Java Program to Reverse a Number by Using Recursion

In the previous article, we have discussed about Java Program to Find Nth Power of a Number by Using Recursion

In this program we are going to see how to reverse a number using recursion by Java programming language.

Java Program to Reverse a Number by Using Recursion

Let’s see an example to understand it more clearly.

Assume a number n = 94371
Then the reverse of the number = 17349

Now let’s see different ways to reverse a number by using Recursion.

Method-1: Java Program to Reverse a Number By Using Static Input and Recursion


  • Declare an integer variable ‘n’ and initialize it.
  • Call a user defined method reverseNumber() method and pass the Integer ‘n’ as parameter.
  • Inside the user defined method we will check if the the number is 1 digit number then print the same number ‘n’.
  • Else if the number is greater than 1 digit then recursively call reverseNumber() method to extract the digits and print it.


public class Main 
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //declare an integer variable ‘n’ and initialize it
        int n = 94371;
        System.out.println("The reverse of the number "+n+" is:");
        //calling reverseNumber() method to reverse the number

    //recursive function to reverse a number        
    static void reverseNumber(int n)
        // if the number is 1 digit number then print the same number
        // if the number is more than 1 digit number then recursively call reverseNumber() method and print the remainder

The reverse of the number 94371 is:

Method-2: Java Program to Reverse a Number By Using User Input and Recursion


  • Create a scanner class.
  • Declare an integer variables say ‘n
  • Prompt the user to enter the values for the integer.
  • Declare an integer variable ‘n’ and initialize it.
  • Call a user defined method reverseNumber() method and pass the integer ‘n’ as parameter.
  • Inside the user defined method we will check if the the number is 1 digit number then print the same number ‘n’.
  • Else if the number is greater than 1 digit then recursively call reverseNumber() method to extract the digits and print it.


import java.util.*;
public class Main 
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create a scanner class
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
        //declare an integer variable ‘n’and initialize it by user input using scanner class.
        int n = sc.nextInt();
        System.out.println("The reverse of the number "+n+" is:");
        //calling reverseNumber() method to reverse the number

    //recursive function to reverse a number        
    static void reverseNumber(int n)
        // if the number is 1 digit number then print the same number
        // if the number is more than 1digit number then recursively call reverseNumber() method and print the remainder

Enter a number: 
The reverse of the number 73810 is:

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