In the previous article, we have seen Java Program to Find the Common Strings in Two String Arrays
In this article we will see how to find a missing number in an array using Java Language.
Java Program to Find a Missing Number in an Array
Array is a data structure which stores a fixed size sequential collection of values of single type. Where with every array elements/values memory location is associated. Each array elements have it’s own index where array index starts from 0.
In Array set of variables referenced by a single variable name and it’s array index position. It is also called as a container object which contains elements of similar type.
Declaration of an array:
dataType[] arrayName; (or) //Declaring an array dataType []arrayName; (or) dataType arr[];
Instantiation of an Array:
arrayName = new datatype[size]; //Allocating memory to array
Combining both Statements in One:
dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[size] //Declaring and Instantiating array
Initialization of an Array:
arrayName[index-0]= arrayElement1 //Initializing the array ... arrayName[index-s]= arrayElementS
Combining all Statements in One:
dataType arrayName[ ]={e1,e2,e3}; //declaration, instantiation and initialization
Let’s see different ways to find a missing number in an array.
Method-1: Java Program to Find a Missing Number in an Array By Using summation formula (Static Input)
- Static array taken.
- Calculate the sum of first n natural numbers as
arraySum= n*(n+1)/2
- Traverse the array from start to end.
- Update the value of sum as
arraySum -= array[i]
- Return the variable
public class MissingNum { //Driver method public static void main(String[] args) { //An array declared and initialized int[] arr = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}; //findMissing() method called System.out.println("The missing number is : "+ findMissing(arr)); } //findMissing() user defined method //it willfind the missing number public static int findMissing(int arr[]) { // calculating the sum upto n integers int arraySum = (arr[arr.length-1] * (arr[arr.length-1] + 1)) / 2; for (int i : arr) { arraySum -= i; } return arraySum; } }
Output: The missing number is : 3
Method-2: Java Program to Find a Missing Number in an Array By Using summation formula (Dynamic Input)
- Dynamic array taken.
- Calculate the sum of first n natural numbers as
arraySum= n*(n+1)/2
- Traverse the array from start to end.
- Update the value of sum as
arraySum -= array[i]
- Return the variable
import java.util.*; public class MissingNum { //Driver method public static void main(String[] args) { //Scanner class object created Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number of elements in the array : "); int n = sc.nextInt(); int[] arr = new int[n]; // initializing the array elements System.out.println("Enter Array elements : "); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arr[i] = sc.nextInt(); } //calling the findMissing() user defined method System.out.println("Missing number is : "+findMissing(arr)); } //findMissing() user defined method //it willfind the missing number public static int findMissing(int arr[]) { // calculating the sum upto n integers int arraySum = (arr[arr.length-1] * (arr[arr.length-1] + 1)) / 2; for (int i : arr) { arraySum -= i; } return arraySum; } }
Output: Enter number of elements in the array : 5 Enter Array elements : 1 2 4 5 6 Missing number is : 3
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