Java Program to Subtract Two Numbers Using Recursion

In this article we are going to see how we can subtract two numbers using recursion by Java programming language.

Java Program to Subtract Two Numbers Using Recursion

Method-1: Java Program to Subtract Two Numbers Using Recursion By Using Static Input Value


  • Store two numbers in two variables.
  • Call the user defined method sub( ) to find the difference and store it. The method sub() decrements both the numbers by 1 using recursion until the smaller one reaches 0. Then it returns the other number.
  • Print the result.


import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class Main
    // Recursive method to subtract two numbers
    public static int sub(int num1, int num2)
        // Returns the difference when num2 reaches zero
            return num1;
            // calls the function by decrementing both numbers by 1
            return sub((num1-1),(num2-1));
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int num1 = 29, num2 = 15;
        // Call the method and store the result
        int dif = sub(num1,num2);
        // Print the result
        System.out.println("The difference between "+num1+" and "+num2+" is "+dif);

The difference between 29 and 15 is 14

Method-2: Java Program to Subtract Two Numbers Using Recursion By Using User Input Value


  • Ask the user to enter two numbers in order.
  • Store two numbers in two variables.
  • Call the user defined method sub( ) to find the difference and store it. The method sub() decrements both the numbers by 1 using recursion until the smaller one reaches 0. Then it returns the other number.
  • Print the result.


import java.util.*;
// Main class
public class Main
    // Recursive method to subtract two numbers
    public static int sub(int num1, int num2)
        // Returns the difference when num2 reaches zero
            return num1;
        // calls the function by decrementing both numbers by 1
            return sub((num1-1),(num2-1));
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Taking user input
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        // Ask the user to enter two numbers
        System.out.print("Enter two numbers to subtract ");
        int num1 = sc.nextInt(), num2 = sc.nextInt();
        // Call the method and store the result
        int dif = sub(num1,num2);
        // Print the result
        System.out.println("The difference between "+num1+" and "+num2+" is "+dif);

Enter two numbers to subtract 10 5
The difference between 10 and 5 is 5

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