Java Programming Language Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Fudamentals of Object Oriented Programming Java

Java is a High-Level Language designed by Sun Microsystems. It runs on a variety of platforms such as Mac OS, Windows, various versions of Unix. In this BTech Geeks Java tutorial, you will learn all about what is meant by Java, Topics Covered in the Language, Why one should learn the Programming Language Java, Applications of it, etc.

What is Java?

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language for building web and desktop applications. It is the most popular programming language and a language of choice for Android Programming.

List of Java Programming Topics

Here is the list of Java Topics that you must learn while learning about the language. All you have to do is simply click on the quick links available here to get a good hold of the concept.

  • Java Introduction
  • Java Flow Control
  • Java Arrays
  • Java OOP (I)
  • Java OOP (II)
  • Java OOP (III)
  • Java Exception Handling
  • Java List
  • Java Queue
  • Java Map
  • Java Set
  • Java I/O Streams
  • Java Reader/Writer
  • Additional Topics
  • About Java Programming
  • Why learn Java?
  • How to learn Java?
  • Java Resources

Java Collection

Java Miscellaneous Concepts

Java Topics

Java Strings

Java Operators Topics


JDBC Tutorial

Servlet Tutorial

JSP Tutorial

Prerequisites for Learning Java Programming Language

Before you begin learning about this programming language we are sure you are aware of some of the Computer Languages. We have designed Java Tutorials for Beginners in a way that people with little or no coding language can use these notes. You can avail these notes online for free and learn about the most powerful programming language.

Why Learn Java?

Learning the Programming Language Java is a must for those who want to start their career in Software Development Domain. Below we have outlined the benefits of using this Programming Language. They are as under

Object-Oriented:  We can easily extend Java as it is based on the Object Model.

Platform Independent:  Java isn’t compiled into the platform-specific machines rather it is done in independent byte code, unlike other programming languages. Byte code is distributed across the web and JVM interprets irrespective of the platform it is being run on.

Simple: It is quite simple to understand and you can master the language if you are aware of the Java OOPS Concept.

Architecture Neutral: Java Compiler generates architecture-neutral object files making the compiled code executable on various processors taking the help of the JVM.

Portable: As it is architecture-neutral and there are no implementation dependant aspects Java is portable. Compiler in Java is written in ANSI C and has a clean portable boundary.

Robust: It takes an effort and removes the errors by emphasizing the compiler time and run-time checking.

Hello World Program using Java

public class MyFirstJavaProgram {

/* This is my first java program.
* This will print 'Hello World' as the output

public static void main(String []args) {
System.out.println("Hello World"); // prints Hello World

How to Learn Java?

You can learn the programming language by using any of the methods listed below that you are comfortable with.

  • You can get started with our tutorials on java for each and every topic.
  • You can visit the Java Official Documentation to learn about the Programming Language.
  • The other way to learn the Programming Language is to write a lot of code and practice it.

Types of Java Applications

There are 4 main types of Java Applications in total and they are outlined as follows

  • Standalone Application
  • Web Application
  • Enterprise Application
  • Mobile Application

Standalone Application: These are also known as desktop applications or web-based applications. It is traditional software that we need to install on every machine. We use AWT and Swing in Java to create Standalone Applications. Some of the Examples of Standalone Applications are Antivirus, Media Player, etc.

Web Application: An application that runs on the server-side and creates a dynamic page is called a Web Application. We use JSP, Servlet, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JSF, etc. technologies to develop web applications in Java.

Enterprise Application: Application which is distributed in nature likewise banking applications is known as an enterprise application. It provides load balancing, clustering, high-level security. We use EJB to create Enterprise Applications in Java.

Mobile Application: An application that is used for creating mobile devices is known as a Mobile Application. Android and Java ME are used to creating Mobile Applications.

Java Platforms/Editions

There are 4 platforms/editions in Java. We have mentioned all the editions in brief here. Have a quick glance at them

1) Java SE (Java Standard Edition): It is a Programming Platform and has APIs such as java.lang,,  java.sql,, java.util, java.math, etc. You can get core topics such as OOPs, String, Exception, Regex, Inner classes, Multithreading, Networking, I/O Stream, AWT, Reflection, Swing, Collection, etc.

2) Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition): It is an enterprise used to develop both web and enterprise applications. It is built on top of the Java SE Platform and includes the topics such as Servlet, Web Services, JSP, JPA, EJB, etc.

3) Java ME (Java Micro Edition): This micro platform is used to develop mobile applications.

4) JavaFX:  You can develop rich internet applications and uses a lightweight interface API.