GCD recursion java – Java Program to Find Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers by Using Recursion

Prerequisite: Recursion in Java

GCD recursion java: In the previous article, we have discussed about Java Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Using Recursion

In this program we are going to see how to find GCD of 2 numbers using Recursion by Java programming language.

Java Program to Find Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers by Using Recursion


Find gcd java: A method calling itself is called as recursive method, and the technique is known as recursion.

Lets assume 2 numbers A = 10, B=15

So the GCD(10,15) = 5

Factor of 10 = 1,2,5,10

Factors of 15 = 1,3,5,15

Common factors of 10,15 = 1,5

Hence GCD(10,15) = 1*5 = 5

Now let’s see different ways to find find GCD of 2 numbers in an Array by using Recursion.

Method-1: Java Program to Find Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers By Using Static Input and Recursion


  • Declare and initiate an integer variable ‘a’ as 10
  • Declare and initiate an integer variable ‘b’ as 15
  • Call a user defined method calculateGCD() and pass the ‘a’,‘b’ as parameter.
  • Inside the user defined method, check if the 2nd number is zero or not. If the 2nd number is 0 then return a, else call the same method as “calculateGCD(b, a%b)” and return the value to the main method.
  • Now the value of the user defined method calculateGCD() is stored in an integer variable say ‘gcd’.
  • Print the gcd of 2 numbers.


import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Main 
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //declare and initialize an integer variable a
        int a = 10;
        //declare and initialize an integer variable b
        int b = 15;
        //call the method and store the value inside an integer variable say ‘gcd’
        int gcd = calculateGCD(a,b);
        //print the result
        System.out.println("The GCD of two numbers "+a+", "+b+" is: "+gcd);
    //calculateGCD() method
    static int calculateGCD(int a, int b)
        // check if b is not equal to 0 then call the method recursively. Else return a
        if (b != 0)
            //calling the method recursively
            return calculateGCD(b, a%b);
            return a;

The GCD of two numbers 10, 15 is: 5

Method-2: Java Program to Find Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers by Using Recursion By Using User Input and Recursion


  • Create object scanner class.
  • Declare two integer variables say ‘a’ and ‘b
  • Prompt the user to enter the valuess for ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively.
  • Call a user defined method calculateGCD() and pass the ‘a’,‘b’ as parameter.
  • Inside the user defined method, check if the 2nd number is zero or not. If the 2nd number is 0 then return a, else call the same method as “calculateGCD(b, a%b)” and return the value to the main method.
  • Now the value of the user defined method calculateGCD() is stored in an integer variable say ‘gcd’.
  • Print the gcd of 2 numbers.


import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Main 
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create scanner class object
        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter the 1st number:");
        //declare an integer variable ‘a’ and take the value as user input 
        int a = s.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter the 2nd number:");
        //declare an integer variable ‘b’ and take the value as user input 
        int b = s.nextInt();
        //call the method and store the value inside an integer variable say ‘gcd’
        int gcd = calculateGCD(a,b);
        //print the result
        System.out.println("The GCD of two numbers "+a+", "+b+" is: "+gcd);
    //calculateGCD() method
    static int calculateGCD(int a, int b)
        // check if b is not equal to 0 then call the method recursively. Else return a
        if (b != 0)
            //calling the method recursively
            return calculateGCD(b, a%b);
            return a;

Enter the 1st number:
Enter the 2nd number:
The GCD of two numbers 78, 97 is: 1

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