.
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Microprocessor 8086 Reference Books
There are several books on Microprocessor 8086 because it is an important subject in Engineering. However, there are a few things that you should check before buying a book for Microprocessor 8086. It would help if you considered books that are written in simple language because it is essential to understand the functions of microprocessor 8086 properly. These books will help you to understand the seemingly complex functionalities of microprocessor 8086. It will help if you buy the latest edition of books on microprocessor 8086. However, to solve all these issues, we have made a list of some important books on microprocessor 8086.
- The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey
- Microprocessor 8086 by Sunil Mathur
- The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware, and Applications: Including the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium Processors by Avtar Singh & Walter A. Triebel
- The 8086 Microprocessor by Kenneth Ayala
- Microprocessor 8085, 8086 by Abhishek Yadav
- Assembly Programming and the 8086 Microprocessor by Douglas Jones
- Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 by Ramesh S. Gaonkar
- Microprocessor by A.P.Godse and D.A.Godse
Microprocessor 8086 Curriculum
Before starting reading about microprocessor 8086, you must know the syllabus. For microprocessor subjects, it is important to understand the syllabus. The syllabus of microprocessor 8086 varies depending on the type of institution. However, the concepts of microprocessor 8086 remain the same. To understand this subject, you need to be patient and concentrated. Lecture classes are very crucial to learn microprocessor 8086 properly.
UNIT I: 8086 Architecture
Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor, 8086 Architecture-Functional diagram. Register Organization, Memory Segmentation. Programming Mode!. Memory addresses. Physical memory organization. The architecture of 8086, signal descriptions of 8086- common function signals. Minimum and Maximum mode signals. Timing diagrams. Interrupts of 8086.
UNIT II: Assembly Language Programming and Instruction Set of 8086
Assembler directives, Instruction set, macros, branch and call instructions, instruction formats, addressing modes, simple programs involving logical, string manipulations, sorting, evaluating arithmetic expressions.
UNIT III: I/O Interface
Interfacing to 8086 and 8255 PPI various modes of operation. Interfacing keyboard, D/A and A/D converter, display, stepper motor interfacing.
UNIT IV: Interfacing with advanced devices
Interrupt structure of 8086, memory interfacing to 8086, Vector interrupts table, Interrupt service routine.
List of Microprocessor 8086 Important Questions
- How many instructions can be executed in a second in microprocessor 8086?
- What are the differences between logical address and the effective address?
- Describe the microprocessor 8086 by Intel.
- What is the meaning of the data line and address line in microprocessor 8086?
- What are the works of BIU and EU?
- How does the size of stack pointer change?
- Write a short note on the interrupts of microprocessor 8086.
- State the size of the instruction queue in microprocessor 8086.
- How many flags are there in microprocessor 8086?
- Which microprocessor is quite similar to microprocessor 8086?
FAQs on Microprocessor 8086 Lecture Notes
Question 1.
What is called microprocessor 8086?
8086 Microprocessor is the developed version of 8085. It is a 16-bit microprocessor, having sixteen data lines and twenty address lines that provides up to 1MB storage which was designed by Intel. It has an enhanced instruction system.
Question 2.
What are BIU and the EU?
The architecture of microprocessor 8086 is divided into two parts, BIU and EU. BIU fetches new information while the EU executes the older information.
Question 3.
What is the storage of microprocessor 8086?
Microprocessor 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor, having sixteen data lines and twenty address lines that provides up to 1MB storage.
Question 4.
What are the modes of microprocessor 8086?
Microprocessor 8086 can be operated in both minimum and maximum mode. It is operated in minimum mode when only one CPU is used. However, it is operated in a maximum mode in the multiprocessor system.
The information provided above regarding the syllabus and study materials for the microprocessor 8086 will help in your study. If you have any other questions regarding the study materials of microprocessor 8086, please let us know in the comment section.